Annie led group in worship…
Jeanie shared…
History belongs to the intercessor. So thank you for being here. Regarding today, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about a couple of passages. The Lord was talking to me about Luke 6 when Jesus was in the synagogue teaching. A Sabbath before that, the religious people were on Him about “breaking the law.” They wanted more and more evidence to accuse and harm Him. He knew that. While He was teaching in the synagogue, Jesus noticed a man whose hand was withered. Firstly, Jesus noticed that man. He knows every withered hand we have. He notices everything. But what was startling about it, was that Jesus didn’t wait to heal him until the next day. It was unacceptable to Jesus that he had a withered hand. Even though one of his hands was good, and even though he probably had that withered hand forever, even though he had adjusted to life with a withered hand, it was unacceptable to the Father that his child had a piece of his life that wasn’t whole.
I pictured this man. He was someone that didn’t even go to Jesus and ask for healing. Jesus noticed him. The Father pointed him out, point his withered hand out. Jesus could have said to the man, “I have a plan for you. Come and see me tomorrow, cuz it’s not appropriate for you to be healed now.” Jesus knew their thoughts. He knew they would use this as leverage to harm Him, yet that didn’t stop Him from fullness in one of his children’s lives. What a good Father we have!
Father, we honor You. It’s not acceptable to You… anything that has been laying around, not functioning in our country, in our relationships, in our thinking, in our occupations, in our dreams… anything at all that would be a withered hand, anything that we’ve grown accustomed to, You know those things and it is not acceptable to You. In fact, even now You approach us and ask us to stretch out our hands.
Jeanie continued sharing…
Ezekiel 37. Now, I would propose that this was a happy conversation that God had with Ezekiel. “And the hand of the Lord was upon me.” Think about that. The hand of the Lord was upon Ezekiel and “he brought me out in the spirit of the Lord and he set me down in the midst of the valley and it was full of dry bones…” Withered hands!
God did this! It was a happy confrontation that God had with Ezekiel. I believe the two of them were expectant and excited. This was not a serious conversation. “He caused me to pass around among them and behold there were many possibilities. There were many bones in the open valley. And behold they were very dry.” They had been around for a long time. Many possibilities. “And he said to me, Son of man, can these bones live?”
Okay let’s just imagine God saying to Ezekiel, “Can these bones live” with a smile on his face and laughter in his voice. And Ezekiel saying with a glimmer in his eye, “Oh Lord God, you know.” Sometimes we think this is a serious conversation as if Ezekiel wondered. What if Ezekiel didn’t wonder? What if he had been walking with God for so long and he knew it was time and he knew that God said it was now. That is what is going on in the meetings. The time is now. Victory has already begun. The withered hands are unacceptable to the Father. In our country. In the White House. It’s time for things to continue to move and for us to take dominion.
So we look at this through the filter of joy, of expectancy, of things finished already. He is asking us, He’s drawing us near to co-labor with Him. All the man with the withered hand needed to do was stretch out his hand. That’s it. All Ezekiel has to do is speak over the bones.
This is also an indicator that God is leading us to those things. What are those bones? Dreams we’ve dropped. Assignments we’ve let go. Healings we’ve decided to just live with. Whatever is going on in our country. We watch the news… they’re dry bones. And God said to you, “Daughter, Son, can these bones live? Oh, Lord God, you know.” We rely on what He knows. We don’t have to rely on what we know about these bones. But He knows. That’s what we rely on.
“Again he said to me, prophesy to these bones.” He didn’t say, okay now prophecy has kind of gone way out of whack in the church so be careful when you do it. That’s not what he said. “Again, he said to me, Prophesy to these bones and say to them…” Today we declare over our country… today we declare over every dream… over every assignment… over everything that looks like it’s not going to happen. This is God bringing us to this place. “And say to them, Oh you dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.” Thus says the Lord to these bones. All we have to do is say what He says. That’s it! It’s too easy!
Thus says the Lord God to these bones, behold I will cause breath and spirit to enter you and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you and bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin.” Can’t you see things coming together? Can’t we see things coming together? Even last night, Mark Hankins interpretation was that we’re already in the race. We’re already running. We’re already winning. We are in the middle of this right now. “And you dry bones shall live and you shall know, understand, and realize, you shall experience that I am the Lord.” We declare over the dreams that God has put in your heart right now, that they will know that He is God. Those dreams will know. In fact, those dreams are already experiencing God right now. The dreams in your heart that you’ve given up on, we tell those things to come back, to come to life right now.
And by the way, it was God who brought Ezekiel to the valley of dry bones. It wasn’t Ezekiel who brought God. This was on God’s mind. It’s on His mind for the body of Christ today to rise up, to speak to those things, to co-labor with Him. He draws us near and He notices these things. All we do is agree. And let Him love us. Let Him minister to us. And know that these things matter to Him.
