Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Pastor Ken…
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Great to see you guys. We’re live from the chapel here at Living Word Christian Center! Good morning to my online family.
Join Pastor Lynne for Prayer on Saturday evenings…
I have two things I wanted to mention. First, just a reminder if you haven’t heard … Pastor Lynne is going forward with leading a time of prayer at the end of our Saturday night service from the sanctuary. After Pastor Jim does the Saturday night service, she’ll be leading. So I invite you to join us for Saturday night service, 5 p.m. Central Standard Time. Pastor Lynne will probably begin praying approximately at 6:30, depending on how things flow. We’ll be streaming that online. So those of you who connect with us through our online campus, I encourage you to be a part of that as well and spread the word. Pastor Lynne has some very specific things she’s felt very compelled and inspired and feels like it’s an assignment from the Lord for us to pray out regarding these last days, in particular America, Minnesota, the church in general. So spread the word and be a part of that on Saturday evenings.
Become a host for our online services…
Secondly, because we have so many that join us online from all different places… and it’s a part of our morning prayer time that we stream through each of our three channels. It does require hosts and moderators and those who say “hello” and greet you online and pray with you and answer questions and are a part of that online or digital community of pray-ers and prayer that goes forth each day, Monday through Friday here from the chapel. And that’s a commitment. So I say thank you again to our online hosts. And I want to invite anyone who you consider morning prayer to be a place that you connect spiritually, that you bring a supply to whether it’s online or in this chapel. I want to kind of throw out an invitation to consider becoming an online host for morning prayer. That is something we do every day of the week. And we’ve got a team right now. But we’d like to build and grow that team even more. We’ll provide training. Our online church campus and leadership led by Pastor Trent Fletcher would reach out to you and connect with you and share more information on how you can become an online host. Be scheduled for morning prayer.
You don’t have to physically attend here at Living Word. You might be halfway around the world in Europe, California, East Coast of the United States, the Pacific Islands, whatever the case is, if you’ve got a laptop and a Wi-Fi connection, you can certainly participate and become a part of our Morning Prayer ministry team and become an online host. So, if it’s in your heart, let us know in the chat.
Do you realize just how good the Father is?
I was reminded the scripture says that God is good and He does only good. Psalm 34:8 says, “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” I don’t think we know the half of it as to how good He really is. We were singing, “I just want you.” He’s singing back to you, “I just want you.” He’s so good. He’s so generous. He’s so kind. He’s so merciful and so patient.
Why do we hold onto things?
Why do we hold onto shame? Why? We don’t need to. God’s for us. He’s with us. Not against us. Let go of the past. Let go of that which is an accusing voice within you. Let it go! Put it outside of you. Kick it to the curb. Say, “No! Not anymore. Because the Lord has been good to me.”
He’s forgiven us. He’s endowed us with His profuse favors. He’s endowed us with His overwhelming righteousness, a righteousness that is far above and beyond what we could attain in and of ourselves. He made us good because He is good. He made you worthy because He is worthy. He made you a target of His love and compassion and showers a blessing. You are the apple of His eye. You are the one that is eternally carved into the palm of His hand. He seeks you. He loves you. He wants only you.
Contrary to what religion has taught us, He doesn’t want you for what you can do for Him. He wants you simply because you’re His daughter, you’re His son. You and I are His children. That’s just a good reminder this morning.
I know when I was a young person…
When I was a young person, even as a child and as a teenager, I had some good people around me in my life that helped me to see that God was good and that He wasn’t up in the heavenly dimension with a giant fly swatter waiting to take me out with a swat at the slightest infraction. But instead, He was good and compassionate and a doting, loving heavenly Father. And that helped me as a young person while I had my own things I had to grow through and issues to overcome at times. What kept me coming back to following Him and staying with Him through my years thus far has been the understanding and the knowledge of the heart of the Father.
He’s more than a far-out cosmic deity on a power trip. He’s not that at all. He’s a Father. He chose to reveal Himself as a heavenly, loving, forgiving, patient Father. See that. Receive that. Apply that to yourself and those around you.
I do that often with my kids when I want to point something out to them. Like what would I like to… how has God treated and dealt with me? Usually it’s with love, kindness. I can remember one time in particular when I was in college going to the University of Minnesota and I was attending a meeting in St. Paul with an evangelist who was guest speaking. I’d never seen him, never heard of him before. And he called me out and had a word for me. And at that time, I was struggling in my life and I’m still walking with God. I hadn’t like totally become a prodigal or anything, but I still was making some mistakes. And this man called me out and began to share some things. And I thought for sure when he called me out that he was going to correct me. And the Lord’s just going to lay me out and make me an example of what not to be and what not to do. And I was going to become a greasy skid spot on the road of life after the Lord thumped me through this evangelist. Because I felt really condemned and frustrated and like a failure in some ways. And when this man began to speak under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he was nothing but compassion and love. And the Lord spoke to me about my future and the good things that He had prepared.
That is also the mother tongue of the Holy Spirit…
I’ve said that the mother tongue of the Holy Spirit is encouragement, but He is also the spirit of the future. And He is speaking over you with goodness and kindness this morning. He’s not caught up, infatuated, bore sighted on your mistakes or your mess ups… yours or mine. He sees through the blood of Jesus. And the blood signifies… the blood tells the story that you are forgiven, that the sin problem has once for all and for all time been taken care of so that we can proceed forward in relationship with Him.
Be a trophy on display for God…
So that we can journey out and put on display… that’s one of our callings in this lifetime, as well as in the one to come to be a people who are trophies of God’s goodness… a display case, if you will, of what God intended all along and had planned.
