- “Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist”
Pastor Ken…
Good morning, everyone. Welcome. Happy Tuesday.
We are God’s conduit…
We’re called to pray with all kinds of prayer for all people. And one thing that I’ve emphasized time and time again, and will continue to do so is that while God changes us in the midst of our praying and our yieldedness and our obedience to answer His assignment on our lives, without a doubt from a selfish standpoint, He does change us. He does deliver us. He does further us and use us. And in addition, He is going to use us to pray for people that perhaps we will never meet in this lifetime. So we are God’s conduit for His power and His purposes in the earth. And I guess what I wanted to do is just maybe start out by just taking a few moments and praying for one of those 10-40 window nations, specifically the one we posted this past week was Bahrain in the Middle East.
Let me just share just a little bit about it. This is the fifth one we posted in the online Facebook group. It’s an island located in the Persian Gulf, east of Saudi Arabia. It is ancient in its beginnings, dating back to the bronze age, according to the Joshua project. Bahrain is home to a population of 1.7 million that is dispersed into 17 people groups; eight people groups are unreached, which is 77.6% of the total population. So I guess at least a million or more people that have never heard the Gospel.
If we want to wrap this thing up, right? If you want to answer our assignment, God has called us to pray for the precious fruit of the earth. And maybe we won’t physically go there, but God wants to use us to send laborers there, to send initiatives of the Spirit there to reap that harvest.
This isn’t just like some motion we go through. This is bottom-line Christianity. This is our calling and why we are here for such a time as this, not just to take care of our own and pay our mortgage and do our deal. But we are here on spiritual assignment sent by God as His sons and his daughters and His ambassadors as emissaries in our generation in this time. And I know as pray-ers at times, you don’t know if you’re making a difference and what is it doing really? But we can go back to the Word and rely on it. And it tells us that God has created this opportunity through Jesus so that we could partner with Him in our lifetime. Amen. And so that we could ask and receive answers so that we could seek and find Him moving in the earth so that we could see God in our generation.
But it goes on to say, Bahrain is a population of 1.7 million; 77.6% of the total population is unreached. Here’s an exciting headline from this week regarding Bahrain’s military strengthening with Israel. There’s a link there about Bahrain and its strengthening Israel’s military. It goes on to say, as we know, Genesis 12:3 declares the blessing to those who bless Israel and the Jewish people. This partnership will bring blessings to this tiny nation.
So how do we pray for Bahrain? Well, let’s just start here. There’s a couple of prayer points. I’m just gonna use this as an example this morning.
Prayer for Bahrain
Father in Jesus’ name, we just thank you for the nation of Bahrain. We thank you for the distinct privilege and honor to join you, to co-labor with you in your purposes. We know that you want to wrap things up, that we are at the culmination of the age as the scriptures read. And that we’re to be circumspect, alert, and aware for the practice of prayer. That’s what your Word says in the New Testament. And so, Lord, we just yield over to the Holy Spirit this morning.
Father, we have been talking much about the supernatural and about the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us and through. And so today, Father, we just yield to the Holy Spirit. We just invite you to move through us to pray in our heavenly prayer language. But as well as we pray in the natural that you would just orchestrate things in such a way to bring about an awakening in the nation of Bahrain.
Yes, right over there in the middle of the Middle East. Bahrain, we just lift up Bahrain today and we know that there is a million or more that have never been reached, never even heard the Gospel message. And so we lift up that group of people there in that nation and that nation in general.
And we pray for awakening in that country. We pray for in-roads for the Gospel. We pray for ministers and missionaries and evangelists and men and women and children to, to go and be placed there strategically. To start churches to preach the Gospel, to bring forth spirit-inspired initiatives that are going to bring hope and encouragement to the peoples of that land
Father, we just lift up Bahrain’s partnership with Israel, and we just remind you of that today. Lord, they’ve been blessing and endeavoring to help Israel in some ways. And so we pray that the blessing of God with land within the borders of this land and bring light and truth and revival and awakening to its people in Jesus’ name.
We pray also that you would just soften the hearts of these people, Lord, that you would soften the hearts of its leaders and it’s moms and dads and grandpas and grandmas and children and people all across the land… that there would be fertile soil for the Gospel to be planted and seeded into hearts.
We pray for a spiritual awakening there, Lord … that they’ve not seen before. We pray for a sweeping harvest of souls and lives into the kingdom.
We pray for a directing and a steering of this nation and its leadership and its land in the right direction.
Father, we also pray for your ideas and for your translators to translate the Gospel, to preach the Word of God there in ways that have not been done so… and that what would follow would be a glorious outpouring of the Holy Spirit and of power and of the miraculous. Yes, right there in the center of the Middle East…
we lift up Bahrain today… And we just pray in the Spirit, according to the Holy Ghost, according to your plan and your purpose for those peoples … for every people group within its borders… every group, every subgroup today … whether they live in a city or live in the desert … or live in some mountain place…
We pray today for the people of Bahrain… We pray for light to break through. We pray for the Gospel to go forth. We pray for a prospering of the Gospel there… an increase of light … an increase of opportunities…
We pray for a blinders, deception to be broken off of people’s minds and souls…. for the light of the glorious Gospel to shine brightly … even today, we pray that you would move upon the hearts of ministers and missionaries and everyday people who are called to go … to be “sent ones.”
