Pastor Ken…
We do praise you this morning. We honor you, Father. We magnify you, Father, and worship you at the outset of our day… in the midst of whatever circumstances we’re facing, whatever challenges we’re looking at. We behold you, Father, as triumphant and strong and mighty. And the one who always comes through.
Keep going…
I feel like that’s one of the things the Spirit of God is saying this morning, whether you’re joined with this online or in the chapel this morning, the Spirit of God is saying, “Keep going. Don’t relent. Don’t draw back. Don’t hesitate. Take another step today. Keep going. Even in the messy middle of whatever situation you find yourself in, in the mundaneness of life, just keep going. Keep going.
Keep going through whatever challenges you face…
Yeah, there there’ll be changes that need to be made. And there are some challenges in the way at times but keep going for God is good. And He is working and will continue to work to transform, to bring changes, to bring you into a breakthrough, to manifest His promise, and to work a miraculous act in your life. So keep going… keep going… keep going. Don’t hesitate. Don’t become distracted. Don’t look to the right or to the left but look upward and onward and into the face of your Redeemer Jesus.
Keep going until He takes you to where He’s called you to be…
The scripture reads in Psalm 91:14, Set your heart. Set your gaze. Fix your focus on the one, Jesus Christ. Fix your focus on Him. Set your love and your affection on Him, for He is your deliverer and He’s coming through for you today. He’s coming through for you. He’s sustaining you. He’s got you. And He’s gonna take you from where you are to where He’s called you to be. Just keep going. Keep working with Him. Keep responding to Him. Keep following Him. Pray another prayer. Take another step.
Let His Word rescue you and keep going, God’s got you…
Let the Word be planted in your spirit, in your heart. His Word has been sent to rescue you. So fight a good warfare with His Word. Take hold of His Word. Take hold of the prophetic. Whatever’s been spoken to your heart by the Spirit or spoken over you through the gift of prophecy, take hold of that. Use that to contend, to fight, to stay strong, to move forward. Don’t be controlled. Don’t be dominated or deceived by what you see alone. But instead let the Spirit of God fill you with perspective as He sees it for your future… for your now and for any given situation. Don’t quit. Keep going. God’s got you. He’s gonna see you through in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Good morning, everyone. My goodness, whether you’re in the chapel this morning or online somewhere across America, in another nation, on an island somewhere, wherever you reside, we speak blessing over you today. And we just pray and declare that God’s presence manifests Himself wherever you are today. And that even right now, you would just sense a stirring in your spirit of the very presence of God.
Prayer about taking us higher…
Once again, glory to God… up higher, up higher, Lord, take us up higher. We want to go higher in you. We want to go farther in you. We pray for an open heaven today over our lives and situations … over our churches and nations today.
Prayer about a great unleashing…
So open up and open wide… open wide your heart … open wide America … open wide church for the great unleashing… a great releasing … hahaha… Oh, more and more and more and more and more, more is coming… it’s showing up. It’s showing up… don’t you see it? don’t you perceive it? more, more rain, more outpouring… more manifestation of the glory and goodness of God… it’s picking up pace now … momentum… the plan of God is rising in the earth. Let it be stirred in your own heart.
Prayer about plowing…
Open wide door in Jesus’ name… open up, open up… We are plowing today. We plow that out of the way. We plow everything that is opposed to the will and plan of God. We plow it out of the way in Jesus’ name… And we pray, Lord Jesus, come, come, come in the way you desire to come …
Prayer for loosing angels to go on assignment…
Angels, we loose you and send you on assignment … be hustling now… be sent on assignment now, ministering spirits, and make the way, pull back the curtains, open up the portals of the Spirit of God… make a way where there doesn’t seem in our natural understanding or perception to be a way…
Prayer about a full release of God’s plans…
We pray for a full delivery, a full release… that that the plans of God would get through now … breakthroughs that they would get through now … that healings and miracles and transformations and ideas and concepts and new creative things in various arenas and realms… we pray them through now … Father, we pray for an opening and a full release and getting through now of the purpose, plan, and provision of God…
Prayer about leadership…
We pray for certain ones today, beginning in leadership in our nation, our city, our state, our churches… leaders, pastors, prime ministers, presidents… We pray for a full extension of the hand and the influence of God to reach those leaders, to influence them… We pray for changes in the attitude and in the perception and the decision making of leaders today… a sudden shift and change in their perception, in their vision…
Prayer about God having full extension…
With our prayers this morning, we pray that the hand of God would have full extension to reach right through the realm of the spirit… the veil between the realm of the spirit and the realm of the natural … Lord, that you would be able to reach and extend fully to connect with people today. People who are in harm’s way, people who are… this is that maybe even their last go around… they have one more chance to respond to salvation… to respond to the call of God… to respond to forgive, perhaps… whatever the case is, we pray that you would reach them today.
