Sister Jeannie…
When I know I’m leading corporate prayer, the obvious next step is always to ask Holy Spirit what He’s up to. And the past couple of days, He’s just been talking to me about how there is no “Plan B.”
People with a Plan B rarely meet their destination…
I’ve been listening to different people, some people in business, and then He brings different people to you. And one particular guy I listen to in business said “People that have a Plan B rarely meet their destination. Most of the time, people with a Plan B miss the mark and fail.”
Plan B is evil…
So this morning when I woke up, I’m like, “Okay, Father, what are we doing?” He goes, “There is no Plan B.” I said, “Okay.
Father, I thank you right now that we have ears to hear. We have eyes to see and everything that I say comes from you. It encourages us. It edifies us. And it lights a fire in us, and it causes us to stand. When Jesus said to the blind man, “What do you see today?” Today, we see even clearer. Because there is no Plan B. So when I woke up this morning, He said, “Plan B is evil.” And I said that sounds pretty legalistic. Are you sure? I mean, I don’t know. We don’t want to bring condemnation on people. And then whenever I hear nothing after that, I know there’s no more talking about it.
I googled Plan B…
So I Googled Plan B. It’s the abortion pill! It’s the pill that you take the day after intimacy. Now look at this prophetically for a minute. Plan B is the pill you take after intimacy to keep the result of intimacy from coming to pass. God did not have a Plan B. When we messed up, He didn’t say, “Okay, that’s it. We’re done. No more promises. Not going to come to pass.”
Salvation was established from the foundation of the earth…
The Bible says that salvation and redemption was established from the foundation of the earth. In fact, you were chosen from the foundation of the earth. His promises are yes and amen. And they were from the beginning. There was never a Plan B and there isn’t one right now either.
In fact, when we pray today, there is no Plan B. He’s not the alpha plan B and the omega. He’s the alpha and the omega. He’s the beginning and the end. There is no Plan B. So when we have Plan B in mind, considering His promises when we start to hedge, we abort the promise. Promises for our church … promises for the church … promises in your life … promises for our nation … promises for nations.
There is no Plan B.
It is coming to pass. Will we co-labor with Him? And jump on in and be a part of Plan A? There is no Plan B.
It kind of slapped me in the face…
So when I looked that up and I saw that, I got to tell you, it kind of slapped me in the face and threw me around the room. And then as the morning progressed, she just kept ministering to me all these areas where we allow Plan B in our thinking. You know, discouragement does not have a Plan B for you. It’s just discouragement. The enemy does not have a Plan B. Do you know that? He has one thing in mind—destruction, to kill, to steal, to destroy. But we have the thing, the alpha and the omega, we have the light that overcomes the darkness. Not even one time has darkness won. So why would we even think we need a Plan B? We literally don’t even need a Plan B.
Father, I just thank you. Right now in this moment, I thank you we don’t even need a Plan B. When you’re tired, be encouraged that there isn’t a Plan B. The promise is coming to pass. His promises are coming to pass. The awakening has already begun.
I YouTubed “no Plan B”…
Then I YouTubed “no Plan B.” I was just curious what anyone would have to say about there being no Plan B. It was a young hipster and some of you probably already know this. I didn’t know this. Young hipster artist, musician has a song called “No Plan B.” And the group that he’s a part of is called “Manifest.” I’m gonna read you the lyrics to that song. And today we declare over the teens, the twenties, the thirties that His promises are coming to pass for you. And a strengthening is rising up in you to stand and to be the light that overcomes and consumes the darkness every time. There is no Plan B. Here are the lyrics.
Plan B lyrics…
“I drop in with my face to the wind, spin 180 for the win, but I can’t find my feet. It’s like I lost the beat. Mid air and there’s no Plan B’s. Hit the streets. Look before I leap again, skeleton filled with adrenaline. How can I know that I got what it takes when I’ve come so far through the rain? Bear the pain, makes no difference now. Face myself or get taken out. One more time, got to live this loud. Back to the wall. No turning around. It’s too late. It’s my fate. I can’t turn around. There’s no fear in the mirror to hold me down. I’m too far from the start. I’m into deep.”
That’s good news. We’ve cut too far. You have come way too far to give up now. It’s just not going to happen. Don’t do it. Let’s go!
“I’ve got to stick to the plan because there’s no Plan B. No turning back. No Plan B. There’s no other path. No Plan B. And I know that this road is my destiny. I’ve got to stick to the plan because there’s no Plan B. Got a shot for the top on my soap box. Pop a zit, go sing. Let my tunes talk. Cool kid. And I’m in the mood. Give me combo number two. Let’s keep moving forward. Dude, you look scared to me. Better take your chair before you fail to see. A to Z, alpha omega. Like three times three. It’s the basics, homie. Embrace it. Come on. Take the shot. Don’t waste the clock. March to the drum of the number one spot. Born for this. Victorious! Storms break off. So glorious. All I know is I can’t turn back. All I know is I can’t turn back. Got to leave it in the past. Got to leave it in the past. All I know is I can’t turn back. All I know is I can’t turn back. Got to leave it in the past. Got to leave it in the past. Because this is the only road I’ve ever known. There’s no way that I could start again. It’s not too late. It’s my fate. I can’t turn around. There’s no fear in the mirror to hold me down. I’m too far from the start. Now I’m in too deep. I’ve got to stick to the plan because there’s no Plan B. No turning back! No Plan B. There’s no other path. No Plan B. And I know that this road is my destiny. I’ve got to stick to the plan because there’s no Plan B!”
We will not abort the plan of God. We have had plenty times with God. There’s always time for intimacy with the Father, with Holy Spirit, for Him to minister His plan to us. And now we move forward in the plan. We continue to occupy until He comes. That is the plan! And we’re sticking to it. You know, this whole lukewarm thing, that’s Plan B.
Father, I thank you right now you’re ministering alpha and omega to the teens and the twenties and the thirties. Minister alpha and omega … that they were chosen. They were predestined from the beginning. Everything was laid out. All of your plans were laid out for them from the beginning. Fullness. Victorious fullness. We are in the smack dab in the middle of victory.
Prayer for teens, 20’s and 30’s…
Father, we thank you for this pivotal time. We thank you that we do the 180. We pivot… we turn our eyes toward you and we get those non-negotiables established inside of us. Let the teens, the twenties and the thirties, get those non-negotiables established on the inside. The thirties, the forties, the 50, 60, … into the hundred, get the non-negotiables established on the inside of them.
They will no longer negotiate with the enemy. They recognize the lie and they pivot toward truth… from day to day, every day, completely maximized, chock full of promises. We no longer look out and expect it here. We see it today. Today is the day that He made.
Morning Prayer YouTube Playlist
We’ve created a YouTube playlist for you, our pray-ers. You now have the opportunity to listen, watch, and prayer with us any time that fits your schedule. Each video is titled with the day and date of morning prayer.