Prayer Summary for February 17


Thank You for that glory, for Your presence, Father
We are hungry for more of You, Lord
Expecting and looking to those things You have called us to walk out into
Not in our own strength but with You, we can do all things!
Walking those things out according to Your will and Your plan
Trusting and yielding to more of Your presence
We are so thankful, Father, for those things You have already done
Greater manifestations of Your glory
We hunger for a greater revelation of what You have called us to do, Lord
Receiving directly from You, Father


The following prophecy was delivered by Jerry Savelle:

Word of the Lord for 2014

Never stop celebrating what I’ve already done; now expect Me to do the greater and it will come. 2014 will be known as the year of the greater!

I’m ready, saith the Lord, to do a new thing, the likes of which you’ve never seen. My glory shall come in such a way, that you’ll stand in awe and begin to say, “My God, my God, I never knew that I would get to see this side of You. Such splendor, such power, and magnificence too, no wonder the earth will bow down to You. The prophets said these things would come to pass, and now they’re here, at last, at last! The greater glory they spoke about, we’re in it now, let’s shout, let’s shout!”

A new wave of His glory is what shall be seen, for this is His plan for 2014.

The following prophecy was delivered by Kenneth E. Hagin on July 8, 1989:

A Glory Yet to be Revealed

That’s yet to be manifest.
There’s a glory that’s yet to be revealed.
There’s a power that is yet to be in operation. Hallelujah.
We’ve seen a little speck of it here and a little speck of it there.
And [tongues] satisfied to stay where you are.
Satisfied to stay where you are.
Satisfied to stay where you are.
Satisfied to stay where you are.
Satisfied to stay where you are.
Stir up yourself and be satisfied only with the dissatisfaction that has to be satisfied again and again.
Move on with Me, saith the Lord of hosts.
There’s a word that must be done.
There is a ministry that must be accomplished before the coming of the Son of Man.
True, the time of the end is at hand.
True, on the horizon of time, you see those things happening in the world.
Wars and rumors of wars.
And pestilence, and famines, and earthquakes in diver’s places.
Men’s hearts failing them for fear.
For looking after the things that are coming to pass upon the earth.
When you see these things begin to come to pass.
And certainly they have begun to come to pass.
Lift up your heads and rejoice.
For your redemption draweth nigh.
There’s a work, there’s a ministry that must be accomplished.
There’s an army that must ARISE!
Yea, I am preparing an army for these last days.
You have a part in that preparation.
There are leaders that I am preparing.
And He said unto me, “You must stand in the forefront to direct them and to lead them.”
And He’s saying unto you, “Will you be one?”
For there are not only officers in the army of the Lord.
But there are foot soldiers.
And every one is a soldier in the army of the Lord.
Hear ye, hear ye what the Spirit is saying unto the churches.
For these are the last days.
Blessed be Your holy Name.

The following prophecy was delivered by Mark and Trina Hankins on May 13, 2001:

“So you must launch out into the deep. For there are some things waiting there that they’re not gonna come to where you’re at. Some of you say, ‘I wonder when that blessing’s gonna come here?’ It’s not coming to where you’re at. You’ll have to take steps forward to get there. You’ll have to launch out into a place in the Spirit that you haven’t been before. And you’ll have to declare and move out and thinking changes and talking changes. For surely in this hour you’re preparing the way. And the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed and shall come right down that way. So do not draw back, and don’t even look back. For it is a new day,” saith the Lord. “And you are pioneering a way in this hour and in this generation. You’re pioneering the way, making the way. For there are many that are waiting behind you that they’ll walk in your footsteps. So, therefore, don’t draw back and don’t look back. In this hour, you must go forward,” saith the Lord.

“So do not stay in a lower place, but rise up into a higher place. For I’ll enable you to rise up, that you lift out your wings and begin to soar. Move up. Move up. Move up. Move up. Move up into a higher place. Move up. Move up in the Spirit. Move up. Move up in your talking. Move up. Move up in your praying. Move up. Move up. Go on up. Go on up a little higher because things look a lot different from up here,” saith the Lord. “So move on up in the Spirit, for from this higher place you’ll be able to influence much, a much greater territory and a much greater area. So you must move, move up, move up. For I’m strengthening you for this hour,” saith the Lord. “And I’m enabling you and you are enabled, and well able to possess the land. So do not defeat My purpose with your own thinking and your own words, but say and speak words that agree with what I’ve spoken to your heart. For now as you speak, then surely the word coming out of your mouth, mountains and hindrances that have been there for many, many years, hindrances, be removed. Mountain, be removed. Be gone. You can’t stay there. And believe, and speak, and declare. For surely, the way of the Lord is being made clearer to your understanding. Hallelujah.

“For you shall break forth on the right hand and break forth on the left hand and break out into new areas and new territory. For surely that is why even the enemy has fought so much at this point, because this is a strategic place that must be taken. So, therefore, take it now. You know how to take it. Take it now and don’t look back. For surely it’s time for a breakout and a going forward and a moving farther. So, therefore, break forth in your own spirit. Break forth into joy. Break out in your rejoicing. Break out in your expectation. For surely the limits that have been put there were not put there by Me,” saith the Lord. “For the enemy would desire to keep you in this place. But now you shall break out. Break out. Go forward. Break out. Break out. Break out. Break out.” (Laughter)

Continued Praying…

Thank You for the days we are living in, that we can trust in You
Holding fast to Your will and to Your Word, Lord
Continually moving forward and calling those things that be not as though they are
We will continue to contend for more and more of You, Father
Calling for those things to be lined up in Jesus’ name!
Those hindrances are being moved out and moved away
You are making a way where there seems to be no way!
Thank You for the work that was done on the cross
We know that today is a new day and we will rejoice and be glad in it
Stepping out into new positions, new territories, and new levels in You, Lord
We will be led by Your Spirit
Walking in one accord, You have called us to be united together for one purpose
Each and every believer will step up and take their places
There is momentum in Your Spirit, O God
Your glory is surrounding us, today
We will work together and will step into greater places in You
Pressing ahead into the new, and we will be sustained by Your Spirit
Focused and tuning into those things you have sent our way
Our eyes are opened to see those things more clearly
Operations of and by Your Spirit
Walking out and walking into those positions we have not yet seen
Holding fast to those things You have put in our hearts
Pleading the blood of Jesus over every detail
Hidden plans are being uncovered and revealed
Supernatural increase and strength to go in that way!
Open, open, open!
Those things are lining up to Your Word in Jesus’ name!
Jesus, that name is above every other name
Calling for eyes to see, ears to hear, and feet to walk those things out
Casting down every evil work of the enemy; Devil, we bind you in the name of Jesus!
Greater manifestations, greater revelations, and greater insight are on the horizon
Not yielding to the doubt of this world
We will not be status quo, we will be and do what You have called us to, Lord
Every seed that has been planted is and will produce a harvest
Calling for unity in the body of Christ
Covering every believer with the peace of God, peace that surpasses all understanding
Casting down all fear, doubt, and anxiety
We reverence Your presence Father
Giving You all the glory, honor, and praise today

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