Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Pastor Jim…
Don’t wait until you get a bad report to meditate on scriptures…
I got a call from someone that I hadn’t talked to in 11 years. And his world had just come crashing down… crashing, crashing, crashing. But it just made me realize how fast things can change on you. And I do not believe in order to minister to someone that you haven’t talked to… you don’t know what they believe, you don’t know where they are at. You really have to be Spirit led. It made me realize how when things like that come against us, how it makes such a difference if you’re already strong in the Word. It seemed like this person was starting from the bottom. Brother Hagin used to say “Don’t wait until the bad report comes before you start healing Scriptures.” You should be doing 10 minutes of healing scriptures a day. That way if a bad report comes, you are already at a point where you can deal with that. Mentally it does something too.
But you’ll see that these prayers that I’m doing with you, a lot of them are pointed at ourselves. Because if you are not in a good position, if you do not have relationship, or if you are oppressed and depressed, or you have major issues, how much less effective does that make you?
You’re less effective if you’re messed up…
We can sit here and pray for countries and leaders and all we want, right? But if you’re messed up, you’re that much less effective. And so I’ve noticed that these prayers, I don’t even want to do it. I’m like, “Lord, this is corporate prayer. We’re supposed to be doing this and we’re supposed to be doing that. And this is what they do in there. And this is not where the direction that it’s gone.” I think the direction is the mental, physical, and spiritual health of this staff, this congregation, and all the members of this congregation and the people watching online.
The Pauline prayers…
The epistle prayers that Paul prayed for the church at Philippi shows us what and how to pray as Christians. And the prayer that we pray together, you’ll hear bits and pieces out of different translations as Philippians 1:6 and then 9 through 11. And right before that prayer, he prays for that church and the Christians, and it’s put in the Bible to show us how to pray.
Philippians 1:7 says, “Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all because I have you in my heart.” That’s a deep statement in itself because what do we want? We want through this prayer to get each other in our hearts, the congregation in our hearts. “In so much as both in my bonds.” He was a prisoner at that point. “And in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you’re receiving grace.”
20th Century translation uses the word defending and establishing the gospel. That is what we’re doing today in the spirit… defending and establishing the gospel.
Another translation: Defending and vindicating the gospel. And he says it right before a prayer for this church. That’s how Christians in the New Testament looked at it, day in, day out. They had to defend it. You do not think we’re there today in this world. They had to vindicate it. They had to confirm it because it was being challenged. He speaks of it in that verse. When you do that, you have to be a receiver of grace, empowerment, favor you don’t deserve. This is what this prayer does when we do this. We are defending the gospel. We are shutting down attacks on the gospel. We are making a way for the gospel… a bigger way, a larger path, a straighter path.
So, Lord, as we come to you today, we are confident in this very thing that you have begun a good work in this church over 40 years. You have begun a good work at Living Word, Brooklyn Park, Maranatha since 1979, the congregation here, every person that is praying with us online, the staffs of these four churches combined to one that you will perfect that work. You’ll perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ. That you will complete that work, that have that work ready, that this work at the four Living Word campuses and MCA will grow in your undeserved favor and your power. We receive that unmerited favor. We receive that empowerment that the Living Word and MCA staffs would grow in your grace. That this work would come to a full completion. We call a full completion in each individual life in this room today. Staff members that are not here, congregation members that are not here… fully completed.
What we’re asking, Lord, is for this congregation and the body of Christ as a whole to dominate… that you would enlarge our steps. No slips… with more compassion. Softer hearts to the world… toward the body of Christ… tender affections… knock the corners off those affections… make them tender and sensitive. Make them discerning. Discerning affections as the heart pants and longs for the water brooks, so we pant and long for a deeper heartfelt affection for you…
Increase the hunger of the church, increase the hunger of the staff, give us the affection of Jesus Christ Himself for others in this church and the people of the world. That our love would abound… more and more … that our love would continue to grow stronger. Overflowing love … a never-ending constant flow, overflowing love in unity …
We bind the principalities and the powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world. We bind the spiritual wickedness in high places from our seat of authority in the heavenlies.
A spirit of division in the body of Christ, we bind you as a whole and Living Word as a whole. Any spirits that would come between Living Word Brooklyn Park, Living Word Northwest, Living Word Iglesia Espanol, Living Word online, MCA … that would come between the churches and the Twin Cities that would come between Living Word…
We bind that critical spirit, that competitive spirit, that judgmental spirit, that divisive spirit… and we pray for the body of Christ and the Twin Cities and Minnesota to unify. We speak unification in the spirit, which translates in the physical. We pray that our love would overflow in all knowledge… that our love would overflow more and more in all discernments. It would be a discerning love.
We pray that our love would overflow for others in understanding, a love wrought with wisdom… a love that would overflow for others … a perceptive love…
Callings not being fulfilled…
There are calls not walked out in this room… callings, assignments… into the saddle… in the position.
Some people think they’re there. You’re not there! There’s another call. My dad was just told 10 years ago, he hadn’t even begun his call. Billye Brim was Kenneth Hagin’s tape duplicator in her thirties.
We must take care of ourselves…
I once heard my dad talking about a high-profile minister and he was having major health problems. And my Father was saying, we see this often in the ministry because they don’t take care of themselves personally with a spiritual protection in regards to spiritual health. Lifting that up to God because they’re so wrapped up with what they have to do in their ministry.
In other words, if we don’t cover ourselves in regard to prayer, if you don’t ask, it doesn’t happen for you. If you don’t speak to your mountains, your mountains aren’t going away.
So we speak over this congregation over every member, over our families… We cover them all in the name of Jesus.
As we speak these confessions together over ourselves, view it from a perspective that you’re speaking it over others. And so I know this is in a morning prayer kind of thing, but there’s power in this. What we’re about to do. Let’s just say this. You’re going to see a list come up on the screens.
You have forgiven all our iniquities; You have healed all our diseases; You have redeemed our lives from destruction; You have satisfied our mouths with good things so that our youth is renewed as the eagles. (PS 103:2-5).
Lord, You have blessed our food and water and have taken sickness away from us. Therefore, we will fulfill the number of our days in health. (Ex 23:25,26).
We will not die but live and declare the works of God. (Ps 118:17).
In Jesus’ Name we forbid our bodies to be deceived in any manner. Body, you will not be deceived by any disease germ or virus. Neither will you work against life or health in any way. Every cell of our bodies supports life and health. (Matt 12:25, 35a).
Our immune system grows stronger day by day. We speak life to our immune systems. We forbid confusion in our immune systems. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us and quickens our immune systems with the life and wisdom of God, which guards the life and health of our bodies.
Body, we speak the Word of Faith to you. We demand that every organ perform a perfect work, for we are the temple of the Holy Ghost; therefore, we charge you in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of His Holy Word to be healed and made whole in Jesus’ Name. (Prov 12:18).
God, Your Word says that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Therefore, on the authority of Your Word, we bind every force that has set itself against our financial prosperity. We hereby declare all curses against us null, void, and harmless. We are redeemed from the curse of poverty. We are free from oppression. We now loose the abundance of God, and all that rightfully belongs to us now comes to us under grace in a perfect way.
In Jesus’ name and on the authority of His Holy Word, we call these debts PAID IN FULL. Debt, we speak to you in Jesus’ name: BE PAID AND BE GONE. Dematerialize and CEASE TO EXIST. We now declare that all my debts, LW’s debts, mortgages and notes are PAID IN FULL, CANCELED OR DISSOLVED.