Prayer Summary for January 8


ALL things are possible through the name of JESUS!
We stand on the power of Your name, Jesus!
Jesus, be Jesus in and through us!
We turn our eyes and hearts to You
Through Your blood, You have made a way for us
We receive the steps and plans You have prepared for us
Today, we receive a fresh touch and an impartation of You
Lord, we take our seat in heavenly places with You
Thank You for the healing that we have through that precious name!
Things that are not right be made right in Jesus’ name!
Hidden things be revealed and uncovered!
We are not defeated because the best days are yet to come
Tuning in and tuning up
We tune out all inaccuracies and lies
Receiving a greater revelation of Your love
Praying over every single member of the Church
There are many that are still to come in
Lifting up the laborers who are out in the fields
Praying over the feet of the Church, for her to walk each step with accuracy
More evidence of Your power in these days
We continually knock, call, and expect
Calling some things to be straightened out!
Devil, we come against your crooked ways, lies, and words
You must stop in your maneuvers in the name of Jesus!
The Masters’ plan is to bring change
There are many things to come and things to be seen
Resources to carry out the call—every need met according to Your riches in glory
This year has been declared as the year of GREATER!
Pleading the blood over the leaders and positions of authority
Declaring we will not go into a ditch, but will stay the course!
Praying over every low place and we call it up and made smooth
Every high place be lowered and smoothed out
Mysteries will be revealed for the time has come for the Church to move out into greater
Lord, we bow and humble ourselves before You!
We repent!
Thank You for Your grace that You have given freely!
We are thankful for the Holy Spirit and the work He is doing on the earth
Lord, we welcome Your presence into the darkest places on this earth
We stand in the gap for churches that don’t know about Your presence
Believing for eyes to be opened!
It is time for a greater revelation of Your plan for these days
We declare that by Jesus Christ the Church is standing on her feet
Calling for new opportunities to come
Situations that have gone from bad to worse are turning around now!
Father, we depend on You entirely!
Only through You can we do all things!
Declaring the name of Jesus over every family!
Jesus, we exalt and magnify You!

Scripture Focus…

(1) “And while they [Peter and John] were talking to the people, the high priests and the military commander of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them,… (7) And they set the men in their midst and repeatedly demanded, By what sort of power or by what kind of authority did [such people as] you do this [healing]? (8) Then Peter, [because he was] filled with [and controlled by] the Holy Spirit, said to them, Rulers of the people and members of the council (the Sanhedrin), (9) If we are being put on trial [here] today and examined concerning a good deed done to benefit a feeble (helpless) cripple, by what means this man has been restored to health, (10) Let it be known and understood by all of you, and by the whole house of Israel, that in the name and through the power and authority of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Whom you crucified, [but] Whom God raised from the dead, in Him and by means of Him this man is standing here before you well and sound in body. (11) This [Jesus] is the Stone which was despised and rejected by you, the builders, but which has become the Head of the corner [the Cornerstone]. (12) And there is salvation in and through no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by and in which we must be saved. (13) Now when they saw the boldness and unfettered eloquence of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and untrained in the schools [common men with no educational advantages], they marveled; and they recognized that they had been with Jesus. (14) And since they saw the man who had been cured standing there beside them, they could not contradict the fact or say anything in opposition. (15) But having ordered [the prisoners] to go aside out of the council [chamber], they conferred (debated) among themselves, (16) Saying, What are we to do with these men? For that an extraordinary miracle has been performed by (through) them is plain to all the residents of Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it. (17) But in order that it may not spread further among the people and the nation, let us warn and forbid them with a stern threat to speak any more to anyone in this name [or about this Person]. (18) [So] they summoned them and imperatively instructed them not to converse in any way or teach at all in or about the name of Jesus. (19) But Peter and John replied to them, Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you and obey you rather than God, you must decide (judge). (20) But we [ourselves] cannot help telling what we have seen and heard.”
(Acts 4:1,7–20 Amp.)


The following confession was read during Morning Prayer:


The Name of Jesus is above all names.
The Name of Jesus is greater than every name.
The Name of Jesus has authority
in Heaven, in the earth, under the earth.
The Name of Jesus has authority at the throne of God.
The Name of Jesus gives me authority
over the demons of hell.
The Name of Jesus belongs to me today, in the earth.
For “… if two of you shall agree on earth as touching
any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for
them of My Father which is in heaven.
For where two or three are gathered together
in My Name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Jesus is here.
He’s here to see that my prayer is heard and answered.
He’s here to honor what I say—for “If you ask anything
in My Name, I will do it.”
His Name has authority.
He has authorized me to use that Name against my
enemies—all of hell, all demons,
sickness and disease, oppression and depression,
and sin, as well.
So, in the Name of Jesus, I am free.
I declare my freedom today.
For Jesus has set me free.
And all that He has done, and all of His power,
and all of His authority, and the might of all of His
conquests are invested in the Name.
And that Name belongs to me!
I’m more than a conqueror through Him that loved me
and gave Himself for me.
So I take the Name and I walk victoriously.

Continued Praying…

We will focus our eyes even more on Your Word!
We bring to our remembrance the prophecies You have given us corporately and individually
Praying over the churches and ministries
Applying the blood over each one of them and the pastors and leaders
Calling for heavens plan to come forth
Help us to be single-minded!

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