We are expecting miracles, signs and wonders… abundance, abundance, abundance of joy, abundance of wealth…
Everyone’s life at Living Word Christian Center… abundance, abundance, abundance of joy, abundance of peace, abundance of love… good health in the name of Jesus… you’re a tree planted by the rivers of water …
I woke up a few days ago and heard very clearly, “Come unto Me. If you are thirsty, come unto me. Drink the water I give you and you’ll be thirsty no more. Drink this water, this water I give to you, you’ll be thirsty no more. As a matter of fact, He said, out of your belly, out of your inner man, flow the springs of water. Springs of living water.
I heard it and meditated on what He was trying to tell me. Come unto me, sit down and read My Word. Sit down, put this in you, My Word. That I can do all things. You are more than conqueror. You can do all kind of words put inside you. So when you go out, out of your belly, out of your inside flow for others. The living water get out when you go to work, joy, peace out of your belly.
So this morning I said, water. When I picked up the water, it says spring water. I was amazed by spring. He said water will spring, will flow. So when we go out, we can give it away. Fountains. Not be crabby. Not be bitter. We will give living water so other can get life. Hallelujah. Thank you, Father. You’re the living water, never dying. If you’re watching today, let the Holy Spirit fill you up with His joy, peace, and love.
Your attitude is like a flat tire…
Before I forget, I read this morning. He say your attitude… Thank you, Jesus. I read this is so funny. Your attitude is like a flat tire. It won’t change unless you change the tire. I was like, man, you gotta change your attitude. Father, we thank you that we have the mind of Christ. We don’t keep grudges, bitterness, unforgiveness. Oh, Father, we thank you. You are the living water. Hallelujah. And your mercies endure forever.
Sister Barb prayed…
And your mercies endure forever. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Father, for your mercies endure forever. Hallelujah. Even when we make a mistake, Father, that your mercies are there… Glory to God. For that which we don’t deserve, your mercy flows to your body, your mercy flows to your body today in Jesus’ name… We come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and grace today in Jesus’ name. Thank you, Father.
Even when we miss it, I thank you, Father, that your mercy and your grace come in… your mercy and your grace flow… That there’s no way, Father, that we can’t walk in your blessing because your mercy covers us and your grace covers us so that we can walk in the fullness of your glory… every single day in complete and total communion with you. Hallelujah. Hearing the voice of your Spirit, moving with your Spirit, flowing in the river of your Spirit in Jesus’ name…
Thank you, Jesus. You obeyed to the point of the cross so that we could receive mercy… you obeyed to the point of the cross so that we could have grace. Hallelujah… We lean on you, Holy Spirit. We lean on you. We rest in you … we draw strength from you today.
We take our place in you…
We take our place today in you by your grace, by your grace… by your mercy we stand in Jesus’ name. We stand in the place and position that you’ve called us to today. We stand in our calling today by your mercy, by your grace in Jesus’ name. We thank you, Father God… that you cause us to stand … that you cause us to prosper… that you cause us to overcome… that you cause us to exceed and to excel in these days in Jesus’ name… that there is no lack because of you… that there is prosperity and abundance because of you … because of your grace. Hallelujah. You lead us in the right way. You open the doors to us, Father… opportunities come because of you … because of your mercy… because of your grace… because of your goodness … Thank you. Jesus. Hallelujah.
You put joy in our spirit…
And we can rejoice in you because you put your joy in our spirit. Hallelujah. Yes, Father, we have a kick in our step. We have joy in our heart because of your mercy, because of your grace. We rejoice that you are on the throne. There is no other… there is no one who can stand against us. There is no one who can stand before us. We’ll not bow because of you … because you are in us … because you have filled us with your Spirit… you have given us your words to speak … glory to God. And those words of faith move the mountains… those words of faith move every hindrance out of the way. Hallelujah.
