- “Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist”
Cindy prayed…
Good morning, everybody. It’s a beautiful day. God made this day. He’s prepared us wonderful things for this day. Thank you, Lord. We just thank you, Father, for your presence and your goodness. I thank you, Lord, for your plans that you’ve prepared for us in advance. That they’re good plans to give us a future and a hope and promise. Lord, we thank you for every word in your Book of love to us.
I thank you, Lord, that you have called us together to assemble for your purpose and your plans. And that each one of us has a gift and as special deposit and a supply of the spirit today that we might come together as streams that are converging into a mighty river coming forth today and bringing glory to you, Father. We welcome the Holy Spirit to come and make His place and be right in the midst of us, orchestrating this whole symphony of prayer this morning in the mighty name of Jesus.
I want to share something with you that I got from my files about praying in the Spirit. This is a word that Pastor Lynne shared at the Autumn Assembly in 2015.
It starts out, “Tongues is the language of heaven.”
Praise God that He has given us this language. It’s a supernatural language. And we don’t have to know, Father, how we should pray this way or that way, because you’ve given us a language that’s perfect. And you stir up the gift in us. And it’s instructing our spirit, Father, which is instructing our tongues, so we can interpret those things that you give us by your Spirit in this heavenly language.
“Tongues is a language of heaven. It’s a download in your spirit at the reception of the Holy Ghost, in the receiving of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. When this language is released, that language will change the world and it’ll change you.”
I don’t know about you, but I love the fact that I am changing. And when I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it is evident that just praying in the Spirit changes things. And when we pray together, we get lifted higher in this process of change. But it changes the world around us, because it is a divine gift of the Holy Spirit in praying out His wisdom in the earth and seeing that wisdom manifest His glory, His will, and purpose.
“When the language is released, the language will change the world and change you. When used, because it is accompanied by the fire of God, the language carries the very essence and nature of God to any and every situation.”
So whatever situation you’re in and you’re thinking, “Oh Lord, this is like a valley, or this is a trouble that I didn’t expect.” You pray in the Holy Spirit. And it brings the fire of God to the very essence and nature of God to every and any situation.
“The language of the spirit is very personalized and individualized, marking each person with heaven’s label and tag—This is mine and I’m here.”
I love that, Father, that you’ve given us this language and it marks us, and it marks that you’re here. So that’s the presence of God and that I am yours.
“There’s much more to comprehend and understand about this gift and much more revelation to be had. The apostle Paul wrote, I would not have you be ignorant. The more you understand about speaking in other tongues, the more you will give way to it and yield to it, growing exponentially.”
Speaking in tongues is multiplying factor. That’s not just adding. That’s multiplying exponentially. He wants to develop in us all the fruits of His Spirit and the gifts coming out and the wisdom and the speaking forth His divine counsels and instructions, the knowledge of God and the fear of God. And I don’t know about you, but I just want to be more and more conformed to His image. And He’ll do it. It’s supernatural. And it’s just by praying in the Spirit and yielding to the direction that He gives you by that Spirit.
“Speaking in tongues is a sign to arrest and attract and to indicate the presence of God is here. It is the gateway and door to the Supernatural.”
The world needs to know and to touch and taste and feel and see and perceive that we are here representing you, that your Spirit is here and with that, Father, there’s the fire of God. So I thank you, Lord, for this beautiful gift of praying in the Spirit. I thank you, Father, that we treasure and appreciate, Father, this tool of bringing you right in the midst of any and all things, Lord. So, Father, we yield ourselves right now in this hour to pray in the Spirit and let you take us where you want us to go. (tongues)
We ask for the gifts to be in manifestation, Father, for the strength and the courage and the boldness…
We thank you for the authority that’s been given to us by the head of the church, Jesus Christ…
They say for there as many counterfeits, but we will not bow to those counterfeits…
We have the spirit of truth and revelation in the knowledge of you…
Jeannie shared…
I love how God fits pieces of prayer together. Speaking of a good, good Father, in Psalm 104:5, “You laid the foundations of the earth that it should not be moved forever.” You’ll notice it says in that scripture, the foundations of the earth. The Father has laid foundations in the earth that shall not be moved… forever. The foundations of His goodness, the foundations of His mercy, the foundations of victory, the foundations of authority. He is a God of authority, but He is not an authoritarian God.
