Pastor Ken…
Lord, we just gather around the name of Jesus, both online here this morning and in this chapel. We just gather under that most beautiful and holy name, the name of Jesus.
A word came forth…
I want to encourage anybody who is in the midst of a fight, a fight in some way, spiritually. You’re going through a tough time. You’re surrounded by threats, adversities, and challenges. I sense the Spirit of God encouraging us just to “Keep going. Stay with it.”
Don’t be discouraged or distracted by the fact that maybe you messed up yesterday, or you dropped the ball in some way. I sense the Spirit of God saying, “I’ve got you. My grace is greater. It’s able to swallow up your missteps or mistakes where you’ve failed and give you a fresh start.” So keep going. Stay with it.
If you let go of something, pick it back up. Maybe it was a strong stand of faith regarding healing in some way in your life or for a loved one or situation that God has you assigned to be praying and believing and representing in this world for His kingdom. Just pick it back up.
Maybe it’s something as simple as you’re believing for a new car or a house, or to get out of debt in some way. Don’t be denied. Refuse to be denied. The enemy roars like a lion, but there’s only one true lion and He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The enemy presents himself to be a certain way, but he’s a deceiver. He’s a conniver. He’s sneaky. He’s a liar. So let’s call him out today as the liar that he is. And let’s declare God’s Word is true. God’s Word is right. And God’s Word is so. His promise that is, will be so, and the word He’s spoken to you will be yes and amen. So we’ll come into full evidence and expression in your life, in your church, in your business, in your finances, in your situation.
God is raising up an army…
God, as we talked about yesterday is raising up an army. He’s inviting and summoning an army of people—that being the church—to not be timid or shy or to draw back. But instead a people who will put themselves up front of a fight of faith, to the front lines of where the action is happening. Because we know who’s behind us. We know who stands with us. We know the name in which we profess. We know whose we are, and then we know increasingly who we are in Him.
We need a change in our perspective…
And so I just encourage you today, God’s got you! It may have been a year. It may have been a month. However long it’s been, God is still working. There is a deeper… how do I want to say this? There’s a place you can see and perceive that it will help you to navigate life that is deeper, that is spiritual in nature. In other words, we don’t have to function out of the filter of our five physical senses, out of the filter of our feelings or our intellect or what we’re hearing externally. That’s how the enemy brings pressure. Thelipsis is the Greek word in the New Testament. He brings pressure. He comes to try to pressure and compress and push us and get us to freak out and panic and make stupid decisions and quit and give up in some way. But all that’s needed to change is simply to see differently, a change in our perspective.
The angels are celebrating victory over your situation…
And so just know today that God is announcing and the angels are celebrating victory over your situation. And that it would be a really good step to take today to start celebrating, start shouting, start declaring, start worshiping. It would be a really good prayer to pray the prayer of worship over your situation. I mean, after all, that’s all the children of Israel did when they surrounded Jericho, right? God gave them explicit instructions to March and to worship and to lead with the instruments and then to declare and just shout on that seventh time around. And the walls came tumbling down.
Don’t underestimate the power of your vocabulary…
I know I’ve been hitting on this periodically, but don’t underestimate the power of your vocabulary. Don’t overlook or misunderstand the power and the potential that is resident within your vocal cords. When you put His Word on your lips, when you declare how it should be, how it could be and actually should be in your life, you are bringing about an alignment in the atmosphere of your home and in the vibrations of your being and in the spiritual dimensions. You’re bringing about alignment and synchronization when you speak as God would have you to speak.
The Word is your fuel for prayer…
His ways He declares are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. But the more we fill ourselves with His Word… Remember the Word of God is your fuel for prayer. The more you listen to His coaching and instruction, the more you can spiritually and intelligently speak out and worship when you need to worship. So that there comes an alignment and an agreement in your life with the will of God and how heaven sees you and what should be in your life. That’s a little out there maybe this morning, I don’t know. But I hope I’m getting my point across a little bit, trying to put words to it.
On earth as it is in heaven…
But God’s plan and will and greatest desire for you today is that it would be in your life, in your finances, in your body, in your relationships, in your church, in your business, in your emotions… it would be in all those arenas and every other… that it would be on earth as it is in heaven…
Don’t throw in the towel…
So we must esteem His Word above every threat, every clanging symbol, every noise of the enemy. We must esteem His Word through our attention, through what we speak, through taking time to worship and shout and keep ourselves stirred up in our most holy faith. Because God is at work today. Don’t give up. Don’t throw in the towel. Don’t wave the white flag, no matter how small it might seem or how big it might seem. He is working behind the scenes. Angels are coming and going, facilitating, assisting, protecting, helping you.
Stay with it and keep going…
I just felt like I needed to say that this morning… stay with it. Keep going, keep going. Get up, go another day. I mean, certainly keep learning and changing as the Holy Spirit helps you to change and grow. Keep growing in the Word, keep growing in your walk with Him, but then keep going as well.
