Morning Prayer Transcript for Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Greetings GPAN subscribers! As you can see, we have a new format for the Morning Prayer postings. The “Global Prayer Alert Network” (GPAN) has undergone a rebranding. The Morning Prayer GPAN report now falls under the umbrella of The Prayer Movement. Though you see the heading “The Prayer Movement” at the top of the page, the actual Morning Prayer report will not change.

Sister Jeannie…

We are not in survival mode! In fact, the Church is increasing and expanding the boundaries of freedom, justice, and liberty. In the middle of all this chaos, the Church is expanding the boundaries of freedom, justice and liberty. In fact, she jumps in the river and that river is victory! It is a rushing flow with the pressure of His goodness being put on every evil endeavor.

So, Father, I thank you right now that the revelation of victory is the wellspring of life in us and in the Church in every country, every believer …

Pastor Ken…

Thank you, Father…we glorify you… we boast in the name of the Lord where the Lord is a strong tower and we can run into you in times of uncertainty…

Group worships the Lord…

We shake things up in Jesus’ name. We shake things up in the spirit… in the earth realm. We pray for a holy shaking… a wholly breaking loose … release in Jesus’ name…

Sister Jeannie…

He’s the King of Kings and the Lord of Hosts. So if He’s the King of Kings, that would mean He’s the king of royalty, which would mean you’re royalty if He’s your king! The revelation of your royal authority is upon you. As you get in the Word and you exercise that authority, and that would be right now! He’s also the Lord of hosts and that would indicate that the heavenly host is backing you up as you exercise your kingdom authority. And right now it’s time. It’s time right now! Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!

Pastor Ken: “There is a rally cry of the Holy Spirit.”

Without a doubt, there is a rally cry of the Holy Spirit right now. I don’t mean just in this moment, but in this time, in this generation. He is calling out now to rally us, to wake us up, to orchestrate, to administrate, to lead the Church, to lead us as individuals forward now… God, the Holy Spirit is alive and well and active. And rallying the Church and rallying you right now wherever you are. The Spirit of God is rallying the Church!

God the Holy Spirit’s MO…

And it’s so essential that we understand that this is God’s MO in this time and will be until He splits the eastern sky.

“His MO? What are you talking about, Ken.”

That just means His “modus operandi,” the way He operates. The way He functions… the way He’s always designed the Church to relate to Him by being led by God, the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is on this earth to orchestrate. He is here to lead, to inspire, to set us up to succeed and not fail, to put you in positions and in places for increase and promotion in places where you can impact and influence and bring forth the rightness of God in circumstances and in situations.

Yes, here in prayer each and every day. But also wherever you go, whether that’s a grocery store or the boardroom… whether that’s in your job or in your personal relationships. The Holy Spirit is rallying the Church now to wake up, to stand up, to go. And in many places of the body of Christ, we’re trying to hide the Holy Spirit. They’re trying to maybe diminish Him to a back room or a separate meeting after the main church service to talk about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in other tongues. Well, that may be the case in some places, but that’s not the case here.

The Holy Spirit is a person… and not a crazy uncle of the Trinity!

The longer I live and the more I journey, the more I’m impressed with God the Holy Spirit. He is such an amazing person. And yes, He is a person. If People magazine were to put on their front page “the most interesting and amazing person in history,” that would be God the Holy Spirit! I have never reached the limit where I’m impressed just enough of the Holy Spirit. No, He is not some crazy uncle of the Trinity. He is quite the gentleman. He is an amazing person that God placed on the inside of us. And the modus operandi of God the Holy Spirit in this hour is to lead us forward even through chaos, uncertainties and the unknown. Even out of COVID and fear and whatever we face.

China’s underground church follows the rally cry of the Holy Spirit …

I’m reminded that not too many years ago (and it’s probably still the case in China) the underground churches have to meet covertly. And from what I understand, in many of these home churches that meet underground, they don’t necessarily say where they’re going to meet each and every week. You have to get it by the Holy Spirit because the Chinese government will send in spies to the underground church to expose what they’re doing. So when they’re done meeting in a particular home or basement or place, they all know you’ve got to pray until you get the location of the next place they meet. Their lives depend on following the rally cry of the Holy Spirit.

Develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit like your life depended on it…

And the truth is while maybe we’re not in threat of death or imprisonment for our faith… Well, we’re getting there though, right? Maybe not quite like China. The truth is our lives do depend on following the Holy Spirit, engaging with Him developing and cultivating relationship with Him. Amen. And that begins in prayer.

I was just reminded of 1st Corinthians 14:4. It says this: “He or she who speaks in a tongue,” for example, “edifies him or herself.” One translation says the one who speaks in tongues advances his own or her own spiritual progress. Notice the one who’s responsible for the edification is us. When we speak in other tongues, we engage the Holy Spirit. We activate His ministry. We partner with Him. We build ourselves up and we make progress. That’s God’s design. Not for us to throw up our hands and say, “Well, I don’t know what to do. This is hopeless. Nothing seems to change.” No! Onboard and in your life, if you profess the name of Jesus, if you’ve called upon Him and invited Him in your life is the Holy Spirit. The third person co-equal with God the Father and God the Son living in us. Rallying us and calling us forward in this hour, leading and directing and guiding us in every way.

We’re beautiful in the spirit…

When you speak in other tongues, the part of you that’s edified is your spirit. The internal part of you, the real you, the eternal you, the one recreated in the image of Jesus that never existed before. Forgiven. Sanctified. Clothed in the very merits of Jesus Himself on the inside. The real you that reflects the glory of God, that looks like Jesus.

