Pastor Ken led prayer…
I pray for you right now for His presence to become manifest where you are this morning. Just bring to you what you need, what you’re craving, what’s you’re hungering for, what you’re calling out for…
Prayer about His presence…
Lord, we pray for your presence just to flow and to minister and deliver what’s necessary, good, right.
We pray that you would be lifted up over America today, over our cities and homes… over the nations today…
We pray, Lord, that you would get glory to yourself, that you would get even more glory and more fame to your name, Lord, in this hour and in this generation.
I just pray for supernatural refreshing all across this online and in chapel community prayer.
Prayer about a river being released…
I pray over you in the name of Jesus, and I pray for a river to be released into your soul in a greater way.
I pray for a river, a refreshing of renewal and encouragement and a hope to your soul and circumstances, and to your household today…
Prayer about being strengthened…
I pray that the Spirit of God would strengthen you on the inside, that your inner being would be strengthened throughout with the grace and encouragement and assistance and power of God.
I pray that you would be strengthened and inspired to shake off lethargy, to shake off a stumble or a mistake or a misstep… to shake off the past, to shake off those thoughts, to shake off that trauma, to shake off that word that was said hastily to you or toward you and to rise up…
I speak strength to you, Church. I speak supernatural grace and assistance to your soul and to your journey, your calling, your assignment today and every day …
Prayer about infusion of help…
I pray in Jesus’ name for an infusion of His help an infusion of mercy and an infusion of heaven-send wisdom and provision and a strength and healing.
I pray for a supernatural release of the power of God to go to work in your soul, in your emotions, in your mind, in your relationships, right now in your leg…
Prayer about people that have physical issues…
Somebody has an issue with your leg. I speak pain relief to your leg. I speak pain relief to that situation in your knee in Jesus’ name… your back … your hearts. I declare new hearts… new hearts are being given out by the Great Physician Jesus to you today… and a new soul… and new cartilage, new tendons, new nerves even … a reconnecting of nerves I sense that … in your knee, in your back, in your leg, in your foot for somebody
We just open up the door of healing today, Lord, emotional healing, physical healing, relational healing, for some it’s financial, there needs to be a financial miracle and healing.
We pray for that release now to be precipitated in this moment right now … we pray and come together in agreement around the Word and on the name of Jesus… I pray for a flow of heaven delivering to your doorstep, delivering to your life where you need it, what you need, how you need God’s help…
Prayer about discouragement…
I command a breaking up today of discouragement…
I command a holy breaking up in your soul, a breaking up, a parting of the clouds, a breaking up of the strategies and the deceptive works of darkness… a breaking up of perennial problems that have plagued you for so long…
I command a breaking up of those things in Jesus’ name …
I command in Jesus’ name there to be a dissipation and a moving out of all that the enemy has attempted …
I declare that that weapon formed against you will not prosper… Instead I declare it becomes a leverage point for you becoming anointed on a whole new level, that it becomes a platform and a springboard to rise…
Prayer about taking a step…
God is granting a step… He’s showing you a step… take the step … it’s going to cause you to rise. It’s going to cause you to step up and out and into a new place prepared for you with some new things that He has in store that are already given granted …
Let Him show you what that is… but He’s granting an opportunity to take a step … to not stay where you’ve been, but to go where you’re called and where he’s beckoning and inviting you to…
Prayer about the church…
We just pray over the church today. We pray over believers today. Pray-ers today here and online, and those who aren’t with us today… we pray for a hearing heart… we pray for hearing ears on people now … to hear the sound of the Savior, to hear the sound of the Father and what He’s saying and what He’s inviting us into
Prayer about being stuck in a rut…
I declare that this thing that you’ve grappled with, struggled with … put up with … lived with … coped with…
I say it comes to an end in Jesus’ name… it comes to an end now… today… this day… this moment it’s to come to an end… it’s a cease to exist. It’s to be eradicated … it’s to be taken as far as the east is from the west and never to be seen again in Jesus’ name.
