Morning Prayer Summary for Thursday, October 31, 2019

Annie led group in worship…

Pastor Ray…

When we worship the Lord, He’s working for us. I love what Mark Hankins said last weekend.  “While you’re in this sanctuary lifting Him up, he’s working in your house. Things are happening in your house.” He’s working! Thank You for working! Hallelujah!

Anne and I had a discussion yesterday after prayer and about the anointing. Annie, I want you to share what Reinhart Bonnke said. We listened to a message that Pastor Kilpatrick had a year ago saying that witches had planned to attack our President. Yesterday, we took authority over witchcraft. Then we talked about the anointing.  I wanted you to share what you said about Reinhart with everyone.

Annie shared…

It kept coming up in my heart yesterday while we were praying about Pastor Kilpatrick’s word about witchcraft. We prayed about witchcraft coming against God’s anointed. I was listening to Reinhart’s message on the blood of Jesus. He was talking about how there’s power in the blood of Jesus. The example he used was witchcraft. In his meetings in Africa, there’s a million people that get saved. The witches and spiritists who worship and serve the enemy of our God, try to obtain power through his corrupt counterfeit system, opposing God’s anointing going forth. They don’t want that to happen because then their kingdom is bankrupted. There were four witches that came to his meeting to curse him. They worked up all these curses. In his meetings, he sits on the platform while the worship and praise is going on. He said he was told he should be afraid of what these witches were going to do. But as he sat on the platform, the anointing came on him and the faith of God arose within him. He just couldn’t wait to get the microphone. He didn’t have any fear because his thoughts were on the blood of Jesus and how powerful the blood of Jesus is. He wasn’t afraid of them at all. He said, “I’m still a little bit German and so I still like a good fight.” It’s easy to enjoy a fight when you know you’re going to win because of the blood of Jesus. He said he finally got the microphone and said, “Hallelujah.” As soon as he said this soft “hallelujah,” all four of the witches were disarmed. I can’t remember how they were disarmed, but they left because they had no power over the meeting. So then they said, “This isn’t going to work. We have to call in the big gun.” So they called somebody who is considered the most powerful Satanist on earth. They pooled their money together to fly this man into their city to attend Reinhart’s next service. They brought this guy in and everyone was really, really scared of his witchcraft. Reinhart wasn’t scared. The guy was out in the crowd somewhere. As Reinhart was on the platform and they were worshiping, it was the same as before. He said, “I just can’t wait to get the microphone.” He came to the microphone and said, “Hallelujah.” When he did, this powerful witch had a life-threatening asthma attack and had to be carried out of the service. They said, “How did you know that?” He said “I didn’t know.” One of the four witches got saved and then later told Reinhart all of what happened. He said we don’t have to be afraid of the devil and his counterfeit claims to power. Because whatever his counterfeit claims to power are, the blood of Jesus… is greater.

Then I remembered how Balak hired Balaam, who was like a witch of his day, to go and curse God’s people. Balak took Balaam on top of the mountain to curse the people of God. From that vantage point looking at the tribes, the way they are laid out in tribes in a cross shape. Balaam would try to curse them but instead only blessings would come out of his mouth. Balak took him to a different place, maybe it will work here. But only blessings came out of his mouth. You cannot curse what God has blessed… One of the blessings that Balaam said was “I have not beheld iniquity in Jacob.” Because of the blood of Jesus! He had not beheld iniquity in us. And therefore no curse can come upon us. And when we hold the blood of Jesus over our nation, it stands between the curses of God’s enemies and He does not behold iniquity in the United States of America.

Annie led group in worship about the blood of Jesus…

Pastor Ray Prayed…

Father, we ask that our eyes, ears, and hearts be opened for greater revelation about the power that is in the blood of Jesus. That we would begin to know it without a doubt… that the power is in the blood… and the authority that has been given to us on this earth to declare, command, watch, expect, speak, pray… not just over our own families but over our church and the earth. The whole earth! Filled, You said, with Your glory… the beautiful presence of Your Spirit… rain, begin to fall… revival, begin to break out… awakening, come forth… we need to have it… we desire for more… our hearts yearn… it’s a necessity with us… we love You and turn our hearts toward You…

Annie, when you began to sing, the anointing hit me. I could sense it and a greater revelation about what the blood does when we use it. No weapon formed against us can prosper because of the blood and the name that’s above every other name. We exalt the name of Jesus.

Jesus, we declare that You are Lord over the United States of America. You’re Lord over the White House. We raise up like a banner that name over America. It’s a key… separating ourselves to a greater degree… let those cares go… and run the race and keep up the pace… call those things that are not as though they were… to rest, to watch… the anointing is working… it breaks yokes and hindrances… lack, you gotta go… depression, leave in Jesus’ name… move out, every touch of the enemy’s plans… we believe to see and know and walk in the things You’ve told us to walk in… shame is from the enemy… let it go… thank You for Your glory… our house is filled with Your glory…

Annie, can you sing about the glory for a little bit?

