Greetings GPAN subscribers! As you can see, we have a new format for the Morning Prayer postings. The “Global Prayer Alert Network” (GPAN) has undergone a rebranding. The Morning Prayer GPAN report now falls under the umbrella of The Prayer Movement. Though you see the heading “The Prayer Movement” at the top of the page, the actual Morning Prayer report will not change.
Today, we have a special alert from The Prayer Movement:
Hello Pray-ers.
I’m sure you are all aware of what is happening in the world with Russia invading Ukraine. The eyes of the world are watching, and nations are lining up, taking sides. We don’t know what the outcome will be, but what we do know is that we Christians are not to be alarmed.
In light of everything that’s currently transpiring in the earth, Pastor Lynne wanted to share with you an important video teaching by Dr. Billye Brim. Billye begins her teaching by quoting, Mark 13:7–8: “But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for such things must happen, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” Wars and rumors of wars will take place before the Second Coming of the Lord. We are not to be alarmed when we see these things occur, says Billye. Pulling on her extensive knowledge of end time prophecy, Billye takes us through scripture to examine three end time wars that will take place before the return of our Lord Jesus.
Here is a YouTube link to Billye’s video. When you have time, we encourage you to watch it. We pray that it will both inform and inspire you during these uncertain times. https://youtu.be/6FNuUy4qaQo
Prayer Movement Team
Here is today’s Morning Prayer Transcription
Sister Jeannie…
Good morning. The past couple of days, I’ve had a heavy heart. But right now, I have a joyful heart.
Prayer is co-laboring with God…
Jerry Savelle said he prays to get results. And then if you have a chance, listen to Bill Johnson’s message regarding prayer. I think it’s his latest podcast. He talks about how prayer truly is co-laboring with God. Prayer is not just for us to sooth our emotions and have things never manifest or never happen. It truly is for the purpose of co-laboring. And what we always labor toward is a result. Every time. And yes, we talk about in the word of faith and we talk about regarding faith, it doesn’t matter how it looks. Well, it matters how it looks because we co-labor with God and the way it looks changes. So as we enter into prayer today, let’s just “selah.” That we have the privilege and the honor to co-labor with God.
I brought my sign that says, “These are the days we prayed for”…
And if you’re co-laboring with God, it’s actually impossible that the impossible doesn’t happen. I mean… You’re co-laboring with the Expert. You’re co-laboring with the One that already knew about all of this. But you’re also co-laboring with the One that put you here right now for such a time as this. I brought my sign, the one that offended me when I saw it, and then I ended up getting it because it’s true: “These really are the days that we prayed for.”
The kingdom is expanding and no one is having a better time than us…
And then Nate, whom I just had a conversation with who was arranging the cameras… I love what he said. He said “The kingdom is expanding and no one is having a better time than us.” Let’s just meditate on that. That truly is His plan for you today, that in the middle of all this, why would we want to leave? I mean the hilarity of that statement, that no one is having a better time than us. And if we’re having a great time, why would we want to leave? You know when you’re having a great time, time flies and they have to pretty much kick you out. I believe that’s where we’re headed… I truly do.
So right now, we’re co-laboring with your, Father.
I declare over you today that the revelation of joy, provision, comfort through being comforted wells up in you right now. It overflows in you. And that prayer is not a waste of time. In fact, it’s time well spent.
We have a saying in business that says, “success breeds success.” And one thing that Bill said in his podcast is “You know, answered prayer encourages you to pray more.” So I am thanking God that we truly do see prayers answered because the kingdom is expanding. No one’s having a better time than us. Why would you ever want to leave? Only into Him can we proclaim those things. But that’s the point!
I’m not qualified to do this…
Every once in a while, God will put you in a place or pretty much all the time that you’re not qualified for. For example, I’m not qualified to do this. Yet it’s part of what He wants. And then it occurred to me pretty much everyone that’s doing what they’re doing is not qualified. Do you get it? And if you look at it that way, He truly is our only answer. So let’s just believe Him.
