Prayer Summary for Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The following are quotes by Reinhard Bonnke:

“Prayer is not just words. It’s our spirit making live contact with God’s Spirit. Life flows constantly from God like light from the Sun. In prayer, we expose ourselves to its rays and sunbath in the warmth of divine love. So we absorb His goodness and it penetrates to the core of our existence. It is life from above. Prayed today?” Reinhard Bonnke

“Jesus said take my yoke upon you. He took our yoke, the yoke of rebellion but we take His, the yoke of His divine will. He shares with us His sovereignty and disposition of His activities to govern the world. He relied upon people cooperating with Him and praying. Prayer was arranged from the moment of creation to be part of His ongoing scheme. He planned to do nothing without our prayers and us. That’s the way the world is of which we are a part. Blessed?” Reinhard Bonnke

Ms. Annie led us singing “See Your Glory”


Thank You for the glory that it is manifesting all around
Each one of us individually and corporately
Members of this body, thank You for Your glory
So grateful that there is more
That we don’t run out of it
Sometimes we don’t operate so much in it as we should
Maybe sometimes it seeps out some
Because of the contamination of the world, worlds ways, plans
But there is more, more of Your glory, Lord
We are hungry and thirsty – just like little birds in a nest
More of Your glory, Lord, more of Your presence
For refreshing, renewing, restoration, wholeness, health of every kind
Spirit, soul, and body – healed in Your presence
Changed by Your presence – thank You for it
We receive that we can give and give and give

Ms. Annie continued singing “We are Changed in Your Glory”

Continued praying…

The glorious holy presence that changes us
From one degree of glory to another
And on upward we move for more and more and more of Your glorious presence
Beautiful, beautiful
Thank You, Lord, for Your presence
Maybe we are not so aware but definitely when there is an absence
Yielding to more of Your presence today
To make more of a difference to what we say and what we pray

Your manifested presence, Lord, changes lives. So when we pray over the people, the victims in Las Vegas, all of the thousands of lives that were touched and changed forever, that when we send a supply and we pray, the comforter, the power of the Holy Spirit makes a difference, brings change.

I read this morning about the congressman who was shot several months ago, so critically wounded, several surgeries. He said the first things that we should ever do is pray. I have also heard him say that all he could do when he was laying on that field after being shot was pray. And so he knows that he has experienced a miracle. This week he came back in before all the leaders, walked in… We just thank you, Lord.

The following excerpt was taken from “First of All” by Billye Brim:


Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
(The Star Spangled Banner)

The United States could have judged itself on the matter of slavery; but since it did not, it brought judgment upon itself. Yet in the judgment, God remembered mercy. He stirred America to prayer, allowing Him to send another Great Awakening.

Unified by the Spirit of Prayer the nation was fortified to escape the complete destruction the war could have brought. (I so believe that it can and will happen again – another Great Awakening. We can know a unity in the Spirit of God that can ward off the division the enemy has designed. And only this can—only an Awakening to God—will save America.)

Duewel writes, “The fourth great awakening was above all a revival of unity.”


The Glory of God is the Presence of God manifested. In the Bible it was seen as a cloud, fire, smoke, etc. Just a very few exemplary scriptures are: Exodus 24:16–17; 40:34–35; 2 Chronicles 5:14; 7:1–3.

God’s Glorious Presence was evidenced in every move of God meeting the definition of an Awakening.

A canopy of holy and awesome revival influence in reality the presence of the Holy Spirit – seemed to hang like an invisible cloud over many parts of the United States, especially over the eastern seaboard. At times this cloud of God’s presence even seemed to extend out to sea. Those on ships approaching the east coast at times felt a solemn, holy influence, even one hundred miles away, without even knowing what was happening in America.

Revival began aboard one ship before it reached the coast. People on board began to feel the presence of God and a sense of their own sinfulness. The Holy Spirit convicted them, and they began to pray. As the ship neared the harbor, the captain signaled, “Send a minister.”

Another small commercial ship arrived in port with the captain, and every member of the crew converted in the last 150 miles. Ship after ship arrived with the same story: both passengers and crew were suddenly convicted of sin and turned to Christ before they reached the American coast.

The battleship North Carolina was anchored in New York harbor as a naval receiving ship. More than a thousand young men were on board. Four Christians agreed to meet together for prayer and knelt on the lower deck. The Spirit of God so filled their hearts with joy that they broke into song. Ungodly men on the top deck heard the singing, looked down, and saw the boys kneeling. They began running down the stairs, mocking and jeering. The convicting power of the Holy Spirit so gripped them that by the time they reached the bottom deck they fell on their knees and began crying for mercy.

Strong men who were deep in sin were broken down by the Spirit’s power and knelt humbly in penitence and faith. Night after night the sailors prayed, and hundreds were converted on the ship. Ministers were sent for … the battleship became a mighty center of revival.

From 1857–1859, the Fourth Great Awakening spread across the continent. What began in the nation’s cities spread throughout the towns and villages and even in the fields across America.

Jayne’s Hall in Philadelphia expanded its meeting space to accommodate six thousand people. “For months multitudes of churches opened every evening for prayer.”


The cities and the countryside where the revival spread were in all parts of America. Many of my ancestors lived in the South. A few in the North. Thank God, the outpouring knew no lines of division.

