Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Hallelujah, to the name of Jesus
Hallelujah, to the Lamb of God
Hallelujah, to the Lord God almighty
Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
We worship You, Lord, hallelujah to Your name
Yes, we honor, praise, and bless You, Father
With all that is within us, we lift up the name of Jesus
You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords
We magnify You, we love and worship You
Thank You, Lord, have Your way in our hearts and lives
Have Your way and do what You want to do and only what You can do!
The following prophecy was given by Brother Kenneth E Hagin, INTERCESSION: The Forerunner of Revival:
INTERCESSION: The Forerunner of Revival
God said something to Israel through the prophet Isaiah which is very applicable to us in our present-day situation.
ISAIAH 64:7 And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from us, because of our iniquities.
Notice what it said in this verse: “There is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee . . . “This implies that if someone had stirred himself up to pray and intercede and to call upon God, judgment on the nation of Israel could have been stayed! Let’s look at a similar statement made by Ezekiel.
EZEKIEL 22:30 “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”
Do you realize what these verses are saying? God looks for people of prayer to stand in the gap, make up the hedge, and to intercede so that their land can be spared. This explains why Paul exhorted Timothy as he did in First Timothy 2:1, 2.
I TIMOTHY 2: 1, 2 “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men: For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
If prayer would not change the existing conditions in a nation and enable its citizens to lead a quiet and peaceable life, why would Paul tell Timothy to pray for the leaders of the nation? You see, God wants to intervene in the affairs of men—and He will do it for our sakes if we will only pray.
We often get a distorted view of God and the Bible because we only hear one side of the story. We look around us in the world and see what the devil’s doing. Even Christians sometimes are so full of gloom. “The devil’s going to take everything over,” they’ll say. “Everything’s going to the dogs.” I’ve heard some who were having problems with their children say, “You know, the Bible says that in the last days there’ll be disobedience to parents.”
“Yes,” I’ve said, “it also says in the last days the love of many will wax cold, but that doesn’t mean my love is going to wax cold. The Bible isn’t talking about me when it says that. That doesn’t mean everyone’s going to the Devil. That doesn’t mean everyone’s children are going to disobey them—mine are not. Not everyone’s love will wax cold—mine will not.”
You can get over on that side, seeing things in that negative, gloomy perspective, and you’ll always have a gloomy story to tell. You’ll go to bed in the gloom, get up in the gloom, eat in the gloom, talk in the gloom—and there will be gloom and doom everywhere.
But no! There’s victory in Jesus! The Church is not going down the drain! The Church is going up in the sky!
In the Old Testament, we read in Genesis chapter 18 that God would not allow Sodom and Gomorrah to be destroyed until He first came down and talked it over with His blood covenant friend, Abraham.
I recall many years ago, someone supposedly got a revelation from God that a gigantic tidal wave was going to destroy the city of Houston, Texas. Several people asked me what I thought about it.
I said, “There’s nothing to it. God wouldn’t do a thing like that unless He told me about it. I don’t mind telling you, it’s not going to happen.” And, of course, it didn’t happen.
Folks get so fearful. Don’t you know, friends, we’re going to know what is about to happen? We are the body of Christ. Jesus is the Head, and we’re His body. Just speaking naturally, does your head do anything without notifying your body?” Well, neither does Jesus operate apart from His body, the Church. There are people of God living in this nation and in this world—real people of God. God will confirm something He is about to do with more than one individual.
I wouldn’t get all excited if someone said my town was going to be blown up tomorrow. Because if it were, God would have let me know about it.
Stop and think for a moment. We’ve got a better covenant than people living in Old Testament times. Hebrews 8:6 says that our covenant is built upon better promises. Yet even the Old Testament, God would not allow Sodom and Gomorrah to be destroyed until He’d talked it over with Abraham and told him what was going to happen.
We see that when Abraham became aware of the impending judgment upon the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, he interceded for them.
