Prayer Summary for March 19


The following prophecy was given by Kenneth E. Hagin:

We’re moving up now into the things of God! And I heard the Spirit say, there will come further revelation along these lines, but it has to come line upon line, precept upon precept. And as it comes, men and women will flow with the Spirit, and there will be such a manifestation of My power and My glory and My Spirit and My anointing in these days—in this decade in which you live—that it will startle men.

Now many who are on the fringes of the move of God will draw back and say, “Ahhh, that’s fanaticism. No, we can’t go with that. We believe in doing things in a nice, sedate manner.” Never, never, never feel resentment toward others who may criticize you or who may speak against you. Never allow the least bit of resentment or ill will or bad feelings. But walk on, walk on in love. Walk on in power. Walk on in the Spirit. Walk on with the Lord, and He’ll come unto thee and manifest Himself unto thee. And it is even written in the Holy Scriptures that His coming unto us shall be as the rain.

And so the Holy Ghost will fall, and the power of God will be in manifestation, and great shall be the reward thereof. And many shall be blessed, and great and good days stand just ahead. Walk on. Yea, ye shall see, for the glory of the Lord shall appear unto thee.

But most will move with the Spirit, and all will acknowledge, “There are miracles happening over there. I guess God just saw fit to have mercy on them.” But no, they saw fit to flow with God. And they saw fit to go with God. And His glory will fill that temple.

Many will say, “I just don’t go along with those things. We have a pretty good church here. God has put His approval upon us.” But yea, saith the Lord of Hosts, I only put My approval upon that which lines up with My Word.

Get into the Word and let the Spirit open the Word to you. Not only unto your mind, but get the revelation of it in your spirit. And your spirit will be more alive unto the things of God. And He, through your spirit, will be able to teach you, and admonish you, and direct you.


Father, everything we do—all of our services and outreaches—are to reach the lost
Your work is about calling men to Yourself and making hearts and bodies whole
Help us to see that and not think that we are here for ourselves!
Lord, pour Your heart into our hearts that we would run for what You run for
Give us the passion Jesus had for people!
Empty us of everything that is not of You
We pray for the lost, Lord!
There are so many souls who have yet to know You
The sent ones must go each to his called place
Lost souls, wake up!
We are calling you in!
Thank You for what You are doing in and through us, Lord
For making adjustments in us and leading us every day
You have made us to be the light to reach out to those who don’t know You!
We worship and love You, Father!

The remainder of Morning Prayer was spent in praising and worshiping the Lord.

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