Because of the bitter tensions of the Civil War and the slavery issue, for a time it seemed that the southern states would not be as powerfully influenced by the revival as the northern ones had been … An unusually powerful revival broke out among the southern troops stationed around Richmond, Virginia in the autumn of 1861. It began in the hospitals among the wounded men and then spread into the camps as these men returned to active duty. Prayer meetings were organized and hundreds converted. The movement spread rapidly throughout the army, reaching the troops of Tennessee and Arkansas.

Revival was encouraged by Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson, who were well known as devout Christians. By the mid-summer of 1863, the revival had spread through all the Confederate armies, and thousands of men had been converted. Chaplains and lay missionaries went out among the troops, preaching and distributing tracts and dealing personally with hungry hearts. By the end of the war, at least 150,000 soldiers had been converted, and more than a third of all of the southern troops had become praying men. The revival among the southern troops was primarily a revival of prayer, as the earlier revival in the North had been. While the best estimates are that 6.6 percent of the entire population of the United States was converted during the revival, the percentage among the southern troops was 21 percent.

Continued praying…

Lord, we remind ourselves of how You moved in the past
Men yielding to Your manifested presence
We want it now, Lord, speaking from our hearts
We know it’s the heart-felt prayer and our hearts are definitely calling for more of You
In America – one nation under You, not divided
People yielding their lives to You once again
In our homes, these things will begin to operate in a greater degree
We are hungry
We know America needs it and we need it
Many and most of these awakening began with men and women
In the church being revived with Your great presence
You said it would be the former rain and the latter rain
All together –a deluge of Your presence
Healed, whole, and things that hadn’t been changed will be changed
One touch of Your presence will change everything
Someone prayed for us
We are so grateful, Lord, that other born again men and women knew how to pray
Lifted our needs up!
People we do not even know – You said to pray
Pray for those in positions of authority – we do!
Covering our President the Vice President, Congress and Senate
We refuse to have it go another way!
America is saved – more and more men and women coming to the light
Places to go and things to speak – sensitivity to Your Spirit
Thank You for the Cross – what was completed
What was done then and is done now
Thank You, Father

Ms. Annie led us singing in the Spirit

Continued praying…

Move from room to room again in the hospitals in Las Vegas
Recover in Jesus’ name
Ministering Spirits go and minister on our behalf
Recovery, wholeness, changes in the right ways
We apply the blood over all these hospitals
Over each and every one of those in Jesus
Praying in the name above every other name – Jesus
Every medical personnel, doctor; nurses, assistants and servers
Turning, changing, rearranging, stopping, opening
Oh, thank You for the blood of Jesus!
Thank You that Your glory will be poured out in that city
Ministry of Your precious Holy Spirit for revival there in Jesus’ name
A marked difference
Direct the president’s words that comfort would come by You
That brings rearranging and changing
Let Your Word be so attached to them
Strong in You and in the power of Your might

The following is a prayer for our nation by Pastor Lynne Hammond:

Father, in the name of Jesus, and according to your Word, we pray for those in authority in our nation. We lift up President Donald Trump, his family, his staff and cabinet members. Let Your Word cling to them and let them not depart from your plan. Strengthen them with mighty power by your Spirit to stand against wickedness, lies and deception. Guide President Trump’s decisions; let Your light shine upon his path and show him the path of reversal for every evil way. Continually surround him with godly men and women who impart wise counsel to him. Cause the way of the wicked to be set to confusion and come to nothing. Deliver us from the traps and snares the enemy has laid for us, and let the wicked be caught in their own devises and be brought to shame.

We take authority over the plots and plans of the enemy against this nation. Let prideful and lying lips be silenced in Jesus’ name. Slanderers will not be established in America. We pray for our Congress, our Supreme Court, our Military leaders and our intelligence agencies. Let the wisdom that is from above reign in this nation and be constantly speaking to our leaders. We exercise the authority you have given us to tread down all the power of the enemy. We cast down and demolish imaginations and arguments that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God, and we bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. We bind spirits of strife and division, civil wars and tumults, spirits of hostility, lawlessness and blasphemy, and fires from hell that have burned in our cities.

We speak grace and peace over America. We pray and believe for the voice of truth, salvation, revival and restoration to be proclaimed and heard across our land. Grant unto your servants everywhere that with all boldness we may speak your Word. We pray for a mighty outpouring of your Spirit with signs, wonders and miracles. We expect the wisdom of this world that is earthly, sensual and devilish to depart and vanish until Your, mighty work in America becomes a beacon of hope for all people everywhere. We expect the voice of rejoicing to be heard in our nation for your goodness, mercy and prosperity, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Continued praying…

The grace of God be over America
The peace of God that passes all understanding
North, east, south and west – the glory surrounding us
Ministers and pastors move out in this rejoicing, hope and comfort from heaven
That will bring about these changes
America we lift you up!

Ms. Annie led us singing “God Bless America”

Think of the privilege to join together in this Chapel and lift up other’s needs and speak words of life and health over our nation, over our leaders and know it will go well with us. We have overcome because You overcame by what was done on that Cross by the blood.

We are blessed and our nation is blessed in Jesus’ name

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