Sister Peg…
Welcome to morning prayer today.
Lord, we welcome you in this place…
(Peg led group singing about the blood of Jesus.)
Just picture the blood of Jesus just covering you, covering everything about you. Your yesterday is behind you and His blood has washed that away. Your right now is right here. Your tomorrow is in front of you and the blood is going before you. The blood is going before you for protection, for safety. Oh, we just thank you for that blood, for that blood going out before us, guiding us, directing us, protecting us. Thank you, God, for that blood, keeping us safe from harm for our children, for our families. We thank you, God, for your protection, for your safety.
The Welsh Revival…
As I was hearing about the Welsh revival this morning and how men that had come out to watch the football games … and that’s what they did. They went to drink and watch the games. They stopped in their tracks because of God. Because of His presence. And people just stopped what they were doing because of His presence. And I just want to pray that over our cities. Minneapolis is on my heart right now. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, God.
Prayed about people in jobs they don’t really want because they don’t know what else to do…
There are so many hurting people in professions that they’re in because they’re hurting and they don’t know what else to do. So I’m thinking of the strip clubs and the hookers in Minneapolis specifically. And I just want to pray for them that you would just reveal yourself to them, Lord. We just pray for each one of them. Lord, we know that your heart is for them. Your heart just hurts for them because they’re hurting. They’re hurting and they don’t know what to do. They’re looking for love in all the wrong places. I know what that’s like. And my heart just hurts for them because they don’t know you. They don’t know that they’re worth so much, Lord. And I just pray for every one of them.
Prayed about sending laborers across their paths…
I pray that you would send laborers across their paths to reach them, to minister to them your heart, that you love them, that you died. You sent your Son to die on a cross to buy them back… to rescue them from a life of oppression… a life of disgrace… a life of just feeling worthless and used. Lord, we just thank you for your heart going out to them and reaching them. Lord, send laborers. We call laborers to go into that field and minister to them, Lord.
Prayer about emptying out those places and professions…
Thank you, Lord, for emptying out those places, emptying out those professions and calling those dear children to you, men and women. Oh we thank you. We thank you that you’re the God that saves, the God that snatches people out of the fire.
Peg led group in worship…
♪ Oh, we worship you, Jesus. Oh, we just sing your praise over our cities, over our people. We claim them as our inheritance. Thank you, Jesus. ♪
More prayer about Minneapolis…
Lord, we see your heart… just a large heart over Minneapolis… just covering that city with the blood of Jesus. Oh, the pain that’s gone on there. The bridge that crashed … the people that died. Oh we thank you, God, that you’ve built a new bridge. Your new bridge is shiny and bright and golden. We thank you, God, that you’re shiny over that city … Oh, you’re bringing revival and restructuring and rebuilding and hope in an anchor. And on that one building, I don’t know if it’s still there because I haven’t been there for a while, but there was a picture drawn of Jesus. I remember going by that all the time.
Prayer about Jesus rising in Minneapolis…
Oh, thank you, God, for Jesus rising in Minneapolis. Thank you for Jesus rising … Jesus rising, rising, rising, rising, rising over the city of Minneapolis. Jesus is Lord! Jesus, you’re having your way. Jesus, you’re making way. Oh Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus is rising from the ashes. He’s rising from the rubble… He’s rising from the pain, from the murder, from the abuse. Jesus, with your arms lifted high and open to the people… Lord, you’re rising. You’re taking your place in Minneapolis. No more… no more violence… no more shame… No more pain. Thank you, God, for hope and love and comfort and the power of the Holy Ghost.
Prayer about the glory and light of God in Minneapolis…
We just declare the glory of God just oozing out of every corner of Minneapolis. That means that there’s light shining in the darkness… light shining in the strip clubs and in the alleys where the drugs are exchanged and in the homes where there’s abuse and violence, in the streets where there is shootings…
People will be stopped in their tracks from the glory…
Lord, you’re rising, you’re shining. Your glory is so strong that people can’t engage in what they once did. You’ll stop them in their tracks before they go down that alley to get those drugs… before they pick up that gun to go in the street to shoot them someone … before they choose to go on their shift at the strip club… you stop them and say, “No, I have a better way. I love you. I have better things for you. Follow Me.”