Lord, we pray that you would just assign … that you would prompt… that you would provide… that you would send to that nation… to that region… those that are needed there now, that have an assignment there now… not just to pray, but to go, to do, to say, to preach, to build, to plant…
Father, we pray also for the supernatural to be in operation in Bahrain in the Middle East… the supernatural manifestation of God from the spirit realm to the natural realm. If it’s necessary for angels to show up and to … work in certain ways, then let it be so …
Lord, if you yourself need to appear and visit even in a vision or in a spiritual manifestation in some way… Lord, we just take the limits off and pray that you would do that. But we know you’re doing that in places like Afghanistan and among the Muslims… you’re showing up and revealing yourself as the Christ, the one and only and true God who gave His life for the world because of love. And that includes the nations within this 10-40 windows… includes the peoples of Bahrain. That includes the Muslims and all those in that part of the region of the world today.
And so we just lift that up to you and we call for hope to descend. We call for the church to grow and rise and thrive within that region.
We pray for the church that is there, the believers that are there in Bahrain, we pray today for supernatural provision and a supernatural encouragement, and hope and stirring in their hearts to grow and to rise and to flow with your leadership in their land and in their region
So we just sync up with their prayers and we sync up with your purpose there, Father. We lift it to you today and we just thank you for your faithfulness to reach those peoples … open a door… we pray for an opening door… an opened door… in the spirit and opportunities in the natural… In fact, we just plead the blood today over Bahrain…
We plead the blood today over the borders of Israel… over her shores and over her cities and over all of the regions of Israel today.
We pray for a positioning of Israel… yes in the hearts of its leaders, that you would work to influence those in Israel, the influencers work to influence by your Spirit, the influencers to position Israel, to get her ready … to put her in the right place at the right time … to cause her to be resolute and stalwart and strong in the things of God and in the covenant of God for the land, for the people, for the purpose of God in these last days … for the purpose of God in the time ahead…
Lord, we pray for an opening up …in Israel. We pray for the glory to rise and to be seen upon its landscape and upon its people. … We’re praying and perhaps even out, out, out into the future here now into the next dispensation … we lift up the covenants that you’ve made with Israel… going now down through not only decades, but centuries and millennia… we lift up those covenants… surely you will have your way in that land. Surely you will have your way as it is stated in the holy scriptures today, we lift up Israel.
We stand against tyranny and oppression and the rise of the enemy… around in that region…
We hold up the name of Jesus. We raise up a standard. We announce the blood is before Israel. The blood is her rear guard. The blood of Jesus is applied over her borders …
We go there in that region today in the spirit… up to the north there… we just speak words of peace. We speak words of hope. We speak words of resolution. We speak words of the spirit over that region to the north to Russia… to the Ukraine… and we command the advances of the enemy. We command the work of the enemy there to be stayed… stopped…
Oh, mission. The mission, the mission. … open up, open up, open up the way … thank you, Father… we elevate the plan of God. We raise up the plan of God for the Middle East, for the nations that reside there… for the Ukraine.
We lift up the plan of God and pray for a supreme and superior and divinely appointed steering of the hearts of world leaders in that region today… we say the enemy will not just wholesale have his way. No, no, no, no. We say “back down and back off in the name of Jesus.” oppression, tyranny… the rise of the wicked one there … we hold up the blood. We say you will not advance your purpose. No, no, not outside the plan of God… not outside the timeline of God. No, no, no… we send in support and supplies today… we pray for a release of the very hand and hope of God into that region… into that area there in the Baltic, in Ukraine, in the region of the Middle East… surrounding that area… open up, open up.
We pray for protection and divine assistance. We pray for divine direction and wisdom and next steps for ministers and missionaries, those that have been raised up within those nations and those that have been sent there from other nations… we lift them up today. We don’t leave them supportless… today, we go there and we surround pastors, leaders and missionaries and evangelists and pray-ers and believers today… we raise up a standard of protection. We raise up a standard of strength around them today that they would not relent … that they would not give up … that they would not wave a white flag, but instead that they would live and move and have their being in the plan of God at their post as a pastor, as a church planter, as a pray-er, as a believer in the church
We pray, Father, for encouragement today… even as the first century Church pray for one another and pray that the enemy’s hand would be stayed and pray for protection and pray that despite persecution, the Church would rise and thrive and swell and grow and go to take the land with hope…
And so we just pray for release and a fresh download on the Church there in those nations… we see those people and lift them up to you, Father… we pray for protection today that you had preserve and protect. We declare the wicked one will not touch them, but instead we declare that they will prosper in what they put their hands to for the Lord… We pray for sudden openings, sudden opportunities, sudden invitations for the Gospel to go… for the Word to be preached … for churches to go up … for believers to come together … for technology, such as the Internet and even television still. And other means, and media to be freed up and made available and opened up for Gospel programming for the Word of God to be preached, to inundate and penetrate every single people group, every segment and sect of culture… every heart and soul… every hamlet and home, every dark place in those lands… in Bahrain, it’s surrounding region, up into the Ukraine, into Russia, all around Israel. We pray for the light of the Gospel to shine bright in Jesus’ name…