Morning Prayer Summary for Thursday, December 10, 2020

Annie led group in worship…

We need a visitation from heaven upon this land. We have heard of His fame. We stand in awe of His deeds. I apologize. I kind of massacred that song, but those scriptures were just coming up in my heart. God, we’ve heard of what you did before. We’ve heard about how You’ve done mighty deeds before. We’ve heard how you brought this nation out of the iron furnace of affliction by an appeal to heaven. Our founding fathers stood against impossible odds to bring forth a nation that would give glory to God.

And then the abolitionists, they stood against impossible odds to bring an end to the sin of slavery. Oh Lord! We’ve heard of Your fame and we stand in awe of Your deeds, what you have done in the past. Lord, pour out Your Spirit on the United States of America. And start with this little grandma right here. Start with me, Father. We need more, more, more of You, Lord. We need Your Holy spirit. We need your holy fire. And we believe that Your covenant promises are true. We are Your people called by Your name and we humble ourselves before You and we pray. We turn from our wicked ways. And you said you will hear from heaven. You said You will forgive our sin. You said You would heal our land. Oh, father God, we thank You for Your promises. You’re pouring out Your mercy on the United States of America. Now You’re giving us not what we deserve for turning away from You and acting like Your words and your laws don’t even matter. But You’re so good and merciful. You’re turning Your mercy toward us, Lord. In wrath, You remember mercy toward Your people. Father God, we thank You for a new birth of freedom in the United States of America. Hallelujah! Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. We continue in Your Word and we know the truth. And it’s the truth from Your Word, Lord, that makes us free.

Pastor Ray…

When you sang that… Well, if you go on a trip to Israel, you go to what could have been the upper room. It could have been. Maybe it was. But it’s interesting because there there’s a sound in that place. We were there with sister Billye probably every time she’d have Shelley or somebody… There was a place she could kind of go up a step and you could look at the people and they’d start singing and worshiping the Lord. And the sound would just give you goosebumps in that room. Maybe it’s still the sound. So what I was just thinking on when you’re singing it, the expectation in the 120 must have been something. In Acts one, the last words that Jesus spoke to the disciples, you know, He said, you know, you don’t need to be wondering about the time and blah, blah, blah. All these different natural things kind of, but you shall receive power, ability, efficiency, and might when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, unto the ends or the very bounds of the earth. And that’s in verse eight, but verse nine, then right after that, when He’d said this, even as they were looking at Him… They’re looking right at Him. He just said this is what you’re going to get. Okay? They’re looking at Him and He was caught up and a cloud received and carried Him away out of their sight. The timing was so perfect when He was caught up. They witnessed it. They were looking at Him and He was speaking to them and suddenly… don’t you know they got to that upper room in a hurry? And I was just thinking about it… I wonder what the furniture was like in there. I wonder what it was like in there because they had children and families. And there were 120 finally. I know there were more in the beginning, so we know that some exited maybe. They got tired of waiting or whatever. I don’t know. But that’s the way that we should be, need to be, today. In such expectation of what is coming down the pike. If I could put it like that. The Word is true. And He would never… nothing in the Word would take us away from what He’s called us to do… our plan. And He created us and He made a plan. So we’re looking to carry it out with joy because in that joy, there’s strength.

If you don’t mind, I want to share a couple verses how the expectation had to hold them there, waiting. I’ll read it. So all of these in verse 10, with their minds in full agreement, they’re all in agreement concerning what Jesus said they would receive. They were in agreement. And so in full agreement, they were all in, in expectation. That’s how I see it. And they devoted themselves, steadfastly boom, bang, bang, bang to prayer, waiting together with the women and Mary, the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. So there’s some well-known people in there, let’s put it like that. And so, Peter on one of the days, he rose among all of them and began to speak to them, and then they kept praying and believing. He just encouraged them about His word. And so what His word told them, they stayed steadfast expecting that it’s going to come to pass. Chapter two. So talking about the sound… “When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all assembled together in one place.” And when it says assembled, to me that means they’re still praying. They’re praying. They’re just lifting up their voices. They could be singing. “When suddenly there came a sound from heaven like the rushing of a violent tempest blast, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were separated and distributed and settled on each one of them” Verse four says, “And they were all what filled, diffused throughout their souls with the Holy Spirit. And verse six says, “And when this sound was heard, the multitude came together and they were all astonished and bewildered. Because they were speaking in all kinds of different tongues. This is familiar, but we can have it be so familiar, we don’t go back over it again, and really realize what they were doing.

I’m going through this just to say that we’re in a place right now and so we can take America or we can take the whole earth… There’s troubles for sure. There are situations like miss Annie was praying, declaring it this morning. There are things that must not happen or take place. Must not! For the blood of Jesus has been applied and God knows. God has a plan. And for the Church, we must continually stay assembled. Stay in one accord. We can’t break off and go, “Okay, well, whatever.” Let’s not ever say that. No. This is the way it will be. God’s will and God’s plan. Let’s sing that a little bit more. That song was super popular in the 90s. Send the Fire.

