Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Brother DJ…
Hello. Good morning, everybody. We are alive in Minnesota. Praise the Lord.
We worship you, Father. We glorify your name. There is none like you. There is no one else like you. And you deserve the glory. You deserve the honor…
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and glad in it.
Greater is He who is in us, that he that is in the world.
They said I was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the Lord. We are glad that we are here this morning… knowing He’s going to work all things together for good and we can rejoice and be glad in it. We know that all sickness and disease He took on His upon body and healed us from that disease. We can be glad and rejoice what we know.
I was just thinking about how September 1st came so fast. There’s about 120 days left in this year. Four months.
For the joy of the Lord is our strength.
(A spirit of joy and laughter has broke out among the group.)
These people are laughing hysterically. All of them… and their mouths were filled with laughter.
There is no one else like you… and the peace of God which passes all understanding guards your heart and minds in Christ Jesus.
King David said, “Restore the joy of my salvation. Restore the joy.” He had joy, but he lost it one time. He’s saying, “restore the joy…” and the joy of the Lord is our strength.
Where two or three are gathered together in His name, He’s there in the midst of them.
Over here, there are two or three together, laughing. He’s restoring the joy of our salvation.
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the council of the wicked or stand in the way of the sinner, but he delights in the Lord.
The Lord is our shepherd. We shall not lack… We shall not lack joy. We shall not lack wisdom.
We walk through the valley of the shadow of death and we fear no evil, because He’s with us in us. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Good morning to everybody who’s watching this morning, there is laughter going on here. Some people laughing there.
Sister Cindy…
It’s September 1st. I don’t know about you, but there’s been some dust being kicked up in the last month with the lying wonders from the evil camp of our enemy. And I’ve just encouraged people. I’m like, he’s so scared for what God is doing in September.
Our God is a great planner. He has planned some things. Holy things. Stir it in our hearts, giving us the Word and we receive the Word even in the midst of dust kicking up. I thank you, Father, that those are just the death throes of a defeated foe, and they come to nothing because it’s September 1st on God’s calendar.
The Lord is good and His mercy endures every day. We set our hearts to continually pray, living and abiding communion with our Father who plans our days and we’re entering into a new season of joy, a new season of refreshment, a new season of seeing our families turning to you in no small way. That’s been stirring in my heart. Our families are turning to you, Lord. And the veils are being pulled back. Anyone who turns to the Lord, those veils are taken away. They’re seeing clearly, Father, the destiny that you’ve placed in their heart, their place in you, their place that you’ve given them.
This is that. I thank you, Father, that what they were created for, to walk with you and live with you, to learn your ways to walk with you… That beacon that was always there, that’s being ignited again, Father, the true and the genuine, the wonderful truth that Jesus came in grace and truth… the truth that sets us free indeed to know you and be exactly who you created us to be.
Thank you, Father, for the rising of the sons and daughters to the light of your coming. Let there be much thanksgiving, multiplying through the many. For you are a God of miracles, signs and wonders. And we have nothing to be afraid of and every step that we take in walking with you, fear falls off.
Lord, we are to take up our cross and follow you. We are in you. Hallelujah. More and more entwined in the dance. More and more transformed to your image… more and more indiscernible where you start and we end.
Thank you, Father, that this is a divine and wonderful privilege to be in Christ Jesus. Jesus was saying, it’s us together, Father, that that mind that was in Christ Jesus would be in us. That we are not alone. We come to your throne together, always together.
Last Friday, DJ was talking about Psalm 91 and how we’re under the shadow of El Shaddai. And when he was saying that I saw myself getting under the shadow and the shadow is a little bit dark so your eyes have to kind of adjust. And I was under that shadow and all of a sudden I started to see these saints. We’re not alone! We’re together. And it is a secret place, but it’s not a private place. It’s a place where we divide our bread and multiply the things that God has given us. Because he’s working through us. He’s working through us in all the deposits that he’s placed individually, that we would be flowing corporately together.
It’s His plan, His wonderful plan. Father, we rejoice and are glad to come to the house of God, which is a building. It’s a holy habitation with bricks and mortar of people.
Thank you, Father, that you and your wisdom have knitted us together in the way that pleases you. That we would be fully functioning, giving of our supplies and receiving, and that free flowing rhythm of grace that causes everything to come together perfectly.
This morning, I was thinking about the whole thing about taking up our cross and going deeper into the things of God. And it takes that, doing it together, being knitted together so tightly, being so confident in God’s ability, because we’re not alone, we’re together. That we launch out into deep places… places where we might be afraid if we weren’t together.
Thank you, Lord, that your love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost that’s given to us. Thank you, Father, in order that we would release it. Such confidence, such faith, such boldness. Hallelujah. For the Lord is good and His mercy endures forever and we are emboldened through our union in Christ and our love for the brethren.
So he said a new commandment I give you, love as I have loved. And I think about how He loved us, how He gave His life for us. So, Father, take us deeper into this place that you’ve prepared for us in September.
And then continue month after month, Father, to develop us and to help us to walk together in the commanded blessing of God.
Know those things that have been freely given to us, revealed to us by your Spirit every day that we wouldn’t seriously consider any contradiction launching out in delightful joy in the strength that continually supplies us with the impetus to go.
Our feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Jesus, the head cannot say of the feet, I have no need for you. He is calling us to go, and our hearts say, “Here am I. Send me.” There’s many in the city. We’re never feeling alone. We are together. Father, you knit us together. You cause us to always bump into each other, to encourage, edify, and exhort.