Annie sings about the glory…

Pastor Ray…

I sense the presence of the glory of God upon us. It’s as if a believer was laying hands on each of us personally. The anointing is present to do whatever needs to be done if we just believe and receive… ask and expect. Internal parts being changed. New. Restored. Made new. Thank You, Holy Spirit. For moving on each of us, filling us, restoring us. We commit our all to You and lay it on the altar, humbling ourselves before You… knowing that just one touch from heaven changes everything… our feet are anointed… our hands are anointed… our words that we speak by the Spirit break bondages, holds, every kind of evil plan… we can say by faith, we’re free… by faith we have victory… in faith, we receive that touch.

Annie, sing that song “Welcome Holy Spirit” for a bit…

Annie sings song…

Pastor Ray…

It would look like this when we would just say the blood. Reinhart didn’t have to shout hallelujah; he said it softly. The anointing was resident on it. The way I saw it was whatever would try to come against us, we hold the blood and there is a wall, a protecting wall all the way around us. Individually and corporately. The blood surrounding. But we must use it by declaring it and believing it.

I’ve been going over things about Azusa Street Revival. I found two things I wanted to share with you. This is an awesome testimony about the anointing. This is from “Miracles From Azusa Street.” This minister, Tommy Welchel, said he was going to speak at a particular church that was filled to the brim. It was full of different youth groups from five different churches. This was the first time they introduced him as the “last living link to Azusa Street.” He said, “That title made me feel pretty historic.” He said he got up and spoke and when he finished telling stories of what God did, he said, “If any of you young people get a word from God to do something, just obey Him.”

This little 13-year-old girl, with long, dark hair came walking down the aisle. Her pastor’s leg was in a cast from a ballgame injury. She walked up to him and laid hands on him. She prayed for him, and afterwards, he got up and started dancing around the church. After that, many people got healed that night.

At the end of the evening, I said, “Somebody get the little girl who laid hands on her pastor. Bring her to me.” The found her and brought her up front. I said, “Sweetheart, how old are you?”


I said, “I want you to listen to me. Did you know that you can pray for healing anytime and anywhere?”

“Anytime and anywhere?”

I said, “Yes.” She took that advice to heart.

On the football team, she was what you call the towel girl, the one who runs back and forth handing out towels to the football players. The quarterback got injured pretty badly in the game following my meeting. He was lying there on the field, moaning.

She went up to him and said, “I believe that if I lay hands on you and pray for you, you’ll get healed. Do you want me to lay hands on you and pray for you?”

He groaned, “Yeah.”

She laid hands on him and prayed, and he was healed. He returned to the field to play. Somebody else got hurt that night, too. She went up to him and healed him as well.

A few games later, if anyone got hurt, the doctor and coach would call her over. “Come here. Come here,” they’d say and ask her to pray for the player. Even the school nurse would call her down to pray for someone in the sick bay.

The school tried to stop her. She was told she couldn’t pray for people since it was a public school. She said, “Oh good, I’m so glad you’re trying to stop me. My father said this would happen, and he wants to take this to the Supreme Court.”

She asked, “Have you ever heard of Jay Sekulow? Every time he takes one of these cases to the Supreme Court, he wins.” She said, “I never just walk up and lay hands on anyone. I ask people if they want me to pray for them. They all say yes. So I’m not forcing them. I have a right, a constitutional right to my belief and faith, and you don’t have a right to tell me not to. So, thank you. My dad will rally appreciate this.”

Well, that little middle school thought it over and backed off. It was a public school, but most of the students became Christian because of this little girl.

Now she’s almost graduating high school and is having the same results. She continues to pray for people and heal them. There’s revival in those schools all because one little girl was told she could pray for healing anywhere and anytime.

Pastor Ray continued…

At the end of one of these books called, “They Told Me Their Stories,” … it’s about the Azusa Street Revival. It said God’s formula hasn’t changed.

This great formula can be summarized by four basic characteristics: humility, obedience, prayer, and expectation—the foundation of 2 Chron. 7:14. These four requirements spell out the acrostic H.O.P.E.

Humility is God’s style. Remember the stable that was used at Bethlehem? Remember the stable that was used at Azusa? Remember the box over brother Seymour’s head?

Obedience was obvious. Those involved in ushering in this manifestation of God’s mighty presence sought His face and truly turned from their wicked ways. There was a holiness at Azusa where people lived in strict obedience to God’s commandment to love one another and to love God with all their hearts.

Prayer was vital to God’s visitation. Men and women had gathered months and years on their knees in fervent prayer, earnestly imploring God to send renewal and revival.

Expectations were high. These men and woman believed in their prayers. They were persistent and prayed in one accord, believing that God would hear their prayers of His saints who in purity of heart and thought, totally surrendered to His Lordship. They prayed without ceasing and without doubt that soon they would experience the desires of their hearts.


We desire it, Lord. Let that come to our remembrance over and over: humility, obedience, prayer, and expectation.

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