Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, August 13, 2021

Peg led group in worship…

I was charging my cell phone. It was very low and it took maybe an hour or more, and the heard the Holy Spirit say “How much you want to be charged up, depends on how much time you spend with Me.”

I read the scripture where He said, “Come unto me. Are you tired? Bored. Want to give up? Sick? Whatever you going through. Come unto Me… sit with Me. Learn from Me. My yoke is easy. My burden is light. And you’ll find rest for your soul.” I like the easy way of doing things. He will show us the easy way out. Hallelujah. Come unto Me. It depends how much time you want to spend. It’s all individual. But my kind of person needs a lot of help. So I need to spend a lot of time in prayer. I need to charge up.

Continued worshiping…
Cindy shared…

I need to share this right away because my battery is low! Ha! Sometimes you feel like you’re not charged up enough. And I just think that God is always ready and willing to… if you don’t feel like you’re charged, it doesn’t matter. He’s gonna show up. He’s gonna show up for you wherever you’re at, whether you feel like you’re charged or not. It’s just “get rid of the fear and just flow in the river of God.” He’s just always there. He’s ever present. He’s closer than your next breath. He’s just ever ready! Even if you’re not.

I was feeling not very ready this morning and I’m like, “God, you got to give me something.” And right away I found this online. And it’s from John Piper. It says “What it means to love God.” This is Psalm 63:1–2. “Oh God, you are my God. Earnestly I seek you. My soul thirsts for you. My flesh faints for you as in a dry and weary land where there’s no water. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory.” Only God will satisfy your heart like David’s. And David was a man after God’s own heart. That’s the way we were created to be. This is the essence of what it means to love God, to be satisfied in Him.

I really love that word “satisfied” because… see He ministered to me years ago and that was the word that I just would say “Lord, I don’t rest in dissatisfaction.” Sometimes we just tend to do that until everything just piles over into a bunch of overblown dissatisfaction. And then you’re like, “God, what’s going on?” But He was training me to just every moment that you have even the whisper of dissatisfaction, just bring it to Him and say, “God, I hear in the Bible that you are the God that satisfies. So I’m lifting this dissatisfaction up to you, even though it was just something small, because I know that you’ve called us to live in a place of satisfaction and joy and your presence overflowing, no matter what the situation or circumstance, I can be in that place of just peace.” So whenever I have that dissatisfaction or lack of peace in any way, it’s just a calling card to come to Him and inquire in His temple. And I just say, “Lord, I’m just going to spend some time with you. And I fully expect at the end of that time that you’re going to minister to me the satisfaction that you so freely give.” Now maybe the circumstances might not change, but then He’s changed something on the inside. So that we can walk it out on the outside.

“This is the essence of what it means to love God, to be satisfied in Him. In Him, not just in His gifts, but God Himself, as the glorious person that He is. So when we just forget about all that other stuff, you know, we bring it before Him, but we do like we did this morning and we magnify Him. Kind of like just orienting ourselves to what we already know that He is far above all the things that would come against us. He created it all. He upholds it all. He maintains it all. So we don’t have any problems. We just need faith in God. And that faith comes from hearing what He has to say about our dissatisfaction. So we can orient ourselves in agreement with Him. And that’s a wealthy place in Him. So loving God will include obeying all His commands. It includes believing all His Word. It includes thanking Him for all His gifts. But all that is overflow.

The essence of loving God is admiring and enjoying all He is. And it is the enjoyment of God that makes all of our other responses truly glorifying to Him. We all know this intuitively as well as from scripture. Do we feel most honored by the love of those who serve us from the constraints of duty or from the delights of fellowship? My wife is most honored when I say “it makes me happy to spend time with you.” My happiness is the echo of her excellence. And so it is with God. He is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. He gives that to us. He gives that satisfaction just for asking.

We do have times of discontent and frustration and we feel like we want to blow up, but He’s so good. And He’s like the good father who just waits for us to calm down. And then we eventually, you know, come to Him and say, “Lord help.” And He does. And He says, “Don’t worry. Let me shed some light on this. Let me get you back on that path and stable and steady in me.” So we just never, ever stop going to Him no matter what. He’s so good.

And so I love to spend my days luring people into joy until they say with me, one thing I have asked of the Lord that I would seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to gaze upon His beauty, the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple that Psalms 27:4.


Thank you, Lord, that you are ever ready, ever present … that you are an ever present source of help. And we do need help every day. But that’s good because we belong to you. We are yours and we’re never meant to work outside of you. So when we need your help, Lord, you get us back where we belong. We belong to you glorify you.

Worship continued…

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