So let’s just start with first one of Psalm 104. “Bless affectionately and gratefully praise the Lord, oh my soul.” So today we praise God, oh my soul. The One that laid the foundations of the earth. He laid your days, the foundation of your days today… for such a time as this. You have been laid on a solid foundation, a solid foundation of victory, of healing, of moving forward, of going the right way, of seeing, of hearing. And they shall not be moved.
Because of this, Father, our souls bless you. And as we bless you, our souls prosper. And as we prosper, we are on that solid foundation that was laid from the beginning. We possess the authority that laid the most solid foundation from the beginning of the earth. Thank you, Father.
The Boss lives inside of you. Now, that’s when you accept Jesus as the Boss. Let’s just get that right. And He’s right there. He’s right there, ready to come in if you haven’t accepted Him yet. It’s a really good idea to do that.
We bless, we affectionately and gratefully praise the Lord. Oh my soul. Oh Lord, my God. You are our God. You are very great. You are clothed with honor and majesty. The One that laid the solid foundation is clothed with honor and majesty. Father, the one that lives inside of us is clothed with honor and majesty.
And that would mean that we are clothed with honor and majesty. Today, right now you are clothed with honor and majesty everywhere you go, His robe of righteousness is on you, here on the earth. Right now. Everywhere you walk, His robe of honor, majesty, and righteousness is on you. You are the One who “covers yourself with light as with the garment who stretches out the heavens like a curtain. Who lays the beams of the upper room of his abode in the waters, above the firmament, who makes the clouds his chariot, who walks on the wings of the wind.”
When it gets windy, we just walk. When it gets stormy, we just walk. Do we walk backwards? Do we walk sideways? We walk forward with our eyes on Him, the One that will never leave us, the One that will never forsake us, the One that never loses, the One that always hears … that is you because He lives in you.
Soul, I bless the Lord. Soul, I bless the Lord. Feet, you are on a firm foundation that has been set from the beginning, established here on the earth …
“Who makes winds His messengers, flames of fire, His ministers.” We welcome the wind of the Spirit and the fire… the ministry of His fire in the Church today. We welcome the wind of the Spirit and the ministry of His fire on the earth today. Thank you, Father, in the schools, in the government, in media, in entertainment, in business, throughout the streets, we welcome the wind of the Spirit and the fire of the Spirit on the earth today because it has already been established. Thank you, Father. Bless the Lord, oh my soul.
You laid the foundations of the earth that it should not be moved forever. And if it shall not be moved, then we will not be moved. We are on a steady foundation, and we shall not be moved. We will not move from liberty. We will not move from freedom. We shall not be moved. Amen. Let it be so, and the Spirit of the Lord says, amen.
You covered it with the deep as with a garment; the water stood above the mountains. Holy Spirit takes over any mountain that must be brought low. Amen. Our country has been through rough times before and gotten through it because we were laid on a solid foundation, the foundation of the Gospel. And we shall not be moved.
“At your rebuke, they fled. At the voice of your thunder, they hastened away. At the voice of your thunder, they did not delay to hasten away.” We thank you that this is the day that at the voice of your thunder, they hasten away. This is the day that at the voice of your thunder, anything that would hinder hastens away.
Father, we thank you that today is the day that you have made, and we rejoice and are glad in it. Today we’re glad because you made this day, and we have that voice of authority. And the enemy does not take his time to go, to hasten away because victory is in your voice… because mercy and goodness is in your voice… Father, thank you, that you are our God and Father. We thank you for it. That the lion of Judah is roaring throughout the land. Oh, thank you, Father. We praise you.
DJ prayed…
For the kingdom of God is within us. Thank you, Father, that we dwell in the secret place of the most high God. We abide in the shadow of the almighty God… You are our refuge. You are our fortress. You are our Redeemer. You are our healer. You are our provider. God, we trust you today. Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefits… And he forgives all our iniquities, remembers not or iniquities.