Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ms. Annie led us singing Faithful You Are

♪ Faithful You are
Faithful forever You will be
Faithful You are
All Your promises are yes and Amen
All Your promises are yes and Amen

We will rest in Your promises
Our confidence is Your faithfulness
We will rest in Your promises
Our confidence is Your faithfulness ♪

Ms. Jeani…

Even today we say to You, Father, “Why not us and why not now?”
And You respond “Yes and Amen”
Father, You are faithful now, You are faithful to us
You are faithful to Your Word
All of Your promises, every single one is Yes and Amen right now, today

Ms. Annie sings…

♪ So we will rest in Your promises
Our confidence is You and Your faithfulness
We will rest in Your promises
Our confidence is You and Your faithfulness ♪

Ms. Jeani…

So let’s just think about the mystery of this for a moment
Jesus, the moment before He was about to be crucified and finish the finished work
He asked those closest to Him to pray with Him
The Creator of the universe, the Savior of the world asked us to pray with Him
To agree with Him
He wants a deeper relationship with all of us
Just to fathom that God would ask us to pray with Him before the most important moment that He was entering into
The moment of greatest suffering when He asked the Father “Why have You forsaken Me?”
He said “Would you pray with me?”
And even right now, He draws us in to the “Yes, and Amen”
He draws us in to a deeper, wider expansion of His “Yes and Amen” today
His “Yes and Amen” for America
His “Yes and Amen” for Living Word
His “Yes and Amen” for our leadership
His “Yes and Amen” for your body
His “Yes and Amen” for your finances
His “Yes and Amen” for your family
His “Yes and Amen” for the dreams He has put in your heart
He draws us in and He says “Would you pray? Would you believe?”
And we say Yes! Yes! Yes, we believe You!
We receive fullness today, we let hope rise up
We let our expectation be high because all Your promises are “Yes and Amen!”
You are faithful, You can’t help it, It’s Who You are – You’re faithful!
And You never say no to Your promises

Ms. Annie sings…

♪ We say yes to Your promises
Our confidence is You and Your faithfulness
We say yes to Your promises
Our confidence is Your Lord and your faithfulness
Lord, we say yes, we say yes, to Your promises
Our confidence is You and Your faithfulness ♪

Ms. Jeani…

We say no to disappointment and we say yes to You
We say no to the past and we say yes to You
Because You are the author and the finisher of our faith!
You are our Abba! Daddy to Your children!
And we say yes to Your promises! and when we say yes to Your promises!
We agree with Your YES!

Right now today – why not us? Why not now?
All Your promises are “Yes and Amen!”
We do not rely on our own understanding – we put our confidence in You, Daddy
All Your promises, every promise is “Yes and Amen”
We have ears to hear! We hear! We give heed to the new things that You are doing
You make a way in the wilderness
Where there is danger, where it looks like “Which way do I go?”
He makes the way, the Way lives in us
We have the Way, the Truth, and the Light in us
And He makes a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert
The contrast of His goodness is light that shines in the darkness
Rivers in the desert, living waters in you, in me, in the Church, in America
In France! Thank You, Father!
So, glad! All of Your promises – Why not us? Why not now?
He responds “Yes and Amen”

Father, we thank You so much for the opportunity that You have given us
That You would ask us to pray – what an honor
And we thank You for agreement
We thank You that You have already agreed with us regarding Your promises
And we respond and agree with You
Why not us? Why not now? And You say “Yes and Amen”
Thank You, so thankful

Scripture focus…

On behalf of President Donald Trump and his family, on behalf of the body of Christ, on behalf of America, on behalf of France and Israel I am going to pray out of Psalm 91.

(1) He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].
(2) I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!

Thank You, Holy Spirit, as You draw our president and his family in, he influences others in the high places of government. He influences them to lean on and rely on You.

(3) For [then] He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.
(4) [Then] He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings shall you trust and find refuge;

The enemy cannot touch Donald Trump and his family because he is covered. Because he is covered, he is drawing more to You more and more every day. More and more every day he hears Your voice. He hears Your voice and responds with wisdom. Father, we thank You for that. Even our tongues accomplish far and beyond all we would dare ask or think on behalf of President Donald Trump and his family, on behalf of America.

(11) For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience and service]. Psalm 91:1-4, 11 (AMPC)

Ms. Jeani…

We speak obedience and service over him! The supernatural ease of obedience and service over President Donald Trump, over Ivanka Trump, over Jared Kushner – we speak the supernatural ability with supernatural ease. This is the easiest day they ever had in leadership today! The supernatural ease of Your grace over President Donald Trump and his family! He ungirds the loins of kings! President Donald Trump, every evil way is being dismantled, as you continue to walk in the ways of the Most High, the ways of the Most High God. You receive and revel in the prayers of the saints. You welcome the prayer of the saints. You love to receive from God! The greatest advocate of the Kingdom of heaven coming to earth – President Donald Trump! For such a time as this you were called, President Donald Trump. You, you, you, you were called! The modern day Cyrus! The greatest advocate thus far.