I’ve heard some say who have had visions and who have actually had life after death experiences… a couple I’ve heard caught a glimpse of themselves. The Lord gave them a glimpse of themselves in the heavenly arena. And they said, “Wow, I was quite beautiful, like striking and like no words to wrap around how beautiful we are in spirit.”

You are a new creature in Christ…

I’m just trying to help kind of coax your thinking a little bit. I realize things are chaotic at times, and there are some unknowns and you’re facing some challenges maybe and you feel weak maybe, and you’ve got symptoms flaring in your body maybe. But the truth of the matter is you are a new creature in Christ Jesus. Endowed with the very God of heaven placed in you as even a down payment on your salvation. And He is with you today. He is for you today, and He is leading you today. He’s inspiring you today. He is granting prayers through you today. He’s going to give you answers even before you have a problem today. He is God the Holy Spirit. And when you pray in your heavenly prayer language, you are edifying yourself. You are building yourself up.

Grabbing hold of the livewire of heaven…

Jude 1:20 talks about how you charge yourself in your spirit. That’s what edify means. And once your spirit is edified, it can’t help but have a positive effect on your mind and body and overall life. So you might think, “Well, I’m just kind of blowing hot air when I pray in other tongues.” When you give yourself to the Holy Spirit, when you flip the switch on the supernatural and the Spirit’s empowerment, you are grabbing a hold of a live wire… the live wire of heaven. And you are immersing yourself, saturating yourself, baptizing yourself in your spirit with the power of God. And while you can’t see anything or you can’t sense anything in the moment, that charging up of who you are on the inside begins at some point to spill over and it will impact, affect, influence your body.

Carl Peterson, researcher at ORU…

In fact, there was a gentleman by the name of Carl Peterson, who is a researcher at OUR. And not too many years ago, he did some research and was able to quantify and prove that when you pray in the spirit consistently, it impacts your hypothalamus, that part of your brain. And statistically, it was shown through his research that it improves your immune system 35 to 40%. Isn’t that good?

New York Times article about speaking in tongues…

I’ve referenced other studies here in morning prayer, but I came across this New York Times article that said, “Contrary to what may be a common perception.” It was an article written about praying in the spirit. “…studies suggest that people who speak in tongues rarely suffer from mental problems. A recent study of nearly 1,000 evangelical Christians in England found that those who engage in the practice were more emotionally stable than those who did not.”

Wonderful deliverance just from watching morning prayer online…

I was reminded the other night, somebody who joins us online for morning prayer shared a testimony on how a few months back, she got delivered from suicidal thoughts and oppression and depression in morning prayer online. Because she heard me share how praying in the Spirit can actually rewire your brain. If you engage in praying in other tongues and you will give yourself or as brother Hagin said, “build your prayer life.” It will have the effect to actually rewire or build new neural pathways in your mind. In other words, the bad little highways in your mind that take you down pathways of despair and doom and gloom, like “I’m pathetic and this’ll never work for me and I’ll always be poor, frustrated, sick and broke and whatever…” Those neural pathways are really well marked out little thoroughfares or highways in our mind. Those begin to diminish and go away when you pray in the Spirit. And, of course, couple that with being a student of the Word of God and renewing your mind builds brand new neural pathways that cause you to easily organically and almost effortlessly over time begin to think thoughts of blessing and breakthrough. And nothing is impossible for us.

You begin to take God’s thoughts and you’re able to easily over time think His thoughts and that past experience that you had with depression and fear and anxiety and whatever happened to you in your upbringing begins to go away more and more. And what comes more and more to you is anticipation, excitement, vision, victory. And a certainty in your spirit that says, “Let’s go, let’s do this, God! Let’s go.”

The enemy has no new tactics…

That’s powerful because the enemy has no new tactics. Yes, he has a plan for our lives, but the only way he can accomplish that plan is if he can get us to buy into his thoughts and his suggestions. But he cannot because we take the thoughts and the ways of God. So when you pray in the Spirit, it is going to spill over into your body. That’s how you draw and charge yourself, praying in the Spirit.

Jude 1:20…

Jude 1:20, “But you beloved built yourself up, founded on your most holy faith. Make progress. Rise like an edifice higher and higher praying in the Holy Spirit.”

If you feel stuck today and you want to make progress and you want to move beyond where you are, take time to pray in the Spirit, and then don’t stop. As the great Katherine Kuhlman once said, “Prayer isn’t a luxury. Prayer is a life.” God wants all of you. And prayer has made my life and made my ministry.

If the 20th century started out by a Renaissance, a renewal, a sending, an outpouring of God the Holy Spirit with the baptism and speaking in other tongues, then I’m telling you, God’s going to wrap this thing up in conjunction with a praying-in-the-Spirit Church. We need that now. This is our game changer. This is our God empowerment. This is how we bring heaven to earth. This is how we’re going to solve problems and bring about justice and the rightness of God in people’s lives and in our nations and societies. It’s going to be through a supernatural engagement with the God of heaven, our heavenly Father.

Isaiah 28:11

Even in Isaiah. It was prophesied in Isaiah 28:11. “With stammering lips and another tongue, will he speak to this people.” After all Paul wrote that when you pray in an unknown tongue, you’re praying directly to God. You got a hotline to heaven.

We’re not just going through the motions in prayer as believers. We’re here on assignment! We’ve been sent here with a certain calling and an unlimited supply of everything we need in every way to rise up, to rally and to take the earth for God.




Morning Prayer YouTube Playlist

We’ve created a YouTube playlist for you, our pray-ers. You now have the opportunity to listen, watch, and prayer with us any time that fits your schedule. Each video is titled with the day and date of morning prayer.

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