Morning Prayer Summary for Friday, August 9, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Brother DJ…

Everybody, this morning, let’s put all our trust in Jesus. Let’s worship Him.

He said, He who dwells in the secret place of the most high God shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I say of the Lord, you are our shield, our food, our rest, our healer, our provider. We put all our trust in you. I will say of the Lord He is my refuge, my redeemer, my healer, my provider. In Him, I put my trust. Surely he will rescue you and I from the trap of the enemy, from the snare of the fowler, from the deadly pestilence, sickness, disease, unclean spirit.

We put all our trust in Him. He said, Therefore, I shall command my angels concerning you to guide you, to lead you in the way you should go so we’ll not dash our foot against the stone.

Speak faith filled words…

I have a chef who went to India. And it’s very hot in India at this time. I said to him, “I wouldn’t go.” You know what he said? He said, “It’s going to be so hot in India. I’m going to die there.” I said, “But my brother, I wouldn’t go there then. If that’s your confession.” He said, “It’s going to be so hot, I’m going to die in India.”

He’s supposed to be back at the end of July, but I haven’t seen him yet. We haven’t heard. I hope he’s alive.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing unto you, Oh Lord, my God, my Savior, my redeemer, my rock.” Let the words, faith filled words come out of your mouth.

He said, My word is a lamp unto your feet and the light to our path. Then let’s read more Word so we get more light in the lamp. He said, My word is health and healing to all your flesh. He said, My word is medicine. Let’s take lots of medicine. Read it!

Read My Word. He said my word is life. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing unto you, oh Lord, my God, my redeemer and my Lord.

So what should I say? Keith Moore has a message called, “Watch Your Mouth.” Listen to that. It’s so good.

So what should I say? I say the Lord is my refuge. I will say He’s my redeemer. I will say, by the stripes of Jesus, I’m healed. I will say I’m more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who strengthens me.

He supplies all my need according to His riches and glory by Christ Jesus.

If God is for us, who can be against me? Who can be against you? I will say, He always causes us to triumph with victories in Christ Jesus.

That’s the Word we want to speak, not death, but life. Life and death is in the power of the tongue.

Sometimes I think about putting masking tape over my mouth and say nothing. If you’re going to say anything, say “He is my refuge, my fortress, my redeemer. I put all my trust in you. As long as I have breath…”

Do we have breath? Let’s praise and worship for a few minutes. Then we’ll go into prayer.

The greatest comeback…

On December 2022, the Minnesota Vikings were down to 33-0. After the halftime. They were down zero. Almost half the stadium was empty because they’re done. And we all know people are turning off their television. But not Sue. Our quarterback who was not anymore is the greatest comeback in NFL history. They were 33 down zero. And after the halftime, things changed. Third quarter, things start changing. So it’s not over yet until the fourth quarter is over.

With long life He satisfies us and show us great and mighty salvation.

So anyway, next we got her name. We’re going in there. We’re getting there. Then, in the last quarter, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Vikings came back and defeated Indianapolis because of the fourth quarter comeback. The greatest comeback!

I start thinking about Sue. The greatest come back. She was down. With what? She said heart disease. And look at her now. What the Lord has done! The greatest comeback in the chapel. I see Jill. Greatest comeback.

I start thinking, yes, yes… King David. I start thinking about Samson. He was a great man of God. In the end, he lost everything in the eyes. But the Bible say in the end, greatest comeback. He killed more Philistines when he died than when he was alive. Because of the greatest comeback.

I am thinking about the greatest comeback. He died and he killed 3,000 Philistines.

And the greatest comeback of Jesus Christ, three days. The greatest comeback in the world is not an NFL game. The greatest comeback is Jesus Christ, who died and came back three days later. He is the greatest comeback! That’s the greatest comeback, right?

Guess what? Pastor Matthew. Do you know how many people? 2.23 billion people on this earth, following Jesus Christ. 31% of the population believe in Jesus Christ, the greatest comeback.