Thank You, Father, for Holy Ghost decisions that break the shackles that have kept America bound
Are now broken in the precious name of Jesus
He makes a way, He’s made the way!
And we perceive it, we recognize and acknowledge it today Father
Dreams coming to pass in every person
Every dream no longer a dream but now something in our hands that must be stewarded to advance the Kingdom
We declare America not only great again but in her finest hour
Our judicial system in it’s your finest hour – legal mandates of the Most High!
Courage to rise up on behalf of the justice of the King of kings and Lord of hosts
Declaring over every judge courage to act from Holy Spirit’s promptings
Holy Spirit, I thank You that You shut the mouths of evil in the court systems today!
And we thank You that the mouths of righteousness are wide open! Open Wide!
Living Waters flowing! Cleansing and bringing life
Life that astonishes the Church first!
Let the Church be astonished! With Your goodness!
And let them carry Your goodness and Your greatness everywhere they go
And it begins on a brand new level today, today, today – right now
Let the Church receive the revelation that she has authority over time
She does not have to let time rule her!
Because the One that created time, lives in her
And so we tell hindrance and delay to get out of the way!
We rest in that, we rest that all Your promises are “Yes and Amen”
Seed time and harvest – the Church gets her mind off of time and onto harvest
Even today as we pray, we keep our minds on the harvest!
Our tents have been enlarged on the inside as we wait on Him
We wait on Him and He enlarges America’s tent and she is now prepared to carry the glory of God
We are glory carriers! Thank You, thank You, Father!

Father, we keep our minds on You right now
Let every disappointment, every disappointment with hindrance, with delay
Let it wash away today – we shut the door on those things
And even as we leave the chapel today, we bring Your promise
We bring Your “Yes” we bring Your “Amen” with You
In our thinking, in our doing – which is You through us
Daddy, Daddy – we are Your children! We are made in Your image
In all of our ways, we acknowledge Your “Yes and Amen” today

I have so much for My kids – Acknowledge My love for you!
Acknowledge My goodness! Acknowledge right now!
Acknowledge My now! Acknowledge My today!
Today I made for my precious, precious powerful ones!
I made it for you, rejoice and be glad in today with great expectancy
Expect! Expect and reject hindrance, reject delay
Yes, My timing is perfect and you wait on Me and receive today
We receive today, Father

The day you were born, I rejoiced. The dreams I put in your heart are My dreams. Hold onto, contend with Me. Believe, expect, watch and pray. For the dreams I put in your heart are My dreams too. You honor Me when You keep the dreams I put in Your heart. We tell those dreams to rise up right now. The dreams that God has put in the hearts of the people of the saints, dreams that include schools, dreams that include families, include dramas and music, businesses. Dreams, dreams, dreams… they weren’t meant to just be there. They were meant to be seen, to be heard. They were meant to speak to the world, to confound the wise! So, acknowledge Me in ALL YOUR WAYS! And rejoice today! It’s the enemy that has been telling you to let go of the dreams that are My dreams that I put in your heart! Behold I do a new thing in the desert! Do you not perceive it? Do you not perceive it?! We say “We perceive it!” We say “We see it!”

Everyone just put your hand on your heart right now. Holy Spirit, we invite You in to minister to the dreams that You put in our hearts, and we invite You in to take off any crust! Anything that would keep those things from coming to pass and we would dare with supernatural courage to let those dreams rise up in us with a confident expectation of Your goodness knowing, knowing that there are people on the other side of those dreams manifesting. Knowing that if that dream doesn’t come true, it doesn’t come true for You either, Jesus. The joy set before You – us living out Your goodness.

Ms. Annie led us singing…

♪ He Who holds the stars, Who calls them each by name
Shall surely keep His promise to you that you’ll rise in victory
You will rise in His victory, You will rise in His victory ♪

Brother Mike prays…

Father, we choose today to be thankful in every situation that we face
Lord, we are not thankful that we can figure it out
We are thankful that You have already provided every answer that we are going to need
Thank You, Lord, that we don’t have to beg You for anything
Because You have already provided it
We just have to see Your goodness in every situation today
And we choose to see everything that You have accomplished for us
Father, we are thankful that the Greatest One lives in us
We don’t have to strive to get anymore of Him
Because You gave it all at the Cross
You said “Yes” at the beginning and at the Cross You said “Amen – it’s already finished”
So, Lord, we choose in every situation, every challenge we face
From something big down to just annoying things
That we can be thankful of Who You are and what You have put in us today
We are thankful that You created things that completely blow our minds
And You enjoy doing that because we are Your children
Father, regardless whatever we are facing today, there are people with needs and there are people that are actually doing really awesome, regardless of where we are in that spectrum, we are thankful
That when we have victory, we are thankful
And when we are facing defeat, we are thankful that You never gave up on us
You can’t give up on us, You are love and we are created for You
There is nothing we are facing today that You didn’t see coming
And already provided an answer
So, Lord, we walk boldly and confidently in that
Even if our soul is shaking, we tell it to praise the Lord!
If our mind is spinning, we say settle down – because of who Jesus is
In everything we give thanks because Your mercy it endures not for the next three hours or until something is done, no – it’s forever
Thank You, Father, that You have given us the ability to think even what forever looks like
Even though our finite minds might not be able to grasp it
Our spirits leap and jump for joy because they live in eternity right now with You
So, Father, we thank You that You have given us life today
You have given us breath in our lungs, You have given us vitality to our bones and muscles
That we can walk confidently in You today knowing that wherever we are going
Even if it is by faith, You are there
Thank you everyone for praying with us today
And praise God!

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