And so know that He’s not ready to condemn you.
No, there is, therefore, now no condemnation. As we read on Monday in the Passion translation, your case concerning sin and failure and your past, that case has been closed. The file has not only been put in a file drawer, in fact, it’s been taken out and thrown into a bonfire. The Bible says your sins have been removed as far as the east is from the west. We know that, right? It’s been cast into a sea of forgetfulness. He is not concerned about that mistake. He just wants you to come to Him and just live in His mercy and in His grace and in His loving goodness and proceed forward in prayer as a church, as individuals.
And I encourage you in that this morning…
Because one of the things I’m reminded of is that a lot of life is the “in between” seasons. When you read the writings of scripture, you think that, gosh, there was a lot going on in biblical times. Things were just popping and happening. God was visiting, miracles were showing up, prophetic words were being given, prophecy was fulfilled. It seems like things were happening all the time. But the truth is there were many years and decades and even centuries between acts of God or answers or the prophetic or a miracle.
And in our lives too, I think it’s important to remember that we must continue in His goodness. But know that God is speaking to you regarding your future. And the thing that says to my heart as I walked in here this morning is the Lord’s reminding us to prepare your heart and be ready for breakthroughs. Be ready for answers. You may have been going through an in-between season for some time now. I believe the church has been as well. So I think collectively and individually, we are stepping into a season of furtherance, a season of fullness, a season of answers, a season of breakout and breakthrough.
Let us not lose heart or grow weary…
Another verse that I was thinking of this morning is in Galatians 6:9. It says this in the Amplified Classic, “And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right.” I like to say it’s important for us to do the right thing when wrong things are still happening. Don’t let the wrong things happening around you dictate your decision. Dictate how you choose to live today. Do that by faith, by what you believe in what God’s Word has said. “So let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time… just like there was a due time for Jesus to be born through Mary onto planet earth. Just like there was a due time for the Holy Spirit to be poured out initially in that upper room on the day of Pentecost. Just like there was a due time for the jail cell doors to swing wide for Paul and Silas at the midnight hour. So too there is a due time for you and that prayer and the answer to come for you and that miracle, for you and that increase, that promotion. There’s a due time.
So don’t grow weary…
Stay encouraged. Stay stirred up in your heart, in your prayer assignments. God is active and alert and about His business in the spirit dimension. And I sense that He’s saying “Get ready. Posture yourself. Position yourself to receive.” Really… You’ve already received it if you’ve released your faith. The Bible says when you pray, believe that you receive when you ask. But posture or position yourself to see the result, to see the answer, to naturally receive the breakthrough, the promotion, the new house, a new assignment in prayer perhaps that He sends you on. Get ready! There’s greater fruitfulness. You’ve not come to the end of it. Regardless of your age or what you’ve been through or the mistakes you’ve made previously. He doesn’t see that. He sees only potential. He sees only what He has designed for you and me to experience, to walk in and to do. And that is greater things.
We’re entering into an hour of opportunity…
Will you be aware of that and ready to take advantage of that? Let me read a quick devotional to you from Tim Sheet’s book, “Prayer and Decrees That Activate Angel Armies.” Where he talks about some of these things.
Tim Sheet, “Prayer and Decrees That Activate Angel Armies”
“It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit can instantly download revelation that is extensive. Sometimes it’s like trying to get a drink from the fire hose. The Holy Spirit spoke to me at one point with a bold voice inside of me and I wrote as quickly as I could. The Lord said, ‘My church is now entering the times when prophetic words are intersecting their moments in accelerated ways. Prophetic words are intersecting their fullness of time, their due season.’
“Faith is saying the same thing that God has said to you from His Word. If you haven’t heard from Him in your heart, then just grab a hold of one of His promises and say what He said about you from the promise of His Word and keep saying it. They have come, the church, to their activation moment and their assignment will now accelerate forward.
“This was similar to the word given to me on June 20, 2017, when I was awakened at three o’clock in the morning with the Holy Spirit saying, ‘My church is now entering a fullness of time, a fresh new Pentecost will now be poured out. The precedent set in its foundations will now be seen in the remnant and everything in My kingdom will now accelerate.’ Begin to decree that the apostolic precedent in My first church will now accelerate. Be encouraged. Everything is accelerating. I know many do not see it because troubling times tend to fog it up. But in Christ’s kingdom, it is building and building quickly. I sense the sound of many waters. Things are building, things are collecting, things are coming together. I suppose that’s why the New Testament writer said ‘Very well for the culmination of all things is at hand. Be circumspect, be aware, be available for the practice of prayer.”
Pastor Ken…
Prayer allows you to get on board and go with God. Prayer allows you to accelerate. It opens up the door from the spirit dimension to your dimension, earth dimension to experience the supernatural. Will you go with Him? He wants you and I to walk in the supernatural in this hour. He wants us to be that trophy case of what could be and really should be on the earth, through the church, through you. He wants to put Himself on full display. That’s what we’re praying about when we pray for the glory. God, that you would come and put yourself on full display. Because what’s needed is not another man inaugurated, natural initiative. What’s needed is the supernatural. What we need is God to come from heaven to earth in a fresh way to a generation that is lost in many ways and hopeless, facing unprecedented circumstances and challenges that the world has not seen and some haven’t even been reported on yet. That are going to be downright scary.
But Jesus reminds us…
“Don’t fear, don’t fret, don’t worry for I’ve overcome all of that. I’m with you. I’m for you. I’ll not leave nor forsake you. Even under the end of the age.”