Pastor Ken…
Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our Tuesday morning gathering. So good to have you with us today.
God has a next level ready for you…
I just was sensing this morning that God is saying He’s got a next level for us and a new place… a next level and a new place for you. For me. For the church. Afterall, the Bible says that His kingdom will have no end. The increase of His kingdom will have no end. That His desire is to bring increase to you and your children. That was under the Old Covenant. And so today I just want to encourage you that whatever circumstances you find yourself in, wherever you’re at in your faith journey, despite the news reports and the increased craziness in our world… And that probably will continue because we are in the end of time, or the end of this dispensation anyway. But Jesus reminds us not to let our hearts be troubled. Don’t be distracted by what the enemy’s doing.
Don’t be distracted by the noise of the enemy…
In fact, let me just kind of encourage you in that this morning. If it’s a personal issue or something the enemy’s trying to do in your life, a weapon he’s trying to form against you, if you will, things that are going on around us. I sense the Spirit of God reminding us not to be distracted by the shiny loud, noisy, clanging things the enemy’s trying to attempt or say he’s going to do. Just stay dialed in on the one who heads up the church, or the leader and the author and the completer of our faith… the captain of our soul today. For He is faithful. And despite the rising tide of craziness and evil in the culture, at the same time, there’s an even greater rising tide of the Spirit of God, the glory of God, the power of God.
So God has plans for you. If you have breath in your lungs and stride in your step, no matter what you’ve been through or what you’re coming out of or what you’ve faced or what your past looks like, just know that God is in the business. He loves to redeem and repurpose and use failure and things that we’ve been through as a setup for something even greater.
And so today, know that. He’s got a next step. He’s got a new place for you. He’s saying that to you this morning. Don’t be distracted. Don’t be drawn off. Don’t draw back. Let your heart and your focus be fixed on Him. He’s speaking loud and clear. His resources and power have never been more available. He’s intent to see the church rise and do all that she’s called to do.
God has not backed off…
In fact, I believe that we’re gonna see an acceleration of things on a level that we have never seen before in America. Not just in your life and in the church. But in America and in the nations. Come on now! God has not backed off. He’s not backed off on His intention, on His plan, on what He prophesied to you, to the church or about our nation or about your nation.
No, He is as bold and as forward thinking and intentional and about His business as He’s ever been right now. And He’s working behind the scenes in that circumstance that you’re in. He’s bringing you out. So rejoice! Celebrate! Let your heart be glad.
The reversal of Roe v. Wade reminds us that God is faithful…
The reversal of Roe v Wade is a really good reminder for us that God is faithful, that He always comes through. That we don’t have to fret or fear because He is at the wheel. And if you’ve turned your life over at Him, He’s at the wheel of your life. And we just need to keep going with Him.
When we pray, we generate power…
And I just was reminded of this morning, the significance of God’s powers. I was reflecting a little bit about the power and glory of God and prayer in conjunction with that. And in particular, in my life, I was just like, you know, I’m just so grateful for God and for the opportunity to pray and engage with Him and host His presence because it means everything. As I look down through the chapters of my life thus far, my goodness, I’m grateful for the manifest presence and power of God. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of power. And when we pray, we generate power. Like I said, yesterday to pray is to change because you generate dunamis power. You generate the glory of God. You host and activate His presence in your life. So that truly nothing is impossible.
God wants us to be portals of His power…
And if there’s one thing God wants to do in this hour in us and in the church is that He wants to channel His power. He wants us to be virtual portals of power individually, collectively channeling heaven’s power into the earth and onto the scenes of various circumstances and situations. Whether it be in the political arena or on the international stage in some way, there’s power available for us today that we’ve not seen yet, that God is wanting us to become conduits of.
And so I was reminded of Charles Finney. When I think of my own journey, I think of so many instances and things I thought I couldn’t do or step into next levels. Another step that God had for me down through the years, things that maybe in some instances I was terrified of in myself and didn’t see a way through it… a challenge… a difficulty… an adversity… a particular season… something I was facing. But I have trained myself and trained my intellect and trained my heart that when I come up against a wall, when I bump up against a weapon that’s formed against me as Isaiah says … it may be formed against you, but it’s not going to prosper if you take a strong stand of faith.
And I think of the numerous things God has led me through already at this point in my life and I am just so grateful because I’ve trained myself to engage with Him in prayer. I can think of some things years ago that now seem like a small thing, but it was a big thing to me back then. And I was like, “I don’t know if I can do that.” And I would set myself to pray some nights for days, to pray and fast. And then when I got up to do whatever I needed to do, and I needed to step into that new season and I needed to take hold of that new opportunity, I was always just amazed at how much power was tangibly manifest to do what I needed to do. So much so that it was like the easiest thing and most enjoyable thing I had ever done.
You don’t have to do it in your own strength or power…
And that’s true for us. Every one of us. Whether it’s doing life today, making a decision today, confronting a situation at work today, with your family today… whatever the case is, there is an abundance of grace and empowerment and wisdom and what you and I need for every step of our journey. But the key is to understand that God did not call us to this life’s journey to the assignment that He has you assigned to right now. He did not intend for you to do it on your own or in your own strength. But He intended us to generate power, His power to do the work.
