Holy Spirit, we welcome You in this place
We welcome Your peace, Your love, and Your ministry
Yes, we receive and love You, thank You for Your presence, Lord
Father, we need You more than we even need our next breath
Come and invade our hearts, our circumstances, and situations
Invade our churches, our families, and our decision making processes
We welcome You in this place, and we open our hearts up to You more and more
Yes, we take off the limits, and we open our hearts up and let You in, Lord
Holy Spirit, we must have You in a whole new way in our lives
Come, Lord Jesus, come in the way You desire for this generation
We call for an invasion of heaven, an invasion of Your Spirit, and an invasion of power!
No, we are not content to only read about the past, but we call out for a visitation!
Calling for the Church to be opened up and prepared, we will not stay where we are
We hear the sound and the command of armies, You are doing a new thing, Father
Yes, we will take steps of faith, help our hearts to receive and cooperate
Praying over the Church, that there would be adjustments and changes today
We pray for a setting up and a positioning right now, Lord
Declaring for a healing in churches, praying for the pastors and the believers
Proclaiming healing, mercy, and grace to each and every believer, Father
Praying for openness and receptivity, for a spiritual hunger we have not seen before
Cause the hearts of Your people to yearn, hunger, and thirst for rightness!
Help us, Lord, shake off the wood, the hay, and the stubble off the Church in these last days
We call for a shaking today, we will open up and we will let that come
Lifting up the UK, we pray for a movement of Your Spirit there, Lord
You are bringing about what You want, Father
We stand with our brothers and sisters in the UK, we pray for a shaking there
From the East to the West and from the North to the South, we pray for a revival to take place
Yes, down into Ireland and into Scotland, open up in Jesus’ name!
Praying for the movement of God there, that it would be a springboard for Europe
Father, we pray that there would be a holy fire on that island, among those people
In the heart of London, and up north to Scotland and in Wales
There must come a movement and a change there today, Lord
We stand with the believers and the prayers and those called by Your name in that nation
Praying for a Holy Ghost ordained fire to break through every stronghold
It is bringing forth light and truth, it is opening up the atmosphere!
God, You are coming down and invading our hearts in these last days
Calling for the blindness to be broken, Lord
Salvation, revival, harvest, and awakening are taking place today, Father
We break up the assignments of the enemy here in this nation
Clean it out, clean it out, we clean out the way, we clean out the clutter!
Soul, be cleaned out… go from me discouragement, hopelessness, and discontentment
Sin, temptation, and fear, go from me in the name of Jesus!
It is time to get ready, Church, for the Spirit of God is orchestrating in our lives
We pray that there would be a mighty release of God to work
Every stronghold is being brought down in the name of Jesus
Releasing the grace, the power, and the potency of God all across the Church and this nation
We send a shock wave to go forth and to rearrange the landscape
Praying for an opening up, it is the mission of the Spirit to seek and say that which is lost
Yes, we are overcoming evil with good!
We will not be hindered, we will not be denied, but we will answer the call, Lord
Our eyes are being opened, so that we will see it with our own eyes
Yes, Lord, we contend for that, we must have that, Father
We seek Your face, Lord, we declare that the enemy is done operating there
Keep it moving, for the Church is rising up, the Church is growing stronger in these last days
The Church is arising, and awakening, our eyes are being anointed and opened
We speak strength to Your body, we speak healing and restoration to the body of Christ today
Yes, we speak wholeness, life, and resurrection to each and every believer
Lord, Your Word says to speak grace to the mountain, so we speak grace over the body of Christ
We speak grace and peace in Jesus’ name!
Father, we yield ourselves more and more to You
Praying over the broken places and those that are disconnected
We pray for a healing today over the hearts, Father
Declaring peace over those that are confused and lost today
Father, we pray for reconciliation where there has been division
You are putting back together families that have been torn apart
In Jesus’ name, we call for peace over the chaos, You are gathering us together again
Father, we thank You for Your Holy Spirit and Your presence
Saturate us with Your peace, Your presence, and with Your love
Thank You for supernatural change in hearts, in relationships, and circumstances
Today Your presence is being released to bring change in and through us
We love and thank You for Your goodness in our lives
The following excerpt is taken from Soaking in the Spirit by Carol Arnott:
We’re Called to Abide
I love this passage, John 15:1-8:
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
(John 15:1-8 NIV)
Jesus tells us to abide in Him. That’s not a suggestion: that’s a command. We all want to lead fruitful Christian lives, but first, we must spend time with Jesus. Many believers skip right to the end of this passage, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit.” But they forget the first part. Abiding comes first. That’s where we become anointed and filled to do what Jesus is calling us to do.