Annie led group in worship…

Pastor Ray…

We know that You want us to burn bright. We know that it is Your will. And we know that when we were baptized in the Holy Spirit, we received fire. But we know there’s always more. That’s why the Bible says to be being filled with the Holy Spirit. Let’s always remember we’re speaking when we’re praying unto God. When we’re not talking to Him, we’re commanding and demanding what He said for us to command and demand. When we come against things, we’re not coming against anything to do with Him, we’re coming against the evil one, the Devil, that tries to change or turn things in a negative way. But we’ve been given the authority to declare things or call things, speak things forth. I looked this up this morning in Luke 10:19. “Behold, I’ve given you…” That’s us, the Church. “…authority and power to trample upon serpents or scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you.” Thank You, Lord, for the power and the authority You’ve given unto us and the anointing that You’ve placed in us… the anointing… we are anointed. We can do things that we can’t do. We will do things that we wouldn’t do. We will do things. We will speak things. We will pray things. We will believe things that we would never just do in the natural and all we have to do is back in our lives. Every single one of us, none of us were born, born again and filled with the Holy Ghost. We all went through some years… Many of us went through more years than others before we were ever born again and baptized in the Holy Ghost with fire.. So I love it that the word supports that song. We need more fire. We need another Pentecost. We need to be, “well, why not here? Why not now? We’re in a room. We can sit, we can stand whatever…” Holy Spirit of the living God, we believe for more. When Your Word said to be being filled. That’s a process of great increase. Hallelujah. Thank You for the fire. Thank You for more fire Lord. (tongues)

Those things that were broken… that were derailed, be restored and made new today… Thank You for new desire and great Holy Spirit given fire from heaven… that brings a greater desire and a strength… that we do things and say things we never would if we hadn’t been set on fire. Hallelujah. Thank You, Lord.

Annie continued…

When Reinhard Bonnke was here, he talked about the baptism and fire. Does anybody remember how he did that with his hand? I think he was teaching about how each one of us has the fire of God that we received when we were filled with the Spirit and it’s individual… how in the upper room, everybody had their own flame on their head. So I think when dismissed us, he had us all, “Remember do this, go around like this all the time.” I got the fire. I got the fire. Thank You for Your fire.

Pastor Ray…

I just saw this. One of the reasons they had individual flames is because they were all unique, created by heaven, and they all had different giftings. They were all unique. We were created by the Creator to be who we are. Hallelujah. So, we can’t necessarily burn bright with someone else’s light. We gotta burn bright with our own light. And it has been distributed to each one of us individually so that we will pursue and carry out the absolute call that He’s given to each one of us to walk out. So we can’t be somebody else. And maybe sometimes we’d like to be somebody else, or maybe we love their call. But we have our own call. We are called. We all have a different “phone number,” so to speak. Hallelujah. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for what You’ve given us and that You’re giving us more.

Annie continued…

DJ shared…

When we’re talking about the fire, I heard… actually, I’ve seen it happen again and again. Elijah brought the offering to the Lord. He brought evening sacrifice. He poured the water on the woods and in the fire of the Holy Spirit come from heaven and burned the offering. I’m finding out if we want fire, praying in the Holy Ghost, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit come upon you by praying in tongues. Building yourself up in the most holy faith and praying in tongues. That brings fire. But I believe that there’s fire come when you bring a good bring offering to the Lord.

Pastor Ray…

When you ask Him to set your heart on fire, you’re asking him to consume you from the inside out. It’s a desire to let your heart come alive with the desires of God. You will be so overwhelmed by passion and love for God that you won’t be able to contain it. You will want more of His character, more of His presence, and more of the Holy Spirit. It’s the way it works. More… More of Your presence, more of Your great manifested presence in our lives. More fire. Greater desires for Your plan, purpose, your will. Hallelujah. Thank You, Father. When that sound took place in the upper room, it drew all of Jerusalem. It drew them to that place. Just the sound. So DJ when you started praying and declaring about finances and definitely, you know, the finances for individual churches. Here for us, it’s Living Word hristian Center. We believe there’s a sound from heaven, and it’s a drawing… You know how we’ve confessed “Money cometh to me now.” Money coming to Living Word now in Jesus’ name. Ministering spirits today, we ask you to go forth… go where you need to go. We lose you. We ask you to go forth and bring in the finances here to this church, but churches all over the earth. The Church is not going down. The Church is on the increase and there’s greater increase that is to come. And the more fire there is, the more people will be drawn to the fire. (tongues)

“Uncommon increase.” That’s what I just heard. It’s almost uncommon. Increase upon increase… ever increasing as we move ahead into our tomorrow… here in our church, we pray over our pastors Mac and Lynne. But for you tuning in wherever you are, whoever your pastor is, pray over them and command the blessings of God over them. And we do that here for our pastors, and you do it there for your pastors. We declare what they set their hands unto will prosper in Jesus’ name. They prosper – spirit, soul, and bodies. Healing is theirs. Strength is theirs. The joy of the Lord is their’s. Hallelujah. They overcome by the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb.

Annie began to sing in the spirit over pastors…

Thank You, Father. Thank You for better days, new steps, better times. Hallelujah, Father. Thank You so much for Your precious, precious words. We stand on them. We’re not backing off what You’ve said. We know Your Word is true and You’re faithful to fulfill every word You’ve spoken to each one of us individually, to help us fulfill Your plan for us today. Thank You for it in Jesus’ name. And everybody said “Amen.” Hallelujah. Thank you for coming and for being here today and tuning in. Appreciate it so much. Love you.

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