Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Pastor Dustin…
Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Tuesday Morning Prayer.
My name is Dustin Sherry. I’m the next gen pastor here at Living Word. And on behalf of our senior pastors, Mac and Lynne Hammond, I want to welcome you to our Tuesday morning time of prayer.
Lord, we thank you for the opportunity that we have to gather together and to worship you. We set our expectation this morning. We’re not here to be entertained by a person. We’re here to declare the things you would have us declare, speak out the things that you would have us speak out. And we believe that as we set our attention on you, we believe we will be changed from the inside out.
Father, we thank you that your presence is in this place. We thank you that your Spirit is in this place, and we know that where your Spirit is, there’s liberty, there’s freedom. And so, Lord, I pray that we would just be mindful of that today.
Utterance is greatly affected by the hearer…
I want to take a moment and think about the truth and the reality that the presence of God is here. His Spirit is here. And as I was driving in today, I was thinking about expectation. Brother Keith Moore, I’ve heard him say often before he preaches, “utterance is greatly affected by the hearer.” And I think it’s just a good reminder that we’re aware of what our expectation is when we come into a service or a time like this together.
What is your expectation?
What is your expectation this morning? Are you believing you’re going to hear from the Lord? Are you believing you’re going to get divine insight and revelation? Are you believing that He’s going to give you supernatural strategies? Are you believing that you’re going to receive a touch from Him this morning?
Come on! What do you need from heaven this morning?
Father, we thank you that you strengthen and reinforce everyone in here, everyone watching online, that you strengthen and reinforce them with mighty power in their innermost being.
Thank you that you fill them with peace in Jesus’ name.
Don’t switch to “default tongues…”
Stir yourself up and don’t just switch over to the “default tongues.” Let the Spirit lead you in your tongues. Sometimes we have a propensity, I think, if you’ve been praying in tongues for a long time to go into that like machine gun, second nature kind of tongues thing. Just let the Spirit lead you in your tongues and prophesy and declare what the Lord gives you.
Just pray it out whatever the Lord gives you. This is corporate prayer. We’re all praying. We’re all giving our supply. You didn’t come here to watch me pray today. You came here to give your supply.
Take your seat of authority…
Operate from that position that you’ve been given in Christ to speak and to declare. You’re not praying from defeat this morning. You’re praying from victory. The same spirit, the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives and abides on the inside of you. The same spirit that was in the apostle Paul, the same spirit that was in Billy Graham, the same spirit that was in Jesus is alive on the inside of you.
Don’t believe lies…
So don’t believe the lie that you’re beneath your circumstances. Don’t believe the lie that you’re a victim of anything. Because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Renew your mind to that this morning. Greater is He that is in you than cancer. Greater is He that is in you than any attempt of the enemy.
Strain forward to that which lies ahead…
He’s going to do something greater in this season of your life. So forgetting that which lies behind, strain forward to what lies ahead. Take your eyes off the past, take your eyes off everything that would distract and put your eyes on Jesus and allow the Spirit of God to lead you into the place that He has prepared for you in advance.
He’s been preparing you… He’s been equipping you. There have been deposits and impartation and words that have been spoken over you, and it’s been preparation for where the Spirit of God is taking you. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, neither has entered the heart of man all that God has made, all that He’s prepared, all that He keeps ready for you. But it’s revealed and unveiled by and through the Spirit of God.
There are some things that you’ve just got to pray out for yourself and you can’t rely on someone else to pray it out for you. You can’t rely on someone to tell you what to do every step of the way. You can’t rely on flesh to guide you. You can’t rely on your own intellect to guide you. You can’t keep making decisions based off of your experiences in the past. You’ve got to let the Spirit of God lead you and guide you. You’ve got to let Him reveal to you the things that He has prepared for you.
And when you pray in tongues, you’re praying out mysteries, you’re praying out God’s perfect will, you’re praying out things in advance. So you’ve got to give time to praying in tongues. Pray in your understanding, pray the Word, declare the things, confess the stuff, but you’ve also got to give time to praying in the Spirit. The apostle Paul said, I thank God that I pray in tongues more than all of you.
