Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Sister Jeannie…
Good morning. Thanks for coming this morning.
I was on a group text and a friend of mine that’s in the middle of busyness, she’s moving out of state, sent a devotional. And I was so inspired by that because in the middle of all her busyness, she’s putting Him first and seeking Him first. And man, we could learn from that.
So even right now, in the middle of busyness, in the middle of just anything at all that would try to come at us in the middle of any kind of sickness that we know God has already taken care of, in the middle of our to-do lists, in the middle of everything that’s happening in our city, in our state, in our world, in our families, we get to be with Him. We get to seek Him.
And so, Father, I thank you for that right now. I thank you for your goodness. I thank you for your plans. I thank you for your purposes. I thank you for your will. Your will is to prosper. Your will is winning. Your will is what you already finished, which is healing, wholeness, Shalom, nothing missing, nothing broken, all is well. Peace be still O my soul.
Hebrews 13:5…
I’m going to turn to a scripture in Hebrews 13:5. “Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money, including greed, avarice, lust and craving for earthly possessions and be satisfied with your present circumstances and with what you have. For He God Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you, nor give you up, nor leave you without support for He God himself has said, I will not in any way, fail you, give you up or leave you without support.”
God will not let us down…
I will not… I will not… I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake, nor let you down, relax my hold on. Assuredly not. Never one time. He never forsakes us. He never relaxes His hold on us, and we can be assured of that. So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say the Lord is my helper. I will not be seized with alarm. I will not fear or dread or be terrified. What can man do to me?
Think about that. Even the things that are happening right now, it’s just man being influenced by the enemy and what’s our response to that? We take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, the Lord is my helper. I will not be seized with alarm. I will not fear or dread or be terrified. What can man do to me?
The Reset…
So yesterday when I came to prayer, Ken was reading from Tim Sheet’s prophecy about “the reset.” And then I went to another prayer group for Minnesota and the leader of that prayer group was talking about the same thing. I just love how God does this. And Tim was also on Flashpoint Tuesday, talking about the same thing. So we’re going to do it again. This came from Tim Sheets. He’s Dutch’s brother.
God is up to some really good stuff. So even as we read this today, we read it through the lens of now, through the lens of absolutely a thousand percent today, right now.
And the Lord said, I will now deal with the oppressors of My people.
Did you hear that? I will now deal with the oppressors of My people. I will move swiftly and with jealous aggression with My first responders, for I have heard their cries and I will break the hold of the task master’s rule over them. Though they bow their necks in stubborn resistance.
You know, there are so many times in the Word. I mean, I feel like we have so much precedence set in the Word where it looks absolutely hopeless, absolutely impossible, absolutely undoable. And that’s God’s favorite time. We’re in that time again. And here He is. Being consistent in His character, being consistent in His joy of the impossible because for Him, nothing’s impossible. And this is what He says is happening now. And can I tell you, I agree with Him.
God is dealing with the oppressors of His people…
Father, I thank you right now that you are dealing with the oppressors of your people. You are moving swiftly with jealous aggression with your first responders. You have heard our cries and you are breaking the hold of the taskmaster’s rule over them. Though they bow their necks in stubborn resistance, you lead them with nose rings to their place of destruction. Like ox into the slaughter, you pull them to stalls of disgrace, the commanding influence of the oppressor’s curse brakes from the hearts of your people.
Do you hear that? The commanding influence of the oppressor’s curse is breaking from the hearts of His people? Any influence of oppression, any strain, any drain of oppression is being broken. All influence, all of that, that would try to influence your heart or your soul, that’s being broken because God is breaking and has broken that influence. The now word for what is happening today. There’s that direct clash of God saying it’s time and I’m doing it now.
The disheartening crack of the taskmaster’s whip will no longer be heard by My sons and daughters. They will not carry the burden of their oppressors. They will not toil for their enemy’s gain. They will not work as slaves of cultural brutality. They will not glean empty fields because they worship Me. No, they will own the fields where they once gleaned.
Rising up in tandem with God…
I think it’s really poignant that on Monday when Ken was praying, he was talking about the importance of us rising up and that now is the time for us to get into our assignments, for us to rise up and for us to take that land in tandem with God dealing with the oppressors, in tandem with God dealing with the oppression. We’re not rising up to go out and be on our own. We’re rising up in tandem with God clearing that way and making the way where there seems to be no way.
Let’s read John 1 real quick…
“In the beginning before all time was the word,” which was Jesus. “And the word was with God, and the word was God himself. He was present originally with God. All things were made and came into existence through Him. And without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being. In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shines on in the darkness for the darkness has never overpowered it, put it out, or absorbed it, or appropriated it. And is unreceptive to it.”
Think about that. The light that was there from the beginning of time is what you have in you. I used to be on the debate team in high school and college. And when there would be an argument, they would always say you want to have a direct clash. Okay, so here’s your opponent’s argument. You want to have a direct clash. You want to come at it this way. You don’t want to run around it. You know how we’ll get all circular in our conversation. And he’s like, no, you need a direct clash with that argument just to obliterate it.
The light of God, it’s not even a direct clash…
The light of God just comes in and just immediately takes over. It has no opposite. So even in our thinking when we say, well, what’s the opposite of darkness? Light. No, actually not at all. Because the light always overtakes it. It’s not even a clash. It just does it.
