Prayer Summary for April 18

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist

Morning Chapel Prayer Today


Prophecy through Kenneth E. Hagin in 1980:

Flowing in the Supernatural

You are right on the verge, right on the verge of the greatest move and manifestation of the Spirit of God that this world has ever seen.

You’re right on the edge of it; and like standing on the creek bank about to jump in. And if you’ll give the more earnest heed unto the things which you have heard, not only those things that you’ve heard about faith and those things that you’ve heard about healing, but also those things which you have heard about the Holy Spirit, and the things that you’ve heard about angels, and the things that you’ve heard about Divine Visitation, (for remember that it was prophesied of Joel of old that in the last days, saith the Lord, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams, and upon My hand maidens will I pour out My Spirit, and they will prophecy), so not only will it be that the young men will prophecy, but the young women will prophecy, and the anointing and the out-flow of the Spirit of God shall be great and amazing in those days — for there shall be a visitation of angels.

Be not afraid, but yet take heed even in these areas, for Satan himself has at times come as an angel of light. But examine things in the light of the scriptures and walk in the light of the Word of God. And sometimes the angel will give you direction, and even in your finances, and the direction that would save you life, as in the case of the shipwreck of Paul, and direction concerning ministry, as the salvation of Cornelius and his household, and Philip as the angel spoke to him to go down to Gaza and the Ethiopian was converted. And so in these days there shall come a mighty manifestation of the Spirit, and the work that God intended should be done in these last days shall be accomplished. For the time is short and things must be speeded up.

And you’ll learn much faster spiritual things then those of yesteryear. And you’ll develop much faster and it’ll be said of some they just virtually matured overnight. And they shall go forth to speak in the name of the Lord, because they understood the principle of faith.

They’ll understand the principles of the Kingdom. And they’ll understand the laws of God. And they’ll operate and minister in that area. And nothing will be hid from them. And though there are some who stand here now and have operated in a measure in those areas in times passed, and because they’ve let these things slip, they themselves in ministry and in life have slipped. And they shall be restored.

Yea, they shall even be restored this night. And the manifestation shall come and the glory of the Lord shall rest upon it and rest upon thee. And His glory shall be seen round about and the cloud of God will come and fill the house. And, yea, it will seem as though the whole building is filled with smoke, because you see, the glory of God shall be in manifestation. And great, great shall be the noise thereof and praise and adoration that shall go up from His people. And it shall be noised abroad. And men from afar shall here it. And men from afar shall here of it. And men from afar shall come to behold it. For the Lord shall be in manifestation in those days in all ways that He ever manifested Himself, both in the Old Covenant and in the New Covenant, plus the multiplying of the Spirit in the power of God of these days.

For men, as men grow more wicked and more wicked, and as Satan, because he knows his time is short, and, all of his cohorts and evil spirits go about as never before to devour, so the power of God, the glory of God, shall be increased and shall be multiplied. And it will flow like a mighty river, flow like a mighty river. Yea, the Spirit of God will flow like a mighty river.

And many, not only hundreds, not only thousands, but millions will be swept into the flow of that river, and shall flow forth in praised and glory. For the glory, for the glory of the Lord is in manifestation. The glory of the Lord will be seen of the face of the saints. The glory of God shall shine forth until men will walk in a place of business and people will fall on their knees and cry out to God though be said nothing. And women will walk into a place of business and people will fall and their knees and cry out to God though she opened not her mouth . For the glory of God will shine through. Yea, the glory of God will shine through.

Yea, the glory of God will shine through. For the manifestation of His power, and the manifestation of His glory, is reserved until this hour! And if it could be told, if it could be told in a way that you could see it, even with the eyes of your spirit, if it could be displayed at this moment before you in a tangible form that you could see with your physical eye, it would be very difficult for you to believe that which shall shortly come to pass. It would be very difficult for you to accept it.

But as you walk with the Lord, as you prepare your heart, as you feed upon His word, as you listen to what the Spirit of God says, your heart shall be prepared, and your mind will be changed until you will flow in the supernatural as naturally as a bird flies through the air. And you’ll flow in the super natural as naturally as a fish will swim in the water. And you’ll flow in the supernatural as naturally as you breathe the very air. You’ll not be conscious of your faith.

