Prayer Summary for May 9

Scripture Focus…

(6) “But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. For whoever would come near to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out].”
(Heb. 11:6 Amp.)

(7) “If you live in Me [abide vitally united to Me] and My words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. (8) When you bear (produce) much fruit, My Father is honored and glorified, and you show and prove yourselves to be true followers of Mine.”
(John 15:7–8 Amp.)


The following article is taken from Herald of His Coming Publications:

Living to Please God
By Richard Baxter

Remember still that the pleasing of God is your business in the world, and that in pleasing Him your souls may have safety, rest, and full content, though all the world should be displeased with you. God is enough for you; and His approval and favour are your portion and reward. How sweet and safe is the life of the sincere and upright ones, that study more to be good than to seem good, and think if God accept them that they have enough! Oh what a mercy is an upright heart! which renounceth the world, and all therein that stands in competition with his God; and taketh God for his God indeed, even for his Lord, his Judge, his Portion, and his All!

See therefore that you live upon God’s approval as that which you chiefly seek, and will suffice you. Which you may discover by these signs:

1. You will be most careful to understand the Scripture, to know what doth please and displease God.

2. You will be more careful in the doing of every duty, to fit it to the pleasing of God rather than man.

3. You will look to your hearts, and not only to your actions; to your ends, and thoughts, and the inward manner and degree.

4. You will look to secret duties as well as public, and to that which men see not, as well as unto that which they see.

5. You will reverence your consciences, and have much to do with them, and will not slight them: when they tell you of God’s displeasure, it will disquiet you; when they tell you of His approval, it will comfort you.

6. Your pleasing men will be charitable for their good, and pious, in order to the pleasing of God, and not proud and ambitious for your honour with them, nor impious against the pleasing of God.

7. Whether men be pleased or displeased, or how they judge of you, or what they call you, will seem a small matter to you, as their own interest, in comparison to God’s judgment. You live not on them. You can bear their displeasure, censures, and reproaches, if God be but pleased.

These will be your evidences.

For more information on Herald of His Coming Publications, please click here.


We look out and beyond for the joy that is set before us
A deluge of rewards is coming!
Lord, thank You for Your presence!
We receive a fresh touch and an infilling of Your Spirit!
Lord, we look up unto You, from where ALL of our help comes from!
We ask that You continue to soften our hearts for more of You
That we would respond and obey quickly
Thank You for the blood, Lord!
Father, we know by Your mercy and grace the Church is falling in love with Jesus again!
It is all about You!
The goodness of God draws in men for the world to see You on display
We ask largely of You!
Even in the government, the nice things of God can be found
Men will see us in a different way for You will be on display!
Houses being transferred to the body of Christ as rewards for serving the King of Kings!
Things are moving and beginning to be loosed
Declaring lands coming into the body of Christ
Ministries beginning to pay off their buildings!
We pull up the stakes and push them further out!
Seeing a great release
Continuing the vision and call!
Applying the blood over those transactions and transitions!
The Church is moving and increasing!
An increase in believing and speaking
Walking on the naked truth
Open the new avenues and ways
Seeing a restoration of the broken parts and pieces
People filling in places
Father, send me!
You are our insurance, for everything is found in You!
It is time to believe and receive!
Calling for a spirit of seeing and knowing
Assignments given out by You, Father!
Help our ears not to begin to itch!
Time will begin to pick up speed and momentum as we get to the end
The message MUST be joined to the timing and the timing MUST be joined to the message!

A Word of the Lord came forth…

“’Watch with Me,” saith the Lord. “Watch by My Spirit and you will see, hear, and know the message. You will hold it dear, and you will move by what you’ve heard and begin to see the absolute right hour to declare it forth, and it will have a much greater effect for Me,” saith the Father.

“Inch by inch and step by step. Yes, it is a good time, but it’s going to get better! Why did I say that My joy is your strength? Because in your joy, in the internal joy within you, when you begin to operate in and out and through that joy, My strength will hold you fast, keep you in, keep you moving, keep you stepping in those predestined places to walk to My joy, to My strength.

“’It’s like prophecy,” saith the Lord. “It’s like words directly from heaven written in the Book—the times and the seasons that we live in now.”

Continued Praying…

Continually seeing money and resources increasing
All power belongs to You!
We pray that we would kick down the half way open door
Seeing internal parts that are needed on this earth coming to us
We ask big!
Thank You for enabling us to believe bigger!
We give You all the glory and honor!

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