Prayed to be a co-laborer with God…
Holy Spirit, we allow you to let yourself go in us today. Be completely free to minister to us today in any way that you see fit. In any way you’ve ever wanted to minister… those areas where we’ve avoided and we haven’t let Him in, those areas that we’ve dropped. Those areas that we just kind of let lie and walked away from, we thank you that you minister to us in those areas. We just let you do it. Because you know how to do it. Everyone here on the earth right now, that’s doing what they’re doing is not qualified, but God, you know what you’re doing and you have qualified us. So we just take rest, peace, comfort. We co-labor with you today. And strength comes into our speech, into our thinking, into our bodies. I thank you that the Word comes alive in us. I thank you that you are producing in us an insatiable hunger for the Word, and I’m thanking you for your presence. In stillness, He ministers to us.
So I took a nap…
Yesterday, I had a situation arise that acquired my attention, but in order for me to give it attention, I had to hear His voice and I was too tired to hear His voice. So I took a nap. And then I heard His voice. I don’t know who that’s for, but that’s for someone.
When the kingdom comes, it can be violent…
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. They were all together having had a hard time. And suddenly, a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven… When the kingdom comes, it can be violent. And it filled the whole house where they were sitting and tongues that look like fire appeared on them, distributing themselves. And a tongue rested on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different tongues as the Spirit was giving them the ability to speak out.
Okay. Just for illustration purposes, I’m going to take God out of this and I’m going to put us in there and let’s see how this scripture lands. When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place and suddenly a noise like a violent rushing wind came from the people. Okay? And it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And tongues that look like fire appeared to them, distributing themselves and a tongue rested on each of them. And they were all filled with themselves.
Does that make sense? And began to speak with different tongues as they themselves were giving themselves the ability to speak out. See, that’s not how this whole thing is working. You cannot do a thing and there’s freedom in that. But in Him you can do all things. So the only thing that they did was they got together. And by the way, when they got together, they weren’t like the “optimistic club.” They were the “we’re kind of over it” club. “What are we going to do?” club.
The only thing they did was “get together”…
I’m going to read it again. Let’s notice the only thing that they did was get together. That’s it. And they set their hearts toward Him and you know they were surprised. They were massively ridiculously surprised at what God did. This is where we’re at right now. I was telling a friend of mine the other day, never have I been in a time where absolutely everyone is dealing with something. Everyone. This is where we’re at. And what does God do in times like this? When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. This is the only sentence that involves only them. And it was the day that breakthrough began. It was the day that signs and wonders increased in the body. And the only thing they did was get together, even though they were discouraged, exhausted, and just bewildered. They just got together and suddenly a noise, like a violent rushing wind came from heaven.
The kingdom is expanding…
I don’t want this to sound like tough talk. I want this to sound like encouragement what I’m going to say. It’s time for us to see this violence like it really is. It’s the kingdom expanding. This is what is going on. The kingdom is expanding. And suddenly a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven. The Word says the devil knows his time is short. This is a huge indicator that the enemy knows his time is short. And you and I are in the middle of it. But what we can count on, the assurance that we have is He does so much with our small… the smallness of just getting together. They weren’t even in good shape when they got together. They just got together.
And suddenly a noise like a really comforting soothing blanket came from heaven. He moves that way sometimes but here that’s not how he moved. So you’re already exhausted. You’re already confused. And then the kingdom of heaven comes in like a violent rushing wind. Is that what we’re experiencing right now? God, I’m already tired. Can you come in like the Easter bunny? He’s like, that’s not what My Word is saying.
And suddenly a noise, like a violent rushing wind came from heaven. I love this. And it filled the whole house where they were sitting. It filled the whole house! They came together, He rushed it. He rushes in and He fills the whole house.
