Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Pastor Jim…
Making mention of you in my prayers…
In Ephesians 1:16, Paul’s about to pray for one specific church. And he says, “I do not cease to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers.” Paul… when I prayed this prayer that’s coming up, I’m mentioning you as a group at Ephesus. So what this means is when we mention organizations, when we mention Living Word Brooklyn Park, Maranatha Christian Academy, Living Word Northwest, Living Word Iglesias Espanol, Living Word online, it means they’re covered. Everyone there that’s connected. He didn’t mention every name of this church, but he covered this church and effectively prayed for the people in this church. And you see him doing that multiple times in these prayers.
Lifting our voices together in one accord…
And just to remind you, in Acts 4:24, when the early church prayed… this is one church altogether. It says, “When they heard what Peter and John had to say, they lifted up their voice to God in one accord.” In one accord. And so this is in one accord. It’s one big powerful prayer with everyone online. Everybody’s faith connected. You get part of my faith and I get part of yours. I get your faith, you get mine.
Prayer of thanksgiving for His sacrifice…
And so, Lord, we thank you for what you went through in Gethsemane, sweating blood for us, for the questioning that you received… they punched you… they blindfolded and spit on you… for the stripes that ripped through your body so we can be healed and whole… for the thorns that were beaten into your head… for trying to carry your cross… for laying down on the cross… for the nails that went through your hands and feet for our sins… for being separated from the Father so we would never have to be separated from the Father… for becoming every sin we’ve ever committed… for dying and bringing those sins to hell… for being raised from the dead.
We raise our voices together in concert…
Today, we unanimously lift our voices up to you together. We’re unified in the spirit as we raise our voices in concert, as we join in united prayer, as we raise our voices as one man. That means one body. We call upon God. We are moved by a common impulse.
Praying in the name of Jesus Christ…
As we come to you today, Father, in one body, one company, one mind. I just want to cover up front so we don’t have to say it over and over. We pray this all in the name of Jesus Christ for Living Word Brooklyn Park, Maranatha Christian Academy, Living Word Northwest, Living Word Iglesias Espanol, Living Word online. We’re talking about their staffs, Lord, these congregations, even people on the fringes of these congregations. We’re covering every single person watching online. We’re making mention in our prayers.
Making mention in our prayers for government…
We pray for the US and Minnesota Supreme Courts, US and Minnesota House of Representatives, US and Minnesota Senates, President Biden, Vice President Harris, Governor Waltz, the nation and land of Israel, the people of Israel, the government of Israel.
And you know, Lord, the theme today is for your power, is for your presence, is for your strength to invade these governments, these organizations, all the services of these churches, all the people that are connected to these organizations, churches, events.
We ask for your power in every single way through the gifts of the Spirit flowing, which is just one part… word of wisdom, word the knowledge, discerning of spirits, gift of special faith, gifts of healings, working of miracles, tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy.
Praying to see the full measure…
We thank you for your wisdom. We thank you for the scope of your plan. We can ask to see more of that scope, the incredible significance of that plan that you have. And we understand that through this combined body and prayer today, you said it in Ephesians 1:23. “Together in the body,” we are the full measure of you on this earth. We are supposed to be the full measure on this earth. Help us to operate out of the full measure… more of an instrument, a weapon to accomplish your purpose. We have to have more power, Lord.
That you would enable us through your inexhaustible resources. Help us to tap into your inexhaustible resources … of your incredible perfection to be strengthened. Starting in our innermost selves. Give us an infusion of strength in the depths of our being.
Let us understand what’s really there. Make us stronger with power infused into our innermost nature by the Holy Spirit into the very core of our beings, that our spirit man would unleash what needs to be unleashed in regards to your power.
Off the leash…
Off the leash! Such a simple thing. Unleashed means no limits… your unlimited resources to make us stronger, stronger as a company, as a church, as a school, as a nation.
Father, we’re talking about the deep well within each one of us here today, where actions and habits are formed and thrown out.
Increase our capacities to touch you, increase our capacities to dive deeper into the spirit. Day in, day out. Look for it. Want it. Be hungry for it. Increase our hunger.
Praying against apathy…
I bind any spirit of apathy in the body of Christ… in this church, in the staff. Make our temples bigger in the spirit. Is it a small temple? Is it a little house? Or is it a castle? Is it a stronghold?
Allow us to receive and hold more of you that out of the stores of your goodness and your gracious heart, which can never run out, never be exhausted, that each and every one of us would be mightily strengthened by the effectual operation of the Holy Spirit, increasing in every grace
Prayer about multiplied grace…
Is grace multiplied for you? Or are you just getting a little bit? Because it could be multiplied. You see that all the time… multiplied grace. That means you can get less than multiplied. Not just power, but penetrating power coming from our innermost… not from above, from inside. Show us how to access our inner man… all day, every day. Show us how to hear the new creature…
Prayer about our inheritance in Christ…
Why? For infinite power to work through us, person to person in these organizations, that we would be made staunch with this power… endow us with the knowledge of your privileges. More knowledge, more wisdom, more understanding. Why? Just because we’re your children, that’s our inheritance. It’s not supposed to be something we have to work for.
Give us the courage and the boldness to uphold and maintain and spread your privileges. Transcend all limits. The greater works that Jesus talks about … transcend what we’re doing. We’re asking for a transcendence… not in the fall. Now!
Greater works in souls, transcending all limits in souls for this church… far in excess of our imaginations… bring it to the point where it’s transcending all limits.
Prayer about limitless…
The word limitless is just flashing in my mind… a limitless scope… in the name of Jesus Christ we pray for access to resurrection … access to the strength and power you demonstrated when you raised Him from the dead.
You promised that in Ephesians 1… that we would come to know and understand it. What? The same power that you demonstrated, that you worked in Christ when you raised Him from the dead. Paul prays that we will come to know it and understand that kind of power.
We receive access to the supreme authority that we may realize that power that is in us, that’s great beyond all measure…
We pray that the power will invade the US Senate and Congress… the same power when you raised Him from the dead.
We’re asking, Father, to operate in the services at this church to be overflowing with transcendent greatness of your power.
We kick down those walls of socialism and communism and that agenda in the name of Jesus Christ in our country.
Operating from an overflow…
We’re asking that you would operate from an overflow, give us ministry out of the overflow… but we have to be overflowing to do it… overflowing with transcendent greatness of your power in the name of Jesus Christ.
That we would come to realize and understand that we are sons and daughters, that we have already been quickened, that this is our inheritance unto life and consciousness.
// Our blood pressure is 120 over 80. The life of God flows in our blood and cleanses our arteries of all matter that does not pertain to life. (Mark 11:23).
// Our heart beats are normal. Our heart beats with the rhythm of life, carrying the life of God throughout my body restoring LIFE AND HEALTH ABUNDANTLY. (John 17:23; Eph 2:22).
// We have a strong heart. Every heartbeat floods our bodies with life and cleanses us of disease and pain. (Ex 23:25; Mark 11:23).
// I command our blood cells to destroy every disease germ and virus that tries to inhabit our bodies. I command every cell of our bodies to be normal IN Jesus’ Name. (Rom 5:17, Luke 17:6).
// Every cell that does not promote life and health in our bodies is cut off from its life source. Our immune system will not allow tumorous growth to live in our bodies in Jesus’ name. (Luke 17:6; Mark 11:23).
// We are redeemed from the curse of the law and our heart beats with the rhythm of life. The spirit and life of God’s Word flows in us cleansing our blood of every disease and impurity. (Prov 4:20-23).