Breakthrough is in your hands…
Isn’t that what our pastor taught us so well through the years: “If you don’t quit, you win.” But oh, there will come a day, a moment, maybe it’ll be today, when you will come to the realization that you’ve stepped over, that you’ve come through, that breakthrough is in your hands. That the answer has been granted and given. It’s gonna show up for you today in your driveway, in your bank account, in your circumstances. I mean, those are some of the most amazing and glorious moments, right?
Keep doing the right thing when the wrong thing is happening…
I’ve had numerous moments like that through my life where I realized, “Oh my gosh, I am free. I am completely free.” But what did I do between the yes and amen and the look there it is… that space? I kept going. You’re gonna keep going. I kept doing the right thing when the wrong thing was happening. Oh, there are many times and seasons of adversity where I went into a quiet place and knelt on my knees. I was hurting or struggling. And you know, nothing was changing. And I would raise holy hands and say, “Lord, I thank you that in the midst of this season, I can declare victory over this situation that hasn’t changed in the natural. I thank you for the honor and the privilege that I get to worship you. And thank you in advance because your Word says when you pray, believe that you receive.” Believe you receive in the moment you pray. Hallelujah! I thank you, Father. I’ve said that many times. Lord, thank you that you are working. I will not be dismayed. I will not be detoured. I will not let go of you and your promise. I will have it only your way. As I have prayed, so it shall be.
You gotta preach to yourself like King David did…
You gotta preach to yourself, speak to yourself like King David who encouraged himself oftentimes in the Lord. He spoke to himself and was his own best cheerleader. If somebody comes along and encourages you, thank God for that. But don’t necessarily expect it. Take it upon yourself as your very own spiritual discipline on a daily basis to encourage yourself in the Lord, to remind yourself… who among you will stir him or herself up to take hold of more of God. You can do it today. We can take hold of more of God. We can stir ourselves up. There is an energy, power and grace and an unction …
Father, let your presence and encouragement flow today…
We pray for additional grace upon the church today… additional grace upon this prayer movement…
Prayer about unlocking supplies…
Father, we pray for a heavenly unlocking… an unlocking of supplies and reserves and reservoirs… an unlocking of the creative and unlocking of the gifts of the Spirit and unlocking in the church.
Prayer about increase coming like waterfalls…
Now an increase now… almost like waterfalls opened up from God’s closets in heaven, and waterfalls of different elements and different resources and different intentions and plans and promotions and spiritual workings and supernatural miraculous kind of things are flowing down like a waterfall now…
Prayer about pastors and churches…
We pray for pastors and leaders and churches today to come online… just like devices, computers come online. They log online and do a network. So we pray for a coming online now of pastors… all kinds of pastors and leaders and pray-ers and believers logging online to your present day network…
Prayer about being in unity…
We pray and agree with you that we would become unified as one as a body in this hour, driven together in the love of God, drawn together under a common cause that being the gospel and the purpose and the Spirit of God
Prayer about leaders in Washington…
We pray over leaders… I see leaders in Washington, DC, and in state capitals around America… we lift up leadership and those in offices of influence and decision making and policy making today… we lift up those who advise and support and work administratively in various ways. Today, we pray for a waterfall of wisdom, a waterfall of grace, and help now in this moment…
Prayer about America…
We declare mercy. We pray for mercy over America today. Over our nation today, Father… We lift up our nation to you … we pray you would have your way Lord, in every aspect, in our leadership
Prayer about wisdom to make policies…
Father, we pray and assign power and light and supernatural wisdom to those in those places that will make those rulings and those judgements and those policies and those decisions today… we steer them in the right direction… in the direction of your righteousness and justice … in the direction of your plan and purpose that aligns with heaven for this hour.
Prayer about problematic issues in our country…
We lift up those issues that have been problematic for our country… we pray for there to be a work of God so that there are no longer issues in Jesus’ name… increase, increase, increase…
Prayer about the economy…
Lord, we just lift up our economy today. We pray your hand would rest on our economy… we stand against any attempts of the enemy to continue to fan the flames of inflation or cause further problems in the markets or supply chain issue. Whatever the case is, Father, we pray today that your hand would be released to guide our economy, to facilitate, to assist, to help.
Prayer about divine positionings…
We just pray for divine positionings… divine steps and positionings … divinely orchestrated decisions.
Resisting the enemy’s plot to bring chaos in nation…
We speak peace over our land today… we speak peace and we command every attempt of the enemy to create chaos and a divided state and problems of violence and evil in any way. We command it to stand down in the name of Jesus and we just declare “Peace be still over our land in our borders today, our cities and suburbs and the rural arena regions of America. Today, we speak peace today.”
Prayer about free course to preach…
Father, we pray that your Word would run freely and rapidly through our land in this hour, that your Word and the proclamation of the prophetic would find a free course to be spread and broadcast and declared and announced across our nation, around the world.
Prayer about recharging…
We pray for churches today… We pray for reinforcements… we call in supernatural reinforcements today for pastors and churches and ministries across our land and missionaries and evangelists and teachers… we pray for a refilling and a renewing and a refreshing. I hear that word “recharging.”