And so, Lord, I just declare that today a breaking and an ending of the assignment of the enemy… a breaking and an ending of perennial sickness and woundedness, and frustration and “stuckness” … being stuck in a rut… in some way… that ends today, that ceases today, that stops today in the name of Jesus…
Jesus is saying His arm is outstretched to you…
His arm is outreached. The Spirit of God is saying, “My arm is outreached today.” Jesus is saying, “My arm is outreached to you today. I’m offering you a step. Just take My hand, just grab hold of Me. I’m reaching out to you. Yeah! You! You know you… yeah, wherever you are, you might feel like the most isolated and alone and frustrated and hopeless person in the world, but Jesus is visiting you today. His arm is outreached and outstretched to you and with a loving smile and a gracious heart and an abundance, and in fact, a never ending supply of goodness and mercy and forgiveness and grace and help, He’s reaching out to you. Take His hand! Take His offer. Take Him up on it. What do you have to lose? Go with God today. What He says to you do it, just like His mother Mary said just before He performed His first miracle in Galilee, He told the servants “do what He tells you to do. Just do what Jesus, My son, tells you to do.” It’ll be a simple thing. It’ll be an easy thing because what He asks us to do is easy and grace-filled… It’s a step … it’s simply a step.
Prayer about signs, wonders, and miracles…
Lord, we pray for your grace and anointing to be released on a whole other level and a whole other dimension in this hour. That truly, Lord, signs and miracles and wonders would be put on display and loosed …
There would be a loosing of the miraculous, a loosing of holy fire, a loosing of heavens rivers…
Breaking over the banks… rivers spilling out … burgeoning and spilling out over banks… flowing into regions and areas and nations and to the utter most parts of the earth today…
Lord, let it be your glory that spills over … in this church today…
We stand for the holy fire sent from heaven… to flow and to be released on a level and in a way that has never been seen or reported or written of in times of old…
Prayer about nations…
Father, we’re praying about every nation, every kindred, every tongue … every church house, Father… every Senate house, every nations’ leaders today… We pray for a holy shaking… a holy shaking and rearranging… in accordance with the plan and the purpose of God for the nations
Prayer about momentum…
We crave for a momentum today… we know the enemy is scared out of his mind that the church and the move of God would gain momentum. That’s ultimately what he’s after is momentum. But today, Father, we just let you know that we’re going with you today and every day…
We pray for momentum … increasing momentum in the church, increasing momentum in the place of prayer, increasing momentum in the move of God in the nations …
We pray for a full display of the works of heaven… a full display of signs, signs, signs, and wonders, and miracles and power …
Oh, we pray for a breaking off of the shell of religion over churches… and in people’s hearts.
Pastor Ken shared…
Let me share something with you this morning. In recent years, it’s becoming increasingly evident just how prophetic and spot on brother Kenneth Hagin has been going back decades. So you’re seeing more of his stuff surfacing and even in the media, things that he predicted and prophesied and years ago like in the early seventies, late sixties concerning the nation, concerning what the enemy’s using to weaponize against the Church and America. But also concerning what brother Hagin said I believe about prayer. So he is still a voice that lives on in spirit with what he shared along with others. And there’s a couple of things that he shared a number of years ago that I wanted to just read. I think it would be good for us to be refreshed and what was shared at this time when this was prophesied.
Prophetic word by Kenneth E. Hagin
Giants in the land…
Brother Hagin prophesied, “The time is coming and now is when men and women blood washed and blood bought will come to realize and know the fullness of the covenant that belongs to them. They will come to know the authority, the rights, the privileges. There shall rise a company in these lasts days that many people will call super men because they’ll operate in the realm of the supernatural in a way that has not been done before. Many have touched the edge, gotten in just to the edge of it occasionally. But the time is coming when men and women will walk in their covenant, walk in the supernatural, and it will be just as natural to walk in the supernatural as it is for a bird to fly through the air or fish to swim through the water. Hearts must be prepared. Minds must be renewed. Spirits must come into subjection to the Father of spirits. Speak it out and by your speaking it out, then you create it. The revelation is coming. They’ll be able to teach men in the realm of the spirit in this area where they can operate in that area. Like men and women in the mental realm will teach people the multiplication table and they can operate the multiplication tables. So spiritual things will become as real as natural as mental and material things. And it shall be said in these last days, as it was said of years gone by that there are giants in the land. These giants will not be giants of physical stature, but giants of spiritual stature.
Kenneth E. Hagin prophecy
The greatest ministry is prayer…
And then another time brother Hagin inspired by the Holy Spirit declared this. He said, “I can hear the Spirit of God saying, Hear and hear you well. For you see responsibility is upon your shoulders. Responsibility is upon the followers of Christ to loose those around them from grave cloths to which they are bound. And they’ll never be loosed until you loose them. Enter into the ministry of prayer. ‘Oh, I wish I could do something for the Lord. I wish God would call me to preach.’ But yes, saith the Lord, the greatest ministry of all is the ministry of prayer. The greatest ministry of all is the ministry of intercession and even all the other ministries will fail unless the intercessors will take their place and will stand against the forces of darkness and the forces of evil.”