Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Scripture Focus…
I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]
(John 16:33 AMPC)
For one who speaks in an [unknown] tongue speaks not to men but to God, for no one understands or catches his meaning, because in the [Holy] Spirit he utters secret truths andhidden things [not obvious to the understanding].
(1 Corinthians 14:2 AMPC)
Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).
(Jeremiah 33:3 AMPC)
Blessed and fortunate and happy and spiritually prosperous (in that state in which the born-again child of God enjoys His favor and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied!
(Matthew 5:6 AMPC)
We thank You, Father, for Your presence
Yes we love and worship You, Lord
Thank You for insight, wisdom, and understanding
We want Your Word to sink deep into our hearts in these last days
Your Word is inspiring, informing, and pulling back the curtain in some ways in our lives
Have Your way in our lives, Lord
You are leading and guiding our every step, and we thank You for it
We are stepping into new places, new places in the spirit and in our lives
Lifting up the church, and we hunger for more of You, Lord
Yes, those things are unfolding in this generation
We pray over America and we contend for the plan of God
No, we will not go quietly into the night, but we will contend for Your will to be done, Father
Thank You that You have a plan for America and for Minnesota
We stand up in Jesus’ name, let us be accounted for in the Kingdom of God
Lord, let it be even as You desire!
Praying for a supernatural unfolding and revealing of the plan of God
We are calling for that today, Lord
Yes, we want more of You, we need more of You
Give us eyes to see that which You have for us
We want more of You; we want the perspective that You have, Father
Thank You for all that has been prophesied, we call those things forth in Jesus’ name
You have called us for these days and these hours
Yes, those things are unfolding and being transmitted to this generation
We pray out into the future, praying out into the days and week ahead, Lord
You are preparing the way, “angels—go and prepare the way!”
Open up the gates in Jesus’ name
Praying over the atmospheres, praying over hearts and lives
Those things are coming into alignment, they are being set in place and in motion
Angels, go and prepare the way
Open up the gates in Jesus’ name, make ready the atmosphere
Calling for supernatural alignment in these last days
Lord, we pray for a divine timetable now
We plead the blood of Jesus over the timeline and we lift it up to You, Father
Praying over every element, that they would come together
Every ingredient is being sent, Lord
Yes, let those things come though that realm into the spirit realm
Pull us up higher, calling for more and more
Go, go, go higher, for farther!
Let there come a cascading now across a generation
Moving from east to west, from north to the south
You are opening those things up now!
Calling for signs, wonders, and miracles like never before
The hand of Your Spirit is moving across this nation
Yes, we call in resources of every kind, Father
Now is the time and this is the hour, send it without delay!
Send it to this nation, we will fulfill Your call and plan, Lord
Not our will but Yours be done
Teach us to walk more in Your glory
Yielding to more of You and Your Spirit
We call for a baptism of Your power, Your love and Your greatness
Break down the barriers, open up those territories
Casting down all obstacles that would try to hold us back, Father
Thank You that nothing is difficult for You
You are a miracle working God, and we thank You for it, Lord
Open our ears to hear You, open our eyes to see You!
Yes, You are ordering our footsteps to walk with You
We praise You, we honor You, and we worship You
What You have said, shall come to pass in these last days
Your grace and mercy are new every morning
See it, see it, see it, help us to see it
We pray for the anointing on our eyes, Lord
Open the eyes of our hearts, we pray for the removal of hurt and trauma
We pray for healing over abuse
Calling for restoration in hearts and relationships
Soften those hearts, soften the ground, Lord
Praying for supernatural rain to penetrate and saturate
Send the rain, let it fall from heaven
We pray for a tearing down of indifferences
Casting down all mediocrity and lukewarmness
Father, we pray for a rooting out of ignorance
Praying over the hearts of our leaders and over pastors
Send angels and divine assistance to surgically operate and remove that debris
We pray for a supernatural shaking of some things
Shake hearts, shake homes, shake the church
Shake us to wake us, Lord, we will be prepared
Praying for assignments to be assigned
We are hungry for more of You, Lord
Casting down discouragement and all kinds of depression
Yes, we contend in the Spirit now for what You are calling for
Praying for a release of those things, Father
Glory to God, we praise You, Lord
We give You glory, honor, and praise for Your faithfulness
Thank You for Your anointing that surrounds us
Hallelujah, to the Lamb of God
You are causing us to triumph and we thank You for that victory
Yes, You are worthy of our honor and praise
Declaring victory and breakthrough to each and every believer
Calling for promotion in the kingdom of God today
Yes we call for breakthrough and increase, Father
You are mighty, high, and lifted up, Lord
We give You praise for You cause us to triumph
You have gone before us and prepared the way
God is the God of breakthroughs and we praise You for it
Jesus is the way maker, the healer, and our comforter
We are over-comers in, by, and through the blood of Jesus
Today is a new day, and we pray for supernatural increase
Thank You for victory, thank You for answers
God has made a way, where things seemed impossible
Casting down all chains of bondage
We thank You for freedom, Father