We pray for things, Lord, in the divine Providence of God that you’ve ordained for this hour, that perhaps you’ve tried to get to the earth… but it hasn’t come yet. We pray that those things would penetrate now and that those things would fall like rain now … we get behind the hand and plan of God and we pray for a full release, a full penetration, a full extension of the purpose, plan, and supernatural of God … not just in the church, but in the earth today … even where it hasn’t rained before, where it’s been dry as a bone spiritually… we pray for a supernatural precipitation of God, a raining of the Spirit… in places, in cities, on nations, in situations that have never experienced it in that way.
Prayer about hidden things…
Yes, Lord, even the secret things of God, those things that had been hidden and held for such a time as this. We pray for a telling, an unveiling, a revealing of the mysteries of God in this hour
Prayer to break strongholds…
Break it, break it, break it. We break every stronghold today that opposes the plan of God … we come against every wall of opposition that is hindering the church and trying to hold it in the status quo
We come at those strategies of the enemy today… we pray that there will be a highway now created straight on through now… through the mountain, if necessary… straight on through the obstacle, the hindrance… preconceived ideas, religion, the spirit of the world even. We make a way where there doesn’t appear to be way today.
Prayer about not giving up…
We pray for those ways, those pathways… I pray that over individuals this morning… don’t give up hope… don’t wave the white flag… don’t cower under discouragement… instead, let your heart be stirred up in Jesus’ name. We pray that God would establish a new pathway for you, out of that and into the new… into what He’s ordained for the days and months ahead…
Prayer about borders being removed…
Borders… borders are being moved… borders are being redrawn… the border of your life. You thought you had a particular border. The church thought it had a particular limitation, but the Spirit of God is rooting up, pulling up as the Old Testament said the tent stakes and repositioning the tent stakes and pulling out the borders to a new dimension, a whole new dimensionality in God
Prayer about a new vision…
We pray, Father, for new vision… new sightlines where we could only see a certain distance or so far or only in a blurry way or with a haze in front of us, we pray for a clearing up now of our spiritual perception and vision today for the church, for individuals…
Prayer about a long-distance view…
We pray for a long-distance view… that we would see straight through the activity of the enemy… straight through the haze and the blurriness of this age and this world … that you would just sharpen our perception… of the prophets and the teachers and the pastors and the leaders … sharpen the perception of our hearts, Lord, as pray-ers and believers.
Ephesians 2:10…
Scripture reads in Ephesians 2:10 that we are God’s own handy work. His workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew. In other words, you’re a new creature. You’re someone brand new in Him. The old is gone, in other words. The new has come. You are a God man. You are a God woman. You are in His lineage, created in His image. Given certain rights and privileges and positionings in the spirit that you would function, not as your old self in your old ways, but in a new way, a way of love. A way of prayer. A way of victory and success.
Prayer is a key to successful life…
It’s been said that one of the greatest keys to a successful prayer life is a renewed mind and a submitted body. So it goes on to say “born anew that we may do those good works, which God predestined or planned beforehand.” I’m reading this because this is what we’ve been praying about the last couple of days. “A pathway, works, things that God intends for us to carry out the plan of God.” He has a plan for you today. If there’s life in your being, there’s a plan. If there’s breath in your lungs and stride in your step, He’s got a plan today and it’s a good plan. And He intends that plan to go forth. There is no second thought in the mind of God or in heaven itself that the plan won’t be successful.
We must contend for His plan…
So He’s working with us as if we have already won. Because in His mind we have. He’s already predestined that we would walk in His plan. We must contend for the plan. We must pray the plan out to gain greater clarity and understanding. We must fight for the plan. As I said earlier, we must put everything behind us in this hour that does not contribute to the plan. And especially if it opposes the plan.
The enemy thinks so much of God’s plans that he opposes them…
As I said yesterday, the enemy thinks so much of the plan of God that he has chosen with his ranks and files of minions to try to oppose the plan of God. If he thinks that much of the plan of God for your life and what it can do, then how much more should we think of the plan of God today? We should wake up every day and say, “Lord, what’s up, what’s in your plan. What do you have for me to do?” At least be open hearted to Him, recognizing as we’re reading in Ephesians 2:10 in the Amplified, that you were born anew, that we may do those good works which God predestined planned beforehand, in other words, for us taking paths which He prepared ahead of time.”