And I quoted this yesterday, but in James 5:16, it says “The earnest heartfelt continued prayer of a righteous man or woman makes tremendous power available.” In the Amplified, it says dynamic in its working. In other words, His power morphs to meet your need. His power adjusts and His dynamic shifts and it becomes what you need. If it’s in the arena of wisdom and foresight or vision for your future, for your job, for your ministry, when you pray that power is released and morphs to turn into creative energy. It morphs to turn into wisdom, to know how to manage your finances going forward, despite inflation and all kinds of words that are don’t sound so good regarding our economy.
We’re called to live supernaturally…
See God has for sure a next level and another place for us in regards to how we function and live and move and have our being as a people. And that is supernaturally. We’re called to live supernaturally. And it’s gonna be increasingly important in this hour to do so for your safety, for your prosperity, for your ministry. God wants us to be in the right places at the right time… for you today to be in the right place at the right time. And what I’ve found is that I am in the right place at the right time because I’ve given myself to prayer. I experienced the favor of God on a whole other level.
Charles Finney knew about the power of prayer…
So let me add this story. Charles Finney was the great 19th century revivalist who led the Second Great Awakening and was known for the power that flowed from his teaching and his ministry and his great meetings across America. And there’s an account that he shares some of his writings early in his ministry where he was frustrated by the lack of fruitfulness and effectiveness in his meetings and in his ministry. And the Lord by the Holy Spirit led him one day to a meadow off in the country somewhere near a split rail fence where he knelt down. And I don’t know if it was for days or how long, but he just began to seek God. He began to pray and wait on God. He took the narrative of the New Testament literally for himself that if he would wait, the power would come. And he did for, I think, it was days until heaven just literally blew into his life. And he just sensed heaven sit down on top of him. The power of God sat on him literally. And when he sensed that renewal and the presence of God infilling him, he knew that he had broken through in prayer. And then he continued with his ministry and in the weeks and months and years to come, he had such results and fruitfulness and power in his life and ministry that, I mean, numerous books were written about the accounts of what happened because of his obedience and the power that flowed through his life.
And it was said of him that at any point in time for the rest of his life when he sensed the power of God lifting or diminished in some way, he would always return to that meadow in the country near that split rail fence, where he would pray until the power would return in fullness again. And then he would go do his life in ministry.
Martin Luther wisdom…
Martin Luther once said he or she who has prayed well, has studied well, or prepared well, and that doesn’t mean you have to preach a message from a pulpit. That just might mean life or leading your family or making a decision or whatever it might be… to pray well, to be given to prayer is to have prepared for life well, to be endowed with power from on high. We’re going to need to live at a new level as a church and as individuals in this day. Make no mistake about it. Regardless of what you do or what you’re assigned to.
Heavenly Father, we lift our hearts and our minds to you today…
Prayer to resuscitate the body of Christ…
We want to be a demonstration of who you are, what you want to be to this generation.
Fill us, Lord, move in us… breathe on us and the church in this day. Breathe on the church here at Living Word. Let your breath that flows from your nostrils breathe on and resuscitate the church at Living Word… resuscitate the church in America… resuscitate the church in the earth in this hour in Jesus’ name.
Prayer to shake the church…
Lord, let your glory come and let it shake the church, let it awake the church, let it move our hearts to repentance…
Move our hearts to surrender… to move our heart in consecration and dedication to the will and the call of the Holy Spirit
Prayer to turn up the intensity…
We pray that you would turn up the volume, turn up the intensity … we call for that today for that’s what you want to do. That’s your intention to turn it up, to crank it up…
We pray for a cranking up of the glory of God for the revelation of the Spirit, for the purposes of God.
Prayer for America…
We pray over America today and we command her to wake up in Jesus’ name. It’s time to wake up the nation… to come to an awareness that God is here and he’s moving …
We pray for a turning point, once again, for America… a turning point for the church, in our land … that there would be a supernatural shifting now and adjusting now and turning now turning around
Prayer about mysteries…
Show us the way, Father… mysteries… opening, opening, opening … we seek for that doorway… up, up, up now … up to the forefront… into places of prominence… we move those elements… we move those purposes of God now into place, into position … we marshal the forces of heaven… we marshal all the needed and necessary ingredient ingredients… for a forming of a line now, a forming of a front now, a spiritual front, a spiritual troop.
Prayer about breaking old patterns…
We pray today for the Holy Ghost to stir and to move and to do what He wants to do to shake us and break us from our old patterns and indoctrinations, and be freed up now to go with God, to go to that next level, to move into that new place, to flow in the supernatural as easily and organically as a bird flying through the air or fish swimming through the water.
Prayer about heaven-sent fire…
We pray for fire now… Holy heaven-sent fire now on the altars of hearts on the altars of churches… I’m speaking spiritual fire.
We pray, Lord, for an increase in a fanning of the flame of your glory and your power and your holy fire… that it would burn bright … that it would burn with intensity.
Prayer for every weight to come off…
Come off, come off, come off every weight… every sin come off… everything that holds us back or slows us down and hinders us in our course and in our path for God, we say, “Come off in Jesus’ name! Be separated, be broken off in Jesus’ name.”
We speak over strongholds. We speak to doctrines of devils today. We speak to new age assignments of the enemy and we command them to be severed and broken in Jesus’ name
Shaking, shaking, shaking, shaking… thank you, Father, for a shaking of the foundations of the church … for shaking of the very foundations of our white house … for shaking everyday houses in the suburbs and in the city and in the country today… that there would come a shaking as the Spirit of God moves about our land
Prayer about the train coming…
It’s coming. It’s coming … make no mistake about it… the train is coming… the glory train is coming … it’s on its way. It’s moving. It’s moving throughout the land. It’s moving house to house.