Abiding means staying, waiting, and remaining. It’s a continuous thing. Its’ not instant I’ve learned in my life that abiding in God’s presence will totally transform your relationship with your Saviour, your Bridegroom, and your King, and it will empower you to bring the kingdom with mighty signs and wonders.
Making Time to Abide
We all get so busy doing. Life seems to throw a million things at us at once. It’s so easy to become tired and burnt out and weary in well doing. Soaking is the antidote to that. It is an opportunity to abide in the presence of God. When I soak, I position myself before God to abide in Him. Soaking is purposefully making space to be together with the Lord and to receive from Him. No matter how busy your life is, no matter what else you have going on, it’s never a waste of time.
It’s the same with Jesus. When you come to soak, don’t come with a shopping list of your needs. Instead, come to tell Him that you love Him, that you want to go deeper with Him. His heart’s desire is to love you back and to go deep with you too. As you spend time in His presence, you’ll begin to see how real He is. You’ll see that He wants to have a wonderful relationship with you, that intimacy is His heart’s desire. Jesus paid the highest price for you so that you might draw close to Him.
It’s so important to make time for the Lord to heal your wounds. I urge you to prioritize the healing of your heart. Make inner healing a lifestyle. King David said in Psalm 139:23-24, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” This has to be a regular process for all of us. WE must all let the Lord search our hearts for any unforgiveness, bitterness, pride, and pain that can so easily go unchecked. If you want to be successful in life, to cast out demons, raise the dead, to do all the wonderful things you know that Jesus has called you to and you do not deal with the issues of the heart, it will get you into difficulty. You must choose forgiveness so that the devil will not gain legal rights into your life and try to make you fall from grace and bring reproach upon Jesus. As they say, “hurting people hurt people.” It’s so important to break the cycle of hurt and pain by allowing the Lord to deal with your own issues.
I’ve spent many seasons of my life forgiving my mother and working through issues that I had as a result of our relationship. At one point, I became so frustrated and asked God, “Why don’t you just set me free from my mother issues? I know you can.” He revealed to me that if He did it instantly I would become prideful. Human beings tend to become full of pride and without mercy to others who are struggling with their problems. God heals us in a way that we can manage. It does take tie, but it’s worthwhile. He keeps us leaning on Him, sometimes walking with a limp, so that we always depend on Him for our needs.
As you soak, sometimes He will fill you with His love and you will respond with the heart of a lover. Other times He will go back and heal a deep wound. Then other times He will empower you for the ministry He has for you. Your whole life will change when you realize that the Lord absolutely loves you.
The Holy Spirit has moved so powerfully since 1994 and we have experienced the love of the Lord, His joy, and His presence. I believe that the next wave of Him moving is going to be a holiness wave. We must all deal with our “stuff” on a daily basis so that we walk with integrity. The Holy Spirit is a kind messenger. He is giving us all the opportunity to make wise decisions, to choose forgiveness, and to leave behind our sinful ways at this time. I urge you to let Jesus “dig in the garden of your heart now,” and to let Him lead you in the process of sanctification and transformation. Choose inner healing daily.
The next wave of my spirit will be birthed out of intimacy. Intimacy can only be found in the secret place where you and I can be as one. Out of this intimacy will come the release of life, power, and fire to enable you to see and feel my glory start to cover the earth. You must find that place, that secret place, that relationship with me.” Terry carried that beautiful fragrance of roses with him wherever he went. It was the fragrance of intimacy. After he went to be with Jesus, I found the prophetic word that I’d stored away and the oil was still there, but the smell had gone.
The fragrance that Terry carried was a representation of the beauty of intimacy with the Father. It drew me, and I know many others, into loving Jesus more. WE each need to have the fragrance of intimacy in our own lives. It may not be a physical smell, but the intimacy that you have with the Lord will always ooze out and bless those around you.