God’s plan for you is good, not negative…
Aren’t you glad that He has a path for you that’s been prepared ahead of time today? He’s got good paths for you. It says nowhere in my Bible where He’s got negative paths. Oh, there may be some challenging things, some difficult things, some things we’ve got to persevere through, but His intent is to bring forth a plan that does good. In fact, when you step into the plan of God for your life, it causes other people to be drawn into the plan of God for their lives. When you pray, it will inspire and draw others to pray.
Many people aren’t experiencing what they should because they’re not in the plan of God…
So there is a plan. In fact, I’m convinced that many people aren’t getting what they need, aren’t experiencing what they should experience, doors aren’t opening where they should open, because they’re simply not in the plan of God. They’re in the plan that they have in their mind and what they want to do. But how many of you know, there comes a point when if you’re going to follow God fully, you’ve got to step over yourself. You got to step over your flesh, over what you want, over what you think, over what others even your family members have said to obey God, to follow Him. Because in His plan, these ways that have been mapped out and prepared ahead of time before you were born is everything you need, including protection, including breakthrough, and freedom and fullness of every aspect that is required for you to carry out your race of faith and break the tape eventually one day and say, “I finished the course. I’ve run my race, glory to God.”
God’s plan for us is always advancing…
So God is heightening our awareness now of His plan, not just some big highfalutin plan spiritually speaking for the church. And trust me, He’s got big plans. But the plan of God for you, for me, for your church, for that situation, God is always advancing. He is never stagnant. He is never stuck. He’s always leading us forward. So open your heart today. As pray-ers, we should be openhearted and perceptive and saying to Him, “Lord, what’s next? Where are you taking me? Where are you leading me?”
Or even something as simple as “Where am I convicted in my spirit?” Because conviction actually has been sent by God to prepare you. A lot of people ignore conviction. They put it off, they shrug it off. And as a result, it morphs into condemnation. When really conviction of the Spirit is meant to get our attention, to pray, to step out, to obey. So that we would be changed and can continue to advance.
Let’s marinate in that this morning…
And so just kinda let that marinate this morning. I think of myself, I think about all through the years and the steps I’ve taken in the plan of God, it doesn’t happen overnight. Life in the plan of God is back to back to back to back seasons. There are many different seasons and transitions. And I just think about how God is just faithful in leading us through the different seasons.
My personal destination wasn’t what I wanted…
When I started out, I had no intent to pastor or to speak in front of people. I really did not desire it. In my own self, I’m happy behind the scenes. But there came a day where I had to… I mean, honestly, it wasn’t even so much a decision as it was several days of praying when I was asked to do something publicly and I didn’t want to do it. Because years ago, I was much younger and I prayed for days to strengthen my spirit, to get myself in a place where I could obey God and step over my preference, over my flesh and move forward in advance in the plan of God.
Let’s step over those things that are flesh…
And I feel like maybe that’s some of us today, whether it’s maybe just a decision to step over your desire to sleep in and make a decision to build your prayer life. We’ve got to step over things oftentimes. In fact, in Luke 10:19, it says that He’s given us power or authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing showed by any means hurt us. It literally means not only tread, it means to step over. Where do you need to step over the enemy to advance in your prayer life? Where do you need to step over offence? We’re living in an hour where Jesus prophesied when He was on the earth, that there would be an epidemic of offense. And we’re seeing that everywhere. Where do you need to forgive and step over an offense? Where do you need to step over loss?
I’m not saying you don’t process and work through that and maybe get counseling if you need to or read some good books or whatever you need to do, God’s got a path for you to heal and to be restored and to be fully healthy, emotionally, spiritually in every regard. But one thing is for certain, He is sounding the invitation for us to advance in the plan of God. Because in the plan is everything our heart’s desire, everything that we need in every way.