The Church is holding back evil…
A couple of weeks ago, I had lost a crown in my mouth. It was over the weekend and I wasn’t able to get in until Thursday. And luckily all they had to do is just glue the crown back on. But when I went in and after the dentist glued the crown on, you know, how they have you bite down? Well, when I bit down, all I could feel was the crown. It was like, the crown was raised. It didn’t fit the way it did before. And I said, why is that? And he said, “Well, how long has it been since you lost the crown?” And I said, “Well, it’s been maybe four or five days.” And he said, “If it would have just been one day, we probably wouldn’t have to file this down like we do, but what happened was your upper tooth started to drop down to fill in that empty space.” And immediately I saw the crown, the royal authority of the church holds back evil. And what we are doing now, whether you realize it or not, but we’re going to know it more and more beginning now that we hold back evil. We fill in that void, that vacuum. And evil is withheld just by us coming together. But rest assured, we are about to see the result of our coming together. The result of staying with it.
We need to stay with it…
Even when the disciples came together, they had been staying with it. Yes, they messed up, but they stayed with it. I mean, I bet God got a lot of them there just kicking and screaming. Has God gotten you in a few places kicking and screaming? We put on our crowns again today. We put on our authority. Rest assured that He truly does the rest.
And when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place and suddenly a noise, like a violent rushing wind came from… where? From heaven! And it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Isn’t it interesting that they were sitting?
You are a kingdom expander…
Father, I thank you so much that you meet us. Your goodness penetrates the earth, the world… the world that is crying out right now. The earth that is crying out right now. There are so many countries including our own… Pretty much every country is crying out right now. And the Church is coming together, even when she’s tired and suddenlies are taking place! And you know, this suddenly didn’t take place just so it could happen… just so we could experience God, even though that is a crucial part of our walk with Him. It happened to expand the kingdom. You are a kingdom expander.
When the day of Pentecost had come they were all together in one place and suddenly a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven and it filled the whole house where they were sitting and tongues that looked like fire… super uncomfortable by the way, in the middle of them already being uncomfortable… appeared to them, distributing themselves and a tongue rested on each of them.
Everyone began to speak—no one was left out…
No one left behind! No one left out! No one. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different tongues as the spirit was giving them the ability to speak out. So He didn’t just give them tongues and say, “Okay, figure it out.” Then He gave them the ability to speak it out.
How much do we need each other? If we’ve ever recognized that, it would be today?
The importance of just one puzzle piece…
I have a puzzle piece in my pocket and the Holy Spirit reminded me of this. Right now we’re living with friends while we looking for a house. I’ve been keeping this puzzle piece because I’m thinking they probably have a puzzle up there somewhere that needs this puzzle piece. Right now we are realizing, and I believe it’s God that we need every piece. We need every supply. No other space can be filled. There’s no empty space that can be filled… you know what I’m trying to say? The empty space for this puzzle piece is the only space that can be filled by this puzzle piece. And the entire picture will not come to fruition without this piece. And you know what? It’s even a small piece, but picture looking at the entire puzzle put together and this piece being left out. Guess what you’re going to see? You’re going to see this piece being left out. Your supply is so vital. Even weary and exhausted. Just come together. Just get here. Just go where God wants you to go. And then look what He does.
The enemy comes at us from both ends…
I feel like the enemy tries to come after us so many ways. He comes after us with pride thinking we’ve got it all going on and we don’t need God. And then he comes after us with pride, with false humility thinking we’re completely nothing and we’ll never have anything going on. Both are pride! What if we just stopped caring about all of that?
Find your place in the big picture…
I remember one time Cindy talked about how she had her mind on herself for so long, and then she got free. That is so me. And it’s probably you. But see, we’re not going to look at this regarding our own ability. But you’re gonna crumble under the pressure of your inability of the task at hand. Or you’ll puff up and end up crumbling later, anyway. Either way, the result of looking at yourself for too long, is just a really bad idea. And will get you a bad result. So get where God wants you. Because that big picture is crying out for you to get in line, to get in place. And we declare over you right now that the enemy can no longer lie to you and tell you you’re not needed. And you’re not necessary. And you’re not vital. Because you are.
Morning Prayer YouTube Playlist
We’ve created a YouTube playlist for you, our pray-ers. You now have the opportunity to listen, watch, and prayer with us any time that fits your schedule. Each video is titled with the day and date of morning prayer.