Prayer Summary for August 6


Lord, we worship You
You be exalted and praised
We lift Your name high, Jesus!
You are showing and making the way now
We pray the right way would be opened up
Today, all we need is You, Lord!
Staying steady as we pray out further
Calling for revelation and understanding
We are prepared to go through the open door
Moving steady in Your Word and being attentive to Your way
There are things that must be prepared for this time
Others awakening to the plan
They will bring their supplies and momentum will grow
Not leaning on static quo, but staying moving ahead and contending for more
Calling for things that are not as though they were
Because of the power of the blood we say, “NO! Evil, be removed!”
Watching over the access’s, that they would be revealed and uncovered
Enemy plans, you shall not come this way!
The blood is against the very source of that!
It is all through and by the mighty name of Jesus!
Father, illuminate that to our spirits
Declaring EVERY hidden thing stopped in its maneuvers!
Your voice shall not be heard
Prayer is going out in front and uncovering the hidden things
The blood is making a way and the Church is going in that right way
Moving steadily ahead
Our nation’s connection with Israel is growing stronger!
Not being afraid but pulling in closer together
Going beyond
Father, thank You so much for the blood
It changed things we cannot change and it protects us everywhere we go!
Anointed words bring clarity, change, and revelation in every family and nation
We apply the blood over every ministry and pastor!
Help is coming from every direction
You get all the glory, honor, and praise, Lord!
Help us to be fresh and pure hearted in our thanksgiving
Thank You for the power and fullness of Your Spirit!

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