I had to step over some things…
I was just thinking about my experience and how I have had to step over some things and how I have leveraged Proverbs 18:14 many times, which says “a strong spirit of a man shall sustain him through bodily harm and trouble.” One of the keys and one of the great benefits of prayer is that it strengthens you spiritually at your core. It builds you up in your most holy faith when you pray in your heavenly prayer language, right? And many simply aren’t advancing or simply aren’t in the will of God, perhaps because they’re not willing to step over something they’re facing in their life because they’re just not strong enough spiritually. And oftentimes His plans will be dormant and will just kind of … they’ll be there. He doesn’t take back His plan. That’s His plan for your life, period. But He waits until we take something as a simple step of just being consistent, praying in other tongues. Because not only does it unlock the plan of God and reveal His direction for you, but it strengthens you.
And there’ve been so many times where I knew that there was a step He was asking me to take. I knew He wanted me to advance and I flat out told Him, “Lord, I don’t know that I can do that right now. But I’ll begin to pray. And I’ll begin to yield my spirit over to you. And I’ll trust that you’ll give me the ‘want to.’”
God can give you the “want to”…
The Bible says He’s able to will in you to do His good pleasure and delight. In other words, He’s able to give you the “want to,” to do what He intends for you. And prayer syncs up… it allows you to begin to track and to vibrate with the frequency of God.
Be determined to stay in the presence of God and to pray…
Like I was just thinking yesterday, how I just have a desire to learn and to grow and to gain more revelation. And I thought, you know, that’s not a normal thing. I’ve been a Christian my whole life. A lot of Christians kind of at some point kind of flame out. Not saying that’s God’s will, it’s not. But I recognize that has something to do with my determination to stay in the presence of God and to pray. And it keeps me hooked up with heaven and vibrating at the frequency of the Spirit so that I desire revelation, to go in His elevator of revelation and let Him take me up every day to see what He sees. And to know what He knows. Which by the way is what Jesus did every day and was one of the great secrets behind the miracles, the signs, the wonders, the prophetic, the words of knowledge, the work of God that we saw in His life on the earth at that time.
It’s time to advance…
His spirit is emphasizing these things. It’s time to advance. And so for me, I didn’t know a lot of things, but I knew I needed to pray and give myself to prayer. And I’ve recognized through the years when I’ve given myself even extra time to prayer, taking the initiative upon myself.
Brother Hagin was always advancing…
And really, I learned it from brother Kenneth Hagin. I recognized that when ministry was done and the church doors were closed, at least when I read his books and I heard his messages and when he visited Living Word and I heard from him, I recognized something about the pattern of Kenneth Hagin’s life. He didn’t just stop when he left the public eye. He continued to fast, to pray, to go down to the church or office and pray for hours and days at times, and even months for things to ask for wisdom, to ask for direction, to seek, to knock, to pursue something of God.
He took the initiative to step over himself and what he wanted and how he wanted to use this time to seek God. And as a result, my goodness, he had such revelation and wisdom that we’re still drawing on and gleaning from to this day and will forever I’m sure because he tapped into something. He drew something out of heaven. Not just because he was called Kenneth Hagin, but because he prayed and sought the face of God.
John G. Lake…
John G. Lake, said one time, “Let the man of God, let the woman of God go way out into the realm of the spirit and come back with a message.” We can do that every day. We have a replete or an overflowing account of what we need in the spiritual dimension with our name on it. It’s up to us now to step over ourselves, to step over what’s in our way to put behind us to turn our back on whatever is opposing us from praying, from pursuing God from the plan of God.
I mean, just go back into Matthew 16:21 and read the account where Peter opposed the plan of God, with what he said to Jesus. And Jesus said to him, “Get thee behind me…” not Peter… “Satan.” He recognized an opposition to the plan and will of God. And He turned His back and said, get behind me. He put it out of doors, so to speak.
Sometimes we’ve got to get violent…
We’ve got to be that violent in this hour, spiritually speaking, when it comes to these things. If we’re going to advance, if we’re gonna step fully into the plan of God, and pray out and connect with heaven in the way He wants us to individually and collectively. Because God is pressing down. I said it before. I’ll say it again. He’s pressing down on the accelerator of His purpose in this hour.
Are you going to go with Him…
Are you gonna go with Him? He doesn’t want any of us to be left behind. Are we gonna go with Him? I jotted this down last night. “Prayer is our spiritual rocket fuel that enables us to break free from the gravitational pull of our flash and this world.”
So prayer strengthens you, inspires you, imparts to you supernatural courage to do what you can’t do in and of yourself, even if it’s just to keep going.
Much of the secret of experiencing what God has for you, even if it’s just a simple breakthrough in some way, or freedom from something that has dogged your way for years is just to keep going. And the strength of God’s Spirit will help you do so.