You’ll not be conscious of what’s going on around you. But rather, you’ll be conscious of the flow of the Spirit God. And He will manifest Himself. And He will accomplish that which He desires. For you see, these are the last days, and this is the end time. And what is done must be done quickly. And it will be done. And the hearts of many will be cause to rejoice. So rejoice. Rejoice. Be glad and praise the Lord and prepare your hearts. And let Him prepare you for that which He has prepared for you. And so walk in it. You shall walk in it. And you shall run. And you shall fly, literally, spiritually speaking. And you shall enjoy the fullness of that which is provided for you.


Father, we thank You for the fullness of Your Spirit
You are so faithful, and we lift up the name of Jesus
We lift our eyes to You, and we thank You that we have been called to such a time as this
Yes, we will move with Your glory, and we will yield and flow in Your divine plan
Father, we magnify You and lift You up; we thank You that You will have Your way!
We are confident that You will have the final say in this day and in this hour
You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, we magnify and worship You today!
Have Your way in us, in our church, and in our families, Lord
Praying that You would have Your way in our cities, in our businesses, and our schools
We pray for the hopeless situations and we lift them up to You
Calling for the flow of Your power and for the flow of Your glory
Yes, You are flowing into those situations and into our churches
Declaring that there would be a greater space and place for Your purposes
Opening it up, we open up the way to the glory of God
We pray for those that were once in the Father’s house, and we pray for them to come back again
Lifting them back up to You, surround them with Your Spirit, Father
Praying for a moving of Your Spirit across Your Church and Your people
Father, we pray for a divine in-gathering, restoration, and healing today!
We break up the enemy’s strongholds, we break up those bondages
Casting down all deceptions; we raise up a standard and we hold the blood over them
Calling for them to come back to their place and back to Your family, Lord
Speaking mercy and grace over them, surround them with Your peace
Lifting up the broken and those that have been enslaved and bound
Casting down all oppression, depression, and suicidal thoughts in Jesus’ name!
Praying over the hurt, pain, and regret, we cover them with the blood of Jesus today
We go out in the spirit and we rescue them through the assignment of Your Spirit, Lord
Father, we lift them up to You, we break up the enemy’s strongholds in the name of Jesus
Holy Spirit, we pray that You would orchestrate those things
Praying for eyes to be opened and ears to be unstopped
We break that up today; we pray for a healing and restoring flow
There is a greater refreshing and renewing flow coming to the Church today
No, it can not stay this way, it can not stay status quo, but we must move forward
There must come obedience, and we carve out a way for the plan of God
The glory and the work of God must go forth now in this city and in this nation
Open up, we expand, enlarge, increase and push out the borders and the boundaries today!
No, we will not be contained, the Church will not be contained or limited
We are making room and we are pushing out the boundaries for God to work
Praying for an opening up, for mysteries to be revealed in Jesus’ name
Your plan is being revealed in this hour and to this generation
All must see it, Lord
We make inroads into some new places and spaces within nations
Praying for a way to be made and an avenue to be created!
Inroads into the darkness, inroads into the chaos, and inroads into sickness and disease
Yes, we are breaking up strongholds once again, and we break up strategies of the enemy
We release those things, Lord
Church, we call you up; Christians, we call you up; its time to get up!
Calling the Church out of the natural and into the supernatural
Thank You, Father, thank You, Lord Jesus
We pray out to You, Father
Jesus paid the price so that we could have healing, that we could be free
Yes, we pray for healing from every sickness and every disease
Father, You have done great things, and You will continue to do great things
Calling forth the miracles of God in these last days
Declaring the goodness of God in the land of the living
You are making a way where there seems to be no other way
We receive more of Your Spirit, and we worship You, Father
Yes, we thank You for Your faithfulness, kindness, and Your patience toward us
Thank You for what You are doing in and through us today!
You are so worthy of all of our glory, honor, and praise
We magnify and exalt Your name together
There is a river of living water flowing, a river of substance, supply, and abundance
Calling for a greater river, a more dynamic flow
Rivers of joy, rivers of abundance, rivers coming together now!
We yield and surrender to You, Lord
You are having Your way, and You have supplied us with everything we need!
Yes, we love You, Father!
We surrender to You in every way

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