Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your presence and the work of Your Spirit
Teach us how to yield to the flow of heaven
We lift our hearts to You today, Lord
Yes, we honor You, we love You, and we worship You
Fill us once again, for we want to be filled with Your Spirit over and over again
We are hungry for more of You, Lord
You are filling us, transforming us, and changing us
Yes, we want to be more like Jesus every day
Father, we ascribe honor, glory, and claim to You
You are worthy, You are holy, and You are a just God
We love You, and bless Your holy name
Thank You, Lord, we love You
Let Your river flow in this place and in our hearts
Heaven isn’t just a place, but it is a flow and there is provision in that flow
We thank You and magnify Your name
You are filling us, saturating us, and working in and through us today
Yes, we surrender ourselves to You, and abandon ourselves to You
Casting all of our cares over on You, Lord
We cast down all worries and anxieties in the name of Jesus
Thank You for the flow from heaven, that it would propel us forward
No, we will not stay status quo, but we will continually move more in Your will and plan
Yes, we want to go, we are on our way, we will not hesitate, but we are looking onward
Thank You for Your goodness, Your beauty, and Your purpose, Father
We surrender to You, Holy Spirit, come and have Your way in this place
Scripture Focus…
Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always); (17) Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly]; (18) Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will].
(1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 AMPC)
No, but [the Lord will teach the rebels in a more humiliating way] by men with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people [says Isaiah, and teach them His lessons]. (12) To these [complaining Jews the Lord] had said, This is the true rest [the way to true comfort and happiness] that you shall give to the weary, and, This is the [true] refreshing—yet they would not listen [to His teaching]. (13) Therefore the word of the Lord will be to them [merely monotonous repeatings of]: precept upon precept, precept upon precept, rule upon rule, rule upon rule; here a little, there a little—that they may go and fall backward, and be broken and snared and taken.
(Isaiah 28:11–13 AMPC)
The following excerpt is taken from Processing the Plan of God Through Prayer by Mark Brazee:
Prayer touches every area of our lives. It’s like throwing a rock into a pond – the ripples go out and reach every shore. Developing our own prayer life is essential! The more we pray—particularly in the Holy Ghost or in other tongues (1 Corinthian 14:2)—the more sensitive we will become to the will and plan of God. God longs to bring His will to pass in the Earth and in us individually. He desires to have communion and fellowship and do business with us, His creation.
Developing our own prayer life makes prayer personal and causes things in our lives to be in order Jesus said, “…pray, lest ye enter into temptation…” (Mark 14:38). A prayer life will help our spirit grow stronger than our flesh and help keep us out of the many temptations and problems we face in life. The more we “walk in the Spirit,” the more we are able to “not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16).
James said by the Holy Ghost, “Is any among you afflicted?” – afflicted meaning “tempted, tested, tries or having a difficult time.” James said if anyone is going through a hard time, “…Let him pray…” (James 5:13). A strong prayer life will help keep us out of afflictions and show us as how to deal with them and come out victoriously.
I was trying to be strong in myself, but the Bible says, “…be strong in the Lord…” (Ephesians 6:10).
How do we grow strong in the Lord? We know God’s Word is the primary key, but our prayer life also has a lot to do with it. Jesus never said temptation wouldn’t come; He said, “…pray, lest ye enter into temptation…” Prayer helps our spirit man be more developed than our flesh, and then our spirit can dominate us.
Jude 20 says, “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.” “Yourself” is the real you- who you are on the inside – your spirit man. The Bible says you can build yourself up by praying in the Holy Ghost. It would amaze people how things that have kept them in bondage for years fall off them – simply by maintaining a consistent prayer life.
I was baptized in the Holy Ghost, but I didn’t know the purpose of praying in tongues. For some reason, one day I decided I was going to pray in tongues the whole way to school and the whole way back. The first thing I found was that praying in tongues sure made the time go faster! So five days a week I prayed in tongues an hour a day.
Do you know what I noticed? I was no longer trying to get rid of things. Instead, things were falling off me. The grave clothes were coming off! I didn’t try to quit this habit or that habit; suddenly, I no longer had a desire for the things I used to do.
A prayer life will change us. That’s why James said, “Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray…” “Afflicted” does not mean sick. James gave instructions in James 5:14 to those who are sick. “Afflicted” means “to be suffering tests, trials, or tribulations.” James didn’t say, “Is any among you afflicted, let him go to eight hours of counseling.” (Thank God for counseling if it’s according to the Bible.) James didn’t say, “Is any among you afflicted, let him call the prayer line and have someone else do his praying for him.” No, James said for you to pray yourself.
Continued Praying…
Father, we pray for suddenlies today!
Declaring that we would have encounters with You, Lord
Open our eyes, that they would be open to Your will and Your plan
Yes, we will continually move forward!
Calling for those words that were spoken to come to pass!
Father, we call for unity in the body of Christ in these last days
We thank You that You would anoint our eyes to see things in a new light
You are equipping us with lenses that would see the purpose of God
Even in the darkest of places, You would give us eyes to see, Father
We are praying for lenses to see that all things are possible to those who believe
Calling for a shift in hearts and in lives in our nations political arena
There is a supernatural shift taking place in leadership positions of America
Shifts are taking place in the Senate House, in the Executive, and Judicial branches
Praying for a supernatural shift by the hand and flow of heaven today!
There is a movement forward in a new direction, a new day and a new environment
We call for encounters today, Lord!
Encounters of healing, encounters of abundance, and encounters that would cause an awakening!
Go, go, go!
Casting down every force of darkness that would try to come against us in the name of Jesus
Darkness and deception has no place in the body!
Bow your knee to the name of Jesus today!
We call for the glory of God, for the manifest flow from heaven to surround us
Covering those in positions of authority with the blood of Jesus
Praying that Your glory and Your river would flow where it needs to in our homes
Calling for holy ordained change today in Jesus’ name!
Thank You for Your goodness and Your faithfulness, Father
Let Your glory come to this generation in a greater way
We make way and room for new assignments and plans
Calling forth the glory of God to come forth in these last days
Ministering spirits are going forth and are preparing the way
Praying for a supernatural download of assignments and ideas to the believers
We declare light, hope, and grace over our hearts and our homes
Calling for breakthroughs to take place today!
Father, we want more of You!
Praying for a fresh anointing to surround us, Lord