Scripture Focus…
(8) “And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation].”
(2 Cor. 9:8 Amp.)
The following prophecy by Kenneth E. Hagin was read during Morning Prayer:
The End of the Age
“The end of the age is coming upon this generation [Billye Brim: now he would have given this probably in the eighties maybe, the seventies or eighties.] The end of the age is coming upon this generation. The powers of darkness, the forces of evil are rampant as never before and they will be increased in intensity and velocity. And even many Christians will see and look upon these things and say “Oh, there is no use”; throw up their hands in futility and say “Wll, I guess it’s all over. We’ll just have to hold on and pray for Jesus to come shortly because the Devil is about to take over everything.” But thus saith the Lord, “In this day, I am searching the body of Christ to enlist soldiers. I’ll raise up a new band. I’ll raise up a new army who will know how to pray against the powers of darkness. And the light will dispel the darkness and the truth will set men free and prayer will break the bonds that bind men’s minds and spirits and bodies. (Halleluiah, glory to God).
“Yea, there are those who will learn to take their place hurriedly. It must be hurriedly, it must be. Quickly it must be that they learn. That they enter in quickly to stand against the forces of darkness and evil that will try and come against the land, against the church, against the home, that would try and disrupt and destroy all that is good and all that God has endorsed. But the hand of the Lord is upon those who will listen and at the urge of God in the spirit to those who are attentive, they will pray. The Spirit of God will help you to pray. Do not try to do it yourself. Though there must be labor on your part, yet at the same time rest in Him. Let the Spirit flow through you like a river. Like a mighty wave let it flow through you. Give vent to those inner most groanings. Let them escape your lips. Take the time to get alone and wait. Sometimes not even saying anything but on the inside of you there is an agonizing. There is a flowing out of your spirit by the Holy Spirit to the Great Spirit, the Father of spirits. And thou shalt be sustained. Thou shalt be kept and thy family and thy home will be sure and stand fast and thy children shall grow up strong and stalwart in the Lord and they shall have no fear.
“Thou shalt intercede for thy neighbor. Thou shalt intercede for thy friend. Thou shalt intercede for those even in the church that have not come in to the knowledge of the truth; making sincere prayer on their behalf so the light will shine. The work of God will go forth and the work that is to be accomplished in the next few days and years shall be because you were faithful.” The Spirit of God is saying, “Just ahead in the realm of the Spirit there are some great and glorious and marvelous things. In fact, all of those adjectives do not nearly describe, they do not even begin, that’s just the tip of what is to take place, but what cannot take place without you as an individual taking your place in the arena and the realm of prayer. And without a good part of the body of believers, all will not necessarily do it but there must be many that will be faithful, some will not be faithful, but without a good part of the body of believers taking their part and place in prayer for you see at this time God has great things, marvelous things, wonderful things, things that will happen in the spirit realm that will manifest in the seen realm, things beyond the comprehension of most.
“At the same time, the enemy is making his move. Darkness will loom up like a mountain in front of you.
The Devil will throw up every kind of road block in front of you and that’s the reason you need to be alert. Walk softly before the Lord. When I say walk softly before the Lord, I mean walk carefully before
Lord. I mean, see to it that you keep yourself uncontaminated from the world and worldly thinking. See to it that you keep yourself clean and pure in every way from evil and unclean thoughts that would come your way. See to it that you walk carefully before the Lord not to be in bondage but yet to be free knowing that the Lord has set your free and will not allow Satan to entangle you.
The favor that is upon us is opening doors of new opportunities
We are hungry to experience supernatural increase!
Everything will be alright and it will turn around
Seeing chains fall off!
It is well with our finances!
The doors must be open for that situation
Declaring restoration, wholeness, wellness, and completeness
Signs all along the way showing us the way to go
Calling for the right situations, the right timing, and the right words
We must go all the way to the finish
Unlock, open, and reveal in Jesus’ name!
Every day receiving a supply of the Spirit
Declaring it is well with our souls
Jump into what you have been called to
Receiving wisdom and impartation
Words of the enemy bouncing off of us
The words spoken by the Spirit must be declared
The deep is calling unto the deep
Declaring enough is enough!
There is a covering of the blood today!
Lord, we rest upon Your Word and we believe in it
Greater understanding about when to speak and when not to speak
Fall fresh and fill us again
A recharge to do what we have been called to go
Tuning into You, Lord!
We worship, love, and honor You!
Help us to see the higher way
We receive heavens help and strength
All of the ministers and leaders restored and refreshed to finish the work
Lord, You are bringing and lifting your people up in these times of refreshing
We want You to have Your way in us
Yielding to the ministry of Your Holy Spirit
Reveal to us the depth, height, width, and length of Your love
As we wait on You, we know our strength will be renewed
You make us strong for Your kingdom
Father, let us stay within Your Spirit all day long
To abide in this place of peace and rest
We send a supply of answers to those who need them today!
Lord, we expect the words spoken by Your Sprit to make a way
Declaring the favor of God over each one of those
You get all the glory and praise!