We receive a step up, an acceleration…
I thank you, Father God, that you are shaking things up today… Father God, you said … when Pastor Ray moved away, that we would step into a higher place in this prayer ministry, Father God. And we receive that today in Jesus’ name. If not now, when? If not now when? Father God, we receive today that step up in the spirit … we receive today that acceleration in the spirit in Jesus’ name… stepping up into new places… moving into new places and new graces by the spirit … new utterance, a new tongue, a new sound in the spirit…
It’s time to double up…
It’s time to double up… double up on your words… double up, double up, double up in Jesus’ name. It’s time to double up on your giving. It’s time to double up in Jesus’ name. It’s time to step into that increased flow. It’s time to step into the increase flow. Double up on your tongues. Double up on singing in the spirit. It’s time to double, double, double, double, double, double in Jesus’ name… move in the double… move in the double. Receive that flow of the double increase … that double, double, double in Jesus’ name.
Increase and expanding…
Increase, increase in Jesus’ name, increase in every area, increase in the name of Jesus … Pastors increase … pastors increase in Jesus’ name … capacity… the capacity is increased in you. Expanding, expanding, expanding in the name of Jesus.
Yes, the places you’ve called them to, the places you’ve called the body to, the places you’ve called this church and every church to in Jesus’ name… It’s time to come up, come up and walk in those high places…
A call to bring back those that have fallen to the side…
Angles… Yes, we call forth ministering spirits to go forth, go forth into the camp, go forth into the camp… raise up those that have been laying down… raise up those that have fallen to the side … in Jesus’ name, bring them back … bring them back into their places. Even those, Father, in the ministry. Although they are walking in the ministry, Father, they have stepped away because they have not seen… they have stepped away and they have drawn back… and, Father, speak today that they rise up, rise up, and press toward that mark… you press toward that vision in the name of Jesus. Do not let it slip away… you’ve been called for such a time as this … to move in the kingdom … to establish the kingdom in the earth in Jesus’ name.
Angels, angels, angels, angels… everyone in their place… everyone in their position in Jesus’ name… Some of you about to about face, about to change direction… take a 180 in your direction… So you’re moved in the right place … so that you’re turned and set into the right place in Jesus’ name…
People, support are being added to you…
People, people, people coming, being added to you… being added to you… to support your calling, to support you, to lift up your hands … to minister to you, to give to you, to speak to you in Jesus’ name… don’t be surprised about … out of the blue… out of the blue … they’re coming to you just like out of the blue, coming to you, coming to your place, coming to your place of business, bringing increase to you in Jesus’ name, bringing support .. and finances to you in Jesus’ name.
The Holy Ghost is bringing support…
Yes, yes, yes… the greatest support letter is a support letter by the Holy Ghost… The Holy Ghost bringing support … the Holy Ghost bringing people to you… the Holy Spirit calling them in … the Holy Spirit drawing them in … for that which He calls together and that which He builds… will not be put asunder … that which He builds the house that He builds… the ministry that He builds will not be brought down, will not be put under, will not be destroyed. Hallelujah. Oh, glory to God…
and it will not be shaken because it is a sure foundation. … Thank you, Father.
The glory will shine through us…
Thank you, Father, that when Jesus returns that we will be exactly as you expected us to be … glorious, glorious, glorious …the glory shining through us. as you Jesus, on the Mount of Transfiguration, the glory shown through you like beams of light. I thank you that that’s us in this earth in this time… your glory shining through every cell of our being shooting out to everyone around us. that we are lights, Father.
His anointing destroys the yokes of bondage…
Carriers of the glory … flames of fire … burning everywhere that we go… because it’s your anointing that destroys the yolks of bondage. Hallelujah. It’s your anointing … glory to God. I thank you that that flow of glory destroys every yolk of bondage that we come into contact with… removes every burden in Jesus’ name…
Grace, grace, grace… and mercy… grace and mercy. Thank you, Jesus.
You see out of her belly living water flowing. She’s flowing out of her belly living water. She talking about the pastors, how increase more and more and more. I made a list a few weeks ago when I was working. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Start blessing every pastor in the Living Word church.” Which we had done many times. But this is a special instruction for me. And so I start writing the names. I called Cindy and asked her to tell me the names of the pastors and how many we have. She said she’ll call me back. So I start writing, you know, Pastor Dustin, Pastor Folu. I wrote so many… 15, 16, so far. I bet there is more than that. So I started doing what in my heart to start the project. It’s my faith project. So I started. Now I reached 23 so far. But there are more. He said, he who began a good work. We just have to start it. He’s the finisher. If we don’t start, he cannot finish.