There’s something supernatural about praying in the spirit. It’s powerful. It strengthens you. It charges you. Don’t neglect praying in the spirit. Because He’s taking you somewhere… because He has a plan and purpose for your life. And it’s as significant as the plan and purpose that He has for your life is, it’s a part of something much greater. And just like He’s shifting you, just like He’s moving you, just like He’s leading you, He’s doing that to others. And He’s opening up doors and closing doors and rearranging things. And He’s shifting people.
Keep in alignment with Him…
He’s shifting things and so you’ve got to keep yourself in alignment through the shift. You’ve got to keep yourself in alignment as things are moving, and that’s going to happen when you’re led by Him, by His Spirit.
When you’re not led by your understanding. The just shall live by faith. You don’t need faith when it all makes sense… when you can put it all together in your mind. You need faith for when you don’t understand. You need faith in the process. You need faith while things are being worked out and you need faith when things look uncertain. But we’re called to live and to walk by faith. And so you need to allow the Spirit of God to perfect that which can concerns you. You need to allow Him to work things together for your good.
Is He lord of your life?
If He has a plan that far exceeds your understanding, then there are going to be moments where it doesn’t make sense… then there’s going to be moments where it doesn’t make sense. And that’s when you find out whether or not He’s Lord in your life. That’s when you find out how submitted to Him you are. Is He really your Lord? Because if He’s your Lord, then He gets to have the final say in every single area of your life. And so it doesn’t have to make sense for us to do it. We just have to be confident in His goodness and in His grace. And we just have to know at the end of the day, if it’s Him, I’m doing it. If it’s not, I’m not going to do it. But if it’s him, I don’t need to make sense of it all. If it’s Him, I don’t have to understand it. I just have to say yes. I just have to be obedient to do what the Spirit of God is directing me to do.
And I trust that He’ll give me the wisdom and the strength. I didn’t make it this far based on my ability and my intellect and my wisdom. Anything good in my life is a result from Him. And so I can’t take credit for where I am up to this point. It’s been all by His grace. And so I’m going to keep trusting Him every single step of the way.
Let’s make up our minds this morning, “I’m going to keep trusting Him every step of the way.” And I’m going to demonstrate that trust… I’m going to demonstrate that faith by moving when He tells me to move, by doing what He tells me to do.
So follow peace…
Follow peace. Follow the peace of God. It doesn’t have to make you comfortable to give you peace. It doesn’t have to be… You could be at war with your mind and have peace. It could make no sense to you, and you could have peace in your heart. That’s why the Bible says He’ll give you peace that passes all understanding. He can give you peace in the midst of things that don’t make sense. Your mind hasn’t wrapped itself around what He spoke to you about, but you have peace.
Operating on another level…
And I just get the sense we’re called to operate on another level. He’s calling us to another dimension. And you can’t have the effect that you’re called to have when you’re limiting yourself to your understanding. You can’t have the effect that you’re called to have when you’re doing it by your own hand in your own strength. It’s got to be by and through the Spirit of God. That’s where the results are.
You can do some stuff, but if it’s going to be Him, if it’s going to produce transformation in people’s lives, if it’s going to have the effect that it’s called to have, it has to be by and through the Spirit of God.
Don’t neglect that supernatural part of your walk with God…
So don’t neglect the spiritual part of your Christianity, for lack of a better way to say it. Don’t neglect that supernatural part of your walk with God. You’ve got to keep Jesus at the center focus on your relationship with Him and allow the Spirit of God to mold you and shape you into the person that He’s called you to be. Allow Him to remove imperfections. Allow Him to refine you. Allow Him to shape you and mold you. And as you’re in His presence, you’ll be changed from the inside out. As you’re in His Word, you’ll be changed from the inside out. As you spend time praying in the spirit, you’ll be changed from the inside out.