Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, October 18, 2024

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Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Brother DJ…

I was driving by and saw the sign that said, “Speak only those good words that strengthen your soul.” The mind. Thank you, Jesus. Creation speaks. Signs speak. All over, the signs speak. That’s why they have billboards so they can speak to us and turn us toward McDonald’s. The signs. Signs are all over—left, right. 169 goes north, south. Signs speak to us. Which way to go, which way we don’t go. Wrong driving.

Good morning, everybody on this good, good Friday. We have Miss Annie and she is going to lead us in praise and worship. Then we’re going to come back and pray and believe God for the good things He desires for you and I.

Worship God in spirit and truth…

Those that worship Him must… not maybe… “must” worship Him in spirit and truth. That’s what we’re doing this morning. We are leaving all the cares, all the worries outside. And we don’t pick them back up when we leave. Just leave the cares outside. Let us worship Him… Cleanse us. Make His presence in this place.

You are here this morning and you’re watching, you will know the will of God before you leave because we’re praying in the Holy Spirit, worshiping in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit reveals to us by His Spirit. He says you will know the truth, and the truth will set us free.


Last Friday we were praying for creative miracles. That’s what was in my heart. We prayed about many things. We’ve been praying for elections and all that. But I found out the one person who was watching last Friday. The tips of her fingers were cut off. We didn’t know. We were just praying about creative miracles. Last Friday, I found out. Anyway, we were praying, “God, create something new this morning. Somebody needs a creative miracle.” And we found out who it was for. The tips of her fingers were cut off. So we believed and believing that she received that creative miracle last Friday. Every Friday is a good Friday.

Life and death are in the power of the tongue…

Today is the 18th, the word came to me in Proverb 18 which says, “Life and death are in the power…” of what? “The tongue.” And those who love it will eat its fruit thereof.

So life and death are in the power of our tongue. I was reading all this morning all the scripture to someone enforcing, actually I was enforcing. I was saying, “Body, I enforce life to your body.” I can pray from my home. I don’t have to go run around. From my house, I can pray for anybody. I can enforce life. I said, “I speak the Word of God of faith to you. I demand every organ to perform perfectly.” I put the name there for the person. “You are the temple of the Holy Ghost. I charge you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, be healed and be made whole in the name of Jesus.”

Enforcing life…

Life and death are in the power of your tongue so we can speak this life. What to say? Let’s say this. Let’s enforce a little more.

We say, “Father, I resist the enemy in every form that comes against him or her. We require their body to be strong and healthy. We speak life to their immune system. We speak to your immune system… who need immune system to be strong. We speak life to your immune system. We speak in the name of Jesus, your immune system is so strong. We’re say, “You shall live and not die.”

And guess what? Live! And declare the works of the Lord. Live, not just occupy the land or the earth. Live means to do what God has called us to do. Whatever you do. It mean do something to live and declare.

Okay, now more. You have been forgiven. Oh yes, that’s a good one. He has healed all your disease. All means ALL! He has redeemed your life from destruction. He has satisfied your mouth with good thing… not the bad thing. That your youth be renewed as the Eagle.

Speak the right things…

I was standing with somebody who was eating food and he said, “Man, I’m eating junk food.” Right in front of me. “I am eating junk food.” I said, “Brother, I wouldn’t eat it. If you’re calling what you’re eating junk, ‘I’m eating junk food.’ I said it’s better… I said that means junk is going in you. He said, “But it’s junk food.” I say, “Then why are you eating it? You’re eating it because you like it. So let’s bless this food in the name of Jesus.”

He gives us all things to enjoy. If you’re going to eat, just don’t call it junk. If you call it junk, it’s going to be a junk! Life and death are in the power of our tongue. Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart be pleasing to Him.

Like I said, I read speak only those words that strengthen your soul. He said bless the Lord, oh my soul. And forget not… He’s telling him his soul “Bless him.”

The story of Jairus…

Jairus in the Bible who said to Jesus, “My daughter is sick.” Look at the words and the thinking. Jairus said, “My daughter…” who was 12 years old. She was sick and he asked Jesus, “Can you come to my house? Please lay your hand on her and heal my daughter?” Every Father wants the best for his children.

Jesus will go with you wherever you go…

Jesus said, “Okay, I’ll go with you.” You’re not ever alone. Wherever you are, whatever the problem is, if you’re going to the doctor, Jesus is going with you. “I’ll go with you… I’ll come to your house… I’ll come to your business.

He’s Jesus!

The woman with the issue of blood…

So Jesus is walking and suddenly this woman who has an issue with the blood for 18 years. She talked to herself, “Let the words of my mouth…” and she talked to herself, “If I can just touch the hem of His garment, I will be healed.” She talked to herself.

Today in the name of Jesus, Jesus is the same Jesus who she touched His garment and she was healed from her infirmities, caused by the Devil. Talking about that, Jairus said, “Jesus, it’s too late.” News came to Jairus that the girl died. Jesus said to Jairus, “Do not be afraid. Just believe.” He knew what He was going to do. We’re talking about Jesus’ garment. Even today, healing many thousands of millions of people.

Testimony of healing with a cloth…

A few years back, I was driving on 169 and I heard… I had a call from India that my brother, my sister-in-law called and said my mom is sick. I was right here, not too far from church on a Wednesday afternoon. And then they said she had a stroke. And half of her body was paralyzed. And they put my mom on the phone. Why are you putting her on the phone? I’m in the United States, she’s in India, and she’s crying.

And you know your mom crying because she had a stroke. And she’s paralyzed on one side. And I say, “You know what?” I didn’t want this news. I say, “I’ll call you back in a few minutes.” I had to get my mind together. Pray. I called TBN Prayer and say, “Can you pray with me?” They prayed for my mom and me and others. And then I said, “Now I’m going to call back.” So I call back to my mom in India.

Now listen, they were all in panic. When we prayed here in United States with TBN, everything was calm. Jesus say, “Peace be still.” He went to India and said to my mom and my family, “Peace be still.” Guess what? Peace was! They were not panic anymore and I was not panic anymore.

That was a Wednesday. That night we had a service here and an evangelist named David Horton. He came here every month or so. He did a healing meeting on Wednesday night. And after the meeting, he would say there is a healing cloth. He put a bunch over there. He said, “If you have anybody at home sick that cannot come, pick it up, take it home and believe God for healing.” Guess what? I didn’t want to wait. I ran up there! I didn’t want somebody else to take it before me.

So I took one and the next morning I took some pictures, photo of me, my son, and put it in an envelope and put it in the mail. Usually, it takes weeks to get mail to India. Three days later… Three days! How many people know three days is good enough? Three days later I had a call from India. “Hey, what is this thing in the envelope? And what is this cloth?” They don’t know. And I explained to them that this cloth had been prayed over by the minister and it’s going to be a healing cloth. Just put it under her in the pillow and her body. And they did.

Three days later, they called. A week later, I called my mom. Just to check. Oh, she’s doing better. Then I purposely didn’t call two weeks. I checked on her. She’s doing much better, much better! I’m not there, but I’m hearing. Three weeks pass by, I say “I’m not calling.”

A month passed by. I call my mom. As God as my witness, my mom was not home. She was in New Delhi, which is like from here to Chicago, far away from where I’m from. She was attending a wedding. She was in the wedding party. The paralyzed half side was totally healed by the power of the touching of the garment.

We’re talking about touching the hem of His garment!

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