Jesus has the most followers…

You probably heard that the richest man or the wealthiest man or the most famous man have… what? Million, 2 million, 10 million followers. We are talking and then I left our meeting. Then later, the Spirit of God reminded me and He said, “You know what? The person with the most followers in this world is Jesus Christ.” And He has no account on YouTube or Facebook. He has more followers than them all. The greatest comeback!

Sister Cindy prayed…

The highest expression of love is the trust that we put in you, Father. You’re worthy of all of our trust because you’re the God that leads and guides and directs. You are the God that’s knocking on the door and asking us to open it so that we can sit down and have a meal with you.

I thank you, Father, that you give us the promptings, that you arrest our senses, that you give us the presence of mind to know that you’re knocking. So maybe you’ve been knocking for years. Maybe we’re just used to that knock and think it’s nothing but false evidence, appearing real that we can’t do it because of the fear.

But we ask you, Father, to revive it once again in our hearts, the desires that you planted, those beacons that might have be buried a little bit in the debris and hardness of our rejecting them over and over again. But, Father, we thank you for those beacons going off.

We thank you, Father, for the fire that you place in our bones, the fire in the spirit that causes us even when contradiction is all around to just say, “I have to do this thing that you’ve placed in my heart. I have to show up. I have to sit down. I have to open the door. I have to do something with this that you placed in my heart.”

I thank you, Father, that you will feed it. You will feed it with your faithfulness, that we’ll sit down and have a meal together. Jesus said, I have food that you know nothing about, and it’s to do the will of My Father. It’s to operate in the things that God requires… to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God who’s with me, in me.

There’s two doors. There’s a door in and there’s a door out. So we begin today to desire a readiness in our hearts to desire those things that you’ve placed because you’re the planner. And you’ve planned good things for each and every one of us, not to harm us, no fear involved, and so fearing nothing from God. The secret of facing everything. God for us. God in us. God coming through us. The Father that does the works. And He’s vested in you the hope of glory, the hope of these things coming into manifestation and recognition.

We thank you, Father, for the hope of glory because we go from glory to glory, not even considering contradiction because it’s dead… in the midst of COVID-19, this man did something with the desire that was born of God… to put his hand to those little things and see them grow. It’s a garden kind of analogy that God started from the very beginning. He’s given us seed. Even small seed, but in your hand, it’s blessed and we expect it to grow up and become greater than the opposition.

We see opposition fall as we continue to walk forward. Dead things, even things that have clung to us that we maybe weren’t aware of falling off and we’re amazed and surprised at how light and free we are because we put our eyes on Jesus. And we put our hand to the plow and we know that we are co-laboring together with the helper, the one that takes hold together against with… everything has been appointed to prosper in this place of walking with God who’s with us, for us. We are the blessed. We are the redeemed. We are the ones that God has appointed to cross over, so no matter what storm may come, it only serves to strengthen our resolve. And it serves to cause dead things to fall off in the process because the enemy’s not appointed to cross over.

So the enemy is super afraid of our crossing over because what we’re coming into is a land. A land that once was held by regional principalities, but because we are just simply going wherever God tells us to go, we have no good beside or before Him, but in step, lock step with Him, whatever He tells you to do, whatever He tells you to say, nothing more, nothing less, will win the day.

Don’t mix and mingle, but continue to flow in that unforced rhythm. It’s an exciting place of having courage, having courage and grace to face everything. With a smile, knowing that it’s all going to fall in pleasant places because God has authored it and you have been appointed to walk it out. The garden of God’s good pleasure, His shining face on our faces, locked on, looking into… so the eyes of grace, the eyes of truth, the eyes of everything that brings glory to our Father through us. These frail earthen vessels that the grander and exceeding greatness of His glory would be on display, that we would have that door open. And then God would come out into the world manifested and recognized by those who sit in darkness now seeing a great light, now being loosed from the bondage of chains that are destroyed.

False evidence appearing real. God is good. His mercy endures forever. And we receive, we lay hold and apprehend that which by which we were apprehended. God always starts the ball rolling, and we continue to move with Him in those graceful places of more and more freedom, more and more strength, more and more understanding the brightness of God’s coming every day.

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