Morning Prayer Notes for Friday, January 21, 2022

  1. “Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist

DJ led group in worship…

Good morning, everybody.

Father, we worship you this Friday morning. There is none like. There is a song we used to sing, “I will never be the same again.” It got in my heart. ♪ I will never be the same again. I will run my race. ♪

Prayer for children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren…

Father, we cover our children… your children… concern about your children, your sons, and your daughters, grandchildren…

maybe even great grandchildren… Father, people are watching here and others who belong to this body Living Word Christian center… we cover your children in the powerful blood of Jesus… your grandchildren… we cut off the assignment of Satan from your children in Jesus’ name… and we declare your children, your sons, your daughters, grandchildren… they will serve the Lord … “as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord… as for you and your children, you shall serve the Lord” …

I’m going to read you a promise. And then we’re going to prayer some more. Oh! We have to pray for many people. Some are sick in the hospital. And we have some testimony. Let me read you a scripture. “As for me,” God is speaking. “As for me, this is My covenant with you and me says the Lord.” He gave us a promise. “My spirit who is on you…” I’m going to pray in tongues as I’m reading the scripture. “This is My covenant, thus says the Lord, My spirit who is on you and My word that I have put it in your mouth will not depart from your mouth.” Hear the promise from God, “for your children and grandchildren or from the mouth of your children.” Did He say that? Then He said, it will not depart from your mouth and the spirit is on you. It will be on your children… turn from the mouth of your children and from the mouth of them descendant from this time on and forever, says the Lord. From your children’s children.

Father, we thank you. You said in the name of Jesus, that your word you’re putting into us. Not only so we can go to church and we speak your word and live by your word. No, he said your word shall not depart from me, my children and their children’s children. And your Holy Spirit… oh, your grandchildren.

We cut off the assignment of Satan from your children and grandchildren, in the name of Jesus

No! They would not be on drugs … they will fulfill the purpose and the plan of God…

Great shall be the peace of thy children… they shall be taught of the Lord…

Our children and grandchildren shall prosper in Jesus’ name…

Why we are on the children’s today? Are you worried about you children? Yes. Concern about your grandchildren?

Devil! Back off! Loose them… the children, the grandchildren…

Father, your body was broken… your blood was shed for the children, my children, their children

In the name of Jesus, I break the assignment of the Devil… I break the assignment of Satan against your children.

That generation of the righteous are blessed. Seeds of the righteous are blessed… the Spirit of the Lord will come upon them.

The Spirit of might, wisdom, understanding… they will be filled with the Spirit of God… understanding knowledge and the fear of Jesus… they are serve Jesus… And be baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire… I thank you, Father, you’re pouring out your Spirit on our children …

Cindy shared…

When DJ was praying over our children, and the Spirit of the Lord is upon our children, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, knowledge and counsel, the spirit of knowledge of the Lord and the fear of the Lord. I heard the Lord say that our children, because sometimes when you think of fear, you think you want to run. You run from fear. But the fear of God puts it in their heart to run to God. They fear not to be with Him. Because we were designed to be in Christ. That’s where everything is right.

When we’re outside of Christ, outside of our Father, it’s like the Bible speaks of it as kind of like nesting dolls. Jesus said I’m in the Father and the Father’s in me. The Holy Spirit’s in us and we’re in the Holy Spirit. Well, Jesus is up in heaven, but the Holy Spirit is in us. So Jesus is in us and God the Father. So it’s kind of a mystery, but that’s where we belong. We belong in that place of one with God the Father, the Spirit, Jesus and His body. Just one.

Lord, we just thank you for our children. And I heard this verse too, that this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus, that we do have the mind of Christ. And then the word “let.” It’s already theirs.

So I just thank you, Father, that that mind settles down in them. They understand from that place of oneness with you because the fear of God is causing them to seek you like they have never sought before.

I thank you, Lord, for the hunger that you place in our children, because the standard is being raised in the earth right now. And darkness is so very dark. But, Father, the brightness of your Church is rising up and that’s the true and the genuine that the world has been eating all of the counterfeit. But now they’re tasting what they were meant to taste … what they were designed and by God Himself. And that is to know the one true God.


Lord, they’re coming to you… running to you … to the Father… we know that the prodigal son, he came back… and the Father was running and he ran and fell on his neck… we thank you for that rushing love of the Father running and falling on the necks of our children… just rocking them for anything the world has to offer …

for the love of God… rushing in like a great, mighty wave, crashing in on our children… washing out all the debris, all the hindrances, all those things that have been constructed and erected over years that were conditioned by fear… But, Father, we thank you that their hearts cry, “Abba Father.” We thank you for your love that rushes in on them.

for great is the peace of our children… Oh, Father, nothing shall disturb them in your mighty presence, Lord… for the spirit of adoption… bears witness with their spirit… they are sons of God… purposes rising up … being restored… directions … will spring up in the name of Jesus …

We break the spirit of suicide from them… no, no, you’re not going to jump… you shall live and not die and declare the work of the Lord…  you have given your angel around children to protect them in the name of Jesus… a great peace… over our children… and a great infilling … Father, take your rightful place… in the wake… I thank you, Father, for the body of Christ … our children are finding their place … joined… there’s a great supply rushing in… filled and flowing…

Internal GPS is flipped on in Jesus’ name… they know where they’re going… every step is ordered … it’s mapped out … this is in us…

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