Jesus paid the price. He knew those Pharisees were going to come after Him if He healed that man’s hand that day. He could have waited until the next day and taken less of a beating from the Pharisees. He was unwilling to wait. It’s time now.
I love how he finishes it in Ezekiel. He doesn’t even cause the bones to come together. He puts sinews on them. He puts flesh upon them. He covers them with skin. He puts breath and spirit in them. He does it all. He’s sovereign. Every detail. The only thing He asks is that Ezekiel remains patient. And what is patience? It doesn’t mean that we wait. It means we continue until it’s done. It means we wait on Him. Not that we accept delay.
Holy Spirit, minister to us, the body of Christ… any area that we have allowed hindrance and delay to get in the way of our relationship with You, of our expectancy of us knowing and realizing Your urgency to bring us to these places and restore us back to fullness… Holy Spirit, minister to us today. We welcome you in this place right now.
Annie led group in worship…
Father, I see Your heart, that You are happy to have our full attention… You’re happy that we have allowed You into places that we’ve closed off… places that we thought were dead are now open to You… are now being equipped, are now being shored up with the fortitude of the goodness of a good God… a happy, joyful Father who finds you blameless… even now, you are rising up on the inside… those feeble knees are being strengthened today… He believes in you… Holy Spirit, we let you in… we receive… fullness today… we get Your fullness by receiving… we receive Your fullness…
Annie led group in worship…
Jeanie shared…
One day Lynne shared how she and Pastor Mac were asking God what He wanted for Christmas. They were going to give Him an extravagant gift. His response was, “All I ask is that you receive from Me.” We were orphans that didn’t know how to receive, that couldn’t even believe. And now we belong to Him. Now we let Him in. And now we run to Him as children. And we receive the gift that He wanted for His birthday when He came to earth! Was that we would receive! So we receive!
Annie continued…
Jeanie shared…
We have friends that adopted twin boys from Kazakhstan. They had been in the orphanage for under a year. When the boys came to live with them, they were used to taking care of themselves and they feed themselves the bottle. So what the parents did was to hold the baby close and they would hold the bottle, even if the children put their hands over theirs. The babies needed to develop an attachment to them. They had to help those children learn to depend and rely on them. Because those children, being raised as orphans didn’t know how to do it. Didn’t know how to receive. So even now, we declare over the body of Christ, “You are the children of the Most High. You are not the adults, the independent adults of the Most High. You are the beloved. You are the blameless. He is the best Abba. And we crawl up in His lap and we receive.” We let Him minister to us.
Annie continued…
I see Him knitting our hearts back together… I see Him binding up brokenness… I see joy being restored… I see courage rising up with a smile… I see you saying you don’t have to “gut it out” anymore… stay with Me… I love you… I love to minister to you… I love it when you let Me love you… because it’s how I am… I can’t not love you because I am love… we make ourselves fully available… You are the safest one to be vulnerable with… You’re safe and good… we receive… we let You talk to us about those dreams you’ve put in our hearts… about the promises that You have personalized and made just for us… Your precious, beloved, blameless children…
Annie continued…
Mike prayed and shared…
Father, right now we know that in being orphans, one thing You’re showing me is that orphans don’t pick out their parents. It’s the parents that choose the orphans. So, Father, we know that even as an orphan, or one who is adopted, as we were adopted as sons and daughters from afar… Father, that it does take time for that person to fully accept who their father is and who their parents are, to take care of them. But we thank You, Father, that Your Holy Spirit keeps pursuing us. And we allow the Holy Spirit for people in the church to really see and recognize and completely receive that they are Your children. An orphan doesn’t suddenly because of one thing be fully convinced that their parents love them. So, Father, we thank You for Your patience in pursuing us. And that when we don’t feel love, that doesn’t change anything of what Your love is for us. You even showed me how Your love is never changing and it sometimes as people that can be hard to receive because we deal with people’s love. And that can change.
You showed me an analogy of water. The one thing about water is that it’s always wet. Water cannot be dry cuz then it’s not water. Father, that Your love is so pure. It’s great, it’s always pursuing us, it’s always chasing us down. So, Holy Spirit, we thank You that we as Your children, even if we don’t feel like it or don’t feel like we deserve it, we are. I thank You, Holy Spirit, that Your love comes right at the moment when we need it, to continue to woo us and to continue to pursue us. It’s never going to stop. Your love cannot stop because we don’t always see it. We don’t always feel it. So, Lord, we thank You for who You are because Your love can be hard to comprehend and put into words, what it means. But I thank You that You’re ever faithful. Your love is always faithful. It started out as faithful and it cannot be anything but faithful. I thank You that You continue to work on us as individuals, to accept that You are our Father. And we really are Your children.
Even as in His love, He chose us. He actually picked us out for Himself as His own in Christ. Before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy, consecrated, and set apart for Him. Blameless in His sight. Above reproach before Him in love. You were picked out before the foundation of the world.