GENESIS 18:23–25 “…Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? That be far from thee to do … Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”
God said, “If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.” (Gen 18:26)
Then Abraham said, “Lord, I’d just like to speak a little further to you, if you don’t mind.” [I’m putting this in my own words, but this is the essence of what was said.] “If there are forty-five righteous people there, would you spare the place for forty-five?”
“Yes, I’ll do it—just because you asked Me. For forty-five righteous, I’ll spare the thousands who are there.”
“Lord, how about forty?”
“Yes, I’ll spare it.”
“I will not destroy Sodom if I find thirty there.”
“I will not destroy for twenty’s sake.”
Finally, Abraham asked God to spare Sodom for the sake of ten righteous people, and God agreed to stay judgment if ten righteous were found. I believe Abraham surely thought there would be ten righteous there.
Think about that! God would have spared that city full of corruption and immorality for the sake of ten righteous people. Sodom was so corrupt that when the angels entered the city to rescue Lot, the entire male population tried to force their way into Lot’s home to have homosexual relations with the angels! While we do see corruption in our land today, it has not yet reached that low level. But God said for ten righteous people, He’d spare the entire city of Sodom.
We always brag about the fact that God never changes—He’s forever the same. Well, if that is true, will He not do in our day what He did in Abraham’s day? Will He not spare cities and nations today for the sake of His children who live in them? He will if we intercede like Abraham did. He will if we’ll do what the Spirit of God said to do in First Timothy 2: 1, 2 and intercede for our national leaders.
Why does God want us to intercede for our leaders and those in authority? The answer is simple: “That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (I Timothy 2:2)
Somebody has said, “You know God’s not going to bless a nation when there are dishonest people in government.”
As far as I can tell from history, none of the kings of Paul’s day were Christians yet Paul still instructed Timothy to pray for them. You see, God’s blessings can come to any nation if the people of God living there will be obedient to intercede for their leaders.
People always want to paint a dark picture, but there’s another side we need to see. Recent surveys have shown that there are more born-again people living in the United States today than there have ever been. There’s a move of God on!
Yes, there is sin and corruption in our country. I’m not denying that, nor am I saying that changes are not needed. But things are not going to change as long as we only talk on the negative side and complain about how the Devil’s taking over. We, the church, need to do what the Bible says and intercede for our nation! Then, and only then, will we see things change!
Change does not come to a land by chance. Throughout history, intercession has been a forerunner to every great move of God. We, as the body of Christ, must pray and keep on praying so that revival can come to our land. We must keep on travailing in prayer until it comes.
Charles G. Finney, a revivalist who had the greatest success of any evangelist since the days of the apostle Paul, was a great exponent of prayer. A lady once asked him, “Do you know a man called Father Nash?”
He said, “I certainly do.” Father Nash was a man who went ahead of Finney to the towns where he was going to hold meetings. He would arrive several days early to pray and intercede for revival.
The lady who had asked the question owned a rooming house, and she related this story to Finney. “Three days ago, Father Nash and two other men rented rooms from me. I’ve been concerned about them. For three days, they’ve been in their rooms. They haven’t eaten. They’ve only left to get a drink of water now and then. I heard them and looked in on them. They’ve been on their knees and faces just groaning and praying. I thought something had happened to them.
Mr. Finney, a Presbyterian, said, “No, no. They’ve just got a spirit of intercession. They’re interceding for the city.”
Soon afterward, Mr. Finney held meetings in this particular town, and there was such a revival there that the entire city turned to God! Every single grog shop—we’d call them taverns or beer joints—closed down. Almost every person in the entire area was saved.
If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever—and He is—can we not expect to get the same results today when we intercede for our cities and our nation? Instead of talking about how bad things are, why don’t we change things by praying and standing in the gap for our country? Our prayers of intercession can pave the way for the greatest revival our nation has ever known. Let’s stay before God until an outpouring of His Spirit sweeps across this land!