Prayer Summary for March 5


Father, thank You that You are continually working in us
You are leading and guiding us!
We cover each and every family in the blood!
For blessing to rest upon each one!

Scripture Focus…

(1) As the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant and long for You, O God. (2) My inner self thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God? (3) My tears have been my food day and night, while men say to me all day long, Where is your God? (11) Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the help of my countenance, and my God.
(Ps. 42:1-3, 11 Amp.)

(5) Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the help of my [sad] countenance, and my God.
(Ps. 43:5 Amp.)


The following commentary was taken from The Revival Study Bible:

Duncan Campbell on the 1949 Isle of Lewis Revival
When God Comes Down

What do you mean by revival? There are a great many views held by people. We say, “Are you going out to the revival?” or “We’re having a revival crusade.” There is a world of difference between a crusade and special efforts to bring Christ to people. But, dear people, that is not revival. I thank God for every soul brought to Christ through our special seasons of blessing, conferences, and conventions. But in revival, the community suddenly becomes conscious of the presence of God in a matter of hours – not days. Something is happening that draws men and women to the house of God. You find within hours, scores of men and women crying to God for mercy.

You’ve heard the history of the revival of Jonathan Edwards in America, the Welsh Revival, or the more recent Lewis Revival. That is what happened when God came down. Suddenly men and women all over the town were gripped by the fear of God. How did it happen? One evening an old woman, eighty-four years of age and blind, had a vision. Don’t ask me to explain this vision because I cannot – but strange things happen when God begins to move. This dear old lady saw in the vision the church of our fathers crowded with young people and saw a strange minister in the pulpit. She was so impressed by this revelation she sent for the minister.

The parish minister was a God-fearing man, a man that longed to see God work. He had tried ever so many things to get youth of the parish interested, but not one single teenager attended the church. So what did this dear old lady say to him? “I’m sure, Mr. McKay, you are longing to see God work. What about calling your office bearers together and suggest to them that you spend two nights a week waiting upon Him? You’ve tried mission; you’ve tried special evangelists. But, Mr. McKay, have you tried God?”

Continued Praying…

You have declared in Your Word that You will NEVER leave us!
We can know and see the manifestation of that plan
Father, we believe for that way to be continually open
Seeing the way cleared out and moving upward!
Holding fast to what we know the Word of God says
Moving out of the mental realm and moving over into the realm of the Spirit
There is so much more in store
We know there will be things that will change history
Lord, we cooperate with You, Your Word, and plan!
No division or lack in the Body!
Calling for a fresh contending and opening
We are single-minded to Your plan and we will continually watch for it
Lord, we believe for a greater revelation and impartation of Your Word
Entering into new plans and territories
Declaring an increase in seeing, saying, believing, and receiving
Circling around some situations that need to be turned around
Applying the blood of Jesus over every avenue and direction
Calling for influence by the Spirit
Getting those things in line in time for this hour!
We serve a God of increase!
Making a clear way to the right strategy – It is a legal right and avenue
There is a warning about the days to come – It is a word of help, wisdom, and knowledge
Praying over positions of authority in the Body of Christ
There is an intertwining between them!
A great harvest coming in!
Not repeating the past but walking over into the new
It is critical how we finish – we believe to finish well!
Staying empowered by Your power and strength
Believing for the Body to contend for the right thing
For the leaders to stand and declare with power and authority!
Closing in on the bigness of it – it is a God setup!
Praying for a furtherance and increase
Applying the blood over every detail concerning the days to come
We pray for a furtherance now
Removed from the ways of the enemy and set in the right way
Lord, we give You thanks!

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