Prayer about dreams…
Lord, so we pray that you’d send laborers, but not just laborers… that you would send dreams to all those tortured and abused and afflicted … dreams about Jesus that you died for each one of them, that you love them, that you have a plan for them. You have a better way for them. Thank you, God, for Minneapolis drowning in the glory of God…
Prayer about the glory coming like a flood…
Overtaking them like a flood… Flood come, flood come … Come in the name of Jesus. Oh we thank you, Jesus.. For wiping away the tears … for wiping away the pain … for restoring them to new life, restoring their hearts, taking the trauma away…
Lord, they’re crying out for you as they come off their shifts… right now, I just see a stripper in a shower, just crying out to you, feeling so dirty, so filthy… but you don’t see them that way at all. You love them so much. Thank you, God. We just call all in those professions to be saved. We claim them as part of our inheritance. We claim them… and even the pimps, Lord, even them… you can reach… we thank you God for reaching them mightily, mightily, just talking to them about letting those go that are under them… that they have just put in bondage.
Pleading the blood over all in Minneapolis…
Oh, we thank you, Jesus. Oh, we plead your blood over everyone in Minneapolis … saved and unsaved. We thank you, God, for the work that you’re doing right now, the saving, delivering work that you’re doing right now in that community.
Prayer about angels working in Minneapolis…
We thank you, God, for your angels arising… I see them arising in Minneapolis… on the streets, in the bars and in the strip clubs and in the alleys and in the closets of people’s homes where people hide… they can’t hide from you. They can’t hide from you. They think they can, but they can’t hide from you. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for your angels going in and bringing deliverance.
Oh, we thank you, God… You’re more than enough for Minneapolis. I just see that heart again. It’s kind of like when you see the sign, “I loved New York” and it’s the heart. You do love New York, Lord, and we just ask the same for Minneapolis. God, your heart is for those people. Oh, we thank you God for rebuilding better … rebuilding in truth… rebuilding in the spirit… rebuilding in the love of Christ. Oh Jesus… we just rest in you, Jesus. You’re doing your work. You’re having your way in us… and in our city…
Thank you, Jesus, for the blood … we apply it to ourselves and to our city. Thank you, Jesus, it has washed me white. It’s washed us white. It’s washed our city white … and thank you, Jesus. You have saved my life and the life of my loved ones and all those in Minneapolis… you’ve brought us out of darkness into your glorious light. So we just see the light of Jesus over Minneapolis. It’s a bright and burning light. It’s burning up the hatred, burning up the dysfunction, burning up the lies. It’s telling the darkness to go because in the light, the darkness can’t stay.
Prayer for Mayor Jacob Frey
So we just thank you for your overwhelming light taking over that city and its leaders. We just pray for Mayor Jacob Frey. God, we pray for his soul right now. God, you know exactly who he is… where he’s at spiritually … Lord, we claim him as part of our inheritance. We ask for him, for the city council, for the police officers of Minneapolis. Oh Lord Jesus, help them, help them, help them, help them, help them. Your grace, your grace, your courage, your courage. Thank you, God, for authority restored … their authority as a light bearer restored in the name of Jesus.
Prayer about glory of God going down every street in Minneapolis…
I just see the glory of God going down every street in Minneapolis, like it’s flooding, and it’s going into the alleyways. It’s going into the sewers, those dark dirty filthy places. And it’s flooding every area with light and it’s making it shiny and brand new. And just like the streets of gold, I see those streets of Minneapolis paved with gold. That means there’s worth. That means there’s hope. There’s future. There’s the luxurious love of God flowing in every city, in every alley, in every high rise… it’s going all the way to the top… it’s covering every college, every area.
We thank you, Jesus, for the blood. You have washed us white … and you’re saving every life … we claim every life in Minneapolis for Jesus. And you brought us out of darkness into your glorious…
Prayer about blood of Jesus for all…
And we just thank you, God, that you’re holy and every revival shows us how holy you are. And we just stand in your holy presence today in awe of who you are. You’re not religious. You’re not legalistic. But you’re kind and you’re giving … you’re forgiving … and yes, I know true religion says to take care of the widow and the orphan. Yes, that is true. And you do that. You want us to do that, Lord… but you’re not religious in a stuck-up kind of way. You see strippers and hookers and pimps as people that you died for… that you shed your precious Son’s blood for … you see them… you see that they’re hurting, that they’re lost, that they were in abusive situations. And they did the only thing they knew to do. Not because they wanted to, but because they didn’t know what else to do. So we just thank you, God, that you’re a God of mercy. You’re a God of extravagant love, and you’re a holy God. So as we sing this, we just thank you for your holiness falling upon the city of Minneapolis.