That’s who you are…
But here’s the deal. That’s who you are! The light of the world lives in you. A light that is never one time and never will be forsaken, never will be overcome. Not one time.
And even yesterday, I brought up a podcast I’m listening to about how leaders solve problems. And he was so speaking word. He said, “When you give attention to something, you feed it and it gets bigger and bigger in your mind. And so when you have a problem and if you spend most of your time on that problem, it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger.” And he said “And a lot of times, you have to look at what is it trying to say to you? It might be… by focusing on it, you might be thinking about loss of security, loss of stability. And he said, “But what leaders do is they focus 90% on the solution.” So even what we’re doing today again, we’re shifting into “what’s the solution?” The solution is what God said, what He already did.
We submit…
Father, we thank you so much. We humble ourselves right now and we submit to winning. We submit to victory. We submit to blessing. We submit to hope. We resist and repent from fear. We resist and repent from discouragement. And we submit to blessing and hope, the confident expectation of good. And we lean into and submit to winning and victory.
I will now deal with the oppressors of My people. I will move swiftly and with jealous aggression with My first responders for I have heard their cries and I am breaking the hold of the taskmaster’s rule over them. Though they bow their necks in stubborn resistance.
Don’t you love that God has been watching what our enemy’s up to. He’s very aware. And now He’s saying, okay look, you’re resisting. I’m taking care of this.
I will lead them with their nose rings to the place of destruction.
Father, you are leading them to the place of destruction like oxen to the slaughter. You pull them to stalls of disgrace.
In Isaiah, it talks about the year of God’s favor and then the day of His vengeance that comforts those who mourn. The year of God’s favor and the day of His vengeance that comforts those who mourn, that concentrated mercy and justice of God dealing with tyrannical oppression. And it comforts those who mourn.
It’s not a bad thing. It’s a good thing.
The commanding influence of the oppressor’s curse will break from My people, from the hearts of My people. I’m going to stay with that. He keeps shining a light on that. The commanding influence of the oppressor’s curse is breaking from the hearts of My people. Any influence that would cause you or tempt you to say, we’re losing. He’s breaking that from your heart. Anytime you hear news and you immediately panic or are afraid, He’s breaking that commanding influence from the hearts of His people. Anything that would keep us from engaging to move forward, He is breaking that oppression from the hearts of His people. When the enemy comes in to lie to you, to kill, to steal, destroy, to tell you that America is done, that the Twin Cities are over, that everything that’s happening, there isn’t a solution. That is not what God is saying.
In fact, that commanding influence has to bow to the name of Jesus. It’s being addressed by the one who knows exactly how to crush it and obliterate it and separate it from the hearts of His people.
I love that our Father knows that we have been dealing with oppressive influences. And He’s saying, I’m not doing that anymore. Just so you know, you and I, we’re not doing that.
He’s such a good daddy.
The disheartening crack of the taskmaster’s whip will no longer be heard by My sons and daughters. They will not carry the burden of their oppressors. They will not toil for their enemy’s gain. They will not work as slaves of cultural brutality. They will not glean empty fields because they worship Me. No, they will own the fields where once they gleaned.
It happened with the lepers. Remember the lepers? They said, we’re out here. We’re going to die anyway. Let’s just go in. They go in. God makes a ridiculous, mighty noise, scares the enemy. They go in and take all the spoils. Does it seem like we’re lepers right now? Does it seem like all is lost? It might seem that way, but that’s not what’s happening.
We’re going in, we’re taking it, and God is dealing with the oppressors, just like He made that mighty sound toward the enemy and it scared the enemy and they scattered.
How many times in the Word has the enemy self-slaughtered? Has He caused our enemy to scatter before us? It’s in Psalm 91. It’s happening now.
And, Father, I thank you that it’s happening now… not tomorrow. It is already happening. It’s been happening.
The breaking sound heard by My triumphant remnant will be the cracking sound of their oppressor’s authority shattering off their lives.
Father, I thank you that the breaking sound of your triumphant remnant is the cracking sound of the oppressor’s authority shattering off of their lives.
Aren’t we glad it only takes a remnant? It’s always only taken a remnant. We’re in this and we’re winning.
The breaking sound heard by My triumphant remnant is now a cracking sound of our oppressor’s authority shattering off of our lives. The words of their pharaoh is like shaft in the winds as God’s angels scatter their defiance. Scattered! Can you sense the joy rising up? I mean the hilarity of who God is compared to who we are and then who we are in Him.
On Tuesday we were praying and my husband brought up a scripture about Jacob. And God said, “Jacob, you worm.” And then on the way home, we saw a license plate that said “Worm” on it. Okay. I don’t get it. But number one, who would put Worm on their license plate? But I mean, it had to have been God. But my point is God is saying, look, I know who you are without Me. I know that. But who You are in Me and the way I see you, you’re mighty. You’re perfectly and wonderfully and fearfully made and you’re ready for this.
Did you know you’re ready for this? And just because you’re in the minority, hey, there were only two of the 12 spies that said, “let’s go and take it.” Always a remnant. Always.
So, Father, I thank you for your Word. I thank you that your Word is what has established everything we see. I even just say to the enemy, “You’re not the boss of me. In fact, in Jesus, I’m the boss of you.”
Thank you, Father.