Scripture Focus…
“A prayer of Habakkuk the prophet, set to wild, enthusiastic, and triumphal music. (2) O Lord, I have heard the report of You and was afraid. O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make [Yourself] known! In wrath [earnestly] remember love, pity, and mercy. (3) God [approaching from Sinai] came from Teman [which represents Edom] and the Holy One from Mount Paran [in the Sinai region]. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! His glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of His praise. (4) And His brightness was like the sunlight; rays streamed from His hand, and there [in the sunlike splendor] was the hiding place of His power.”
(Habakkuk 3:1–4 Amp.)
The following prophecy was given by Dr. Creflo A. Dollar on April, 29, 2006:
The Turnaround
“For I desire to clothe you with this glory. And I desire to equip you with this glory and I’ll do so through the praise and the worship and the obedience that you send toward My way,” saith the Lord.
“I am about to reposition My presence on you like you’ve never seen before. For up until now, My glory has predominantly abided on the inside of you, but that glory is now about to come upon and you will do exploits,” saith the Spirit of God.
“And those who will hear and those who will obey and those who will walk in My presence, prepare yourselves, for I am about to cause things to turn around on your behalf – on your jobs, in your families, dealing with your finances. You are not stuck in a rut,” saith the Lord.
“For I am the One who delivers many out of their ruts and I’m about to bring you up out of yours and you’ll rejoice and be exceedingly glad. For that which I will show unto you, you will know that it came from Me. Prepare yourself for all that you’ve been sowing for, all that you been praying for. I’m about to come into your life like a spiritual cyclone. And no man will be able to deny that it is a supernatural happening. So rejoice and be exceedingly glad for these things shall surely come to pass,” in Jesus’ name. Amen.
We plead the blood of Jesus over any kind of activity that is not of You, Lord
Taking authority over any disruption of the enemy, in Jesus’ name!
Declaring a smooth way and plan today
We pray for Your Words to be our words!
Thank You, Father, that Your plans and Your purposes would come to pass
We ask that You would send Your words down from Heaven for us to pray, Lord
Thank You, Father, that You have called us to a higher place in You
We will not be led by our flesh, but by the Word that You have put in our hearts
Trusting in You for the equipment we need: the glory, wealth, wisdom, power, and authority to fulfill Your plans and purposes You have for us
Holy fire of God, saturate and burn in us, Lord
A Word of the Lord Came Forth
“For I am calling the Church in this hour to be more blended together than ever before,” saith the Lord. “Many have different, or many might say, unusual supplies and giftings, but I am calling the Church to be the way I have always called it to be, compacted together once again. And so there will be a greater blending together with different elements, different calls, different anointings, but they shall be blended together almost like it would become one color—one color, get it, just a blending, a blending. And it will be blended together, and it will be one Church and one body once again.”
Continued Praying…
In Jesus’ name, we come by the blood today!
Declaring a blending in—men and women taking their first steps
Believing for the Church to be brought back together for the remaining of the time here on earth
We WILL agree on the higher plan!
Lord, we will humble ourselves and do what You want us to do
Complimenting and bringing a supply into one another—there is a release
Throwing off the old and stepping into the new!
Great definition of and by Your Spirit
Calling for accomplishments to come in the Spirit
Seeing great desire to follow and obey
Father, bring in a mending of the hearts
Transformation from sin and lack and staying in the revelation and the equipping
Father, we need a blending of the Word and Spirit
Your Spirit bringing a greater supply
Father, we lift up the hidden ones
We call for more mercy and grace
Grant them a strength to press on to You!
Touch them in a new and fresh way
By the Spirit, they will see and know where to go
We call for an alignment
There must be a great coming forth of rivers and fountains of prayer
Applying the blood to each and every one
Calling for corporate anointings of prayer!
A new agenda in the Spirit
Steps must be taken, so do not despise the days of small beginnings
We desire to see You and Your glory!
Holding to the promise
Be sustained in that hidden way
Keep praying, believing, and expecting, and it shall come to You
The new is about to break through for you!
Moving into a new place of His presence
Lifting up the forerunner
It is moving in a greater degree now than it was before
The anointing is working in that arena and family!
It will be bound together, once again
New properties and bank accounts
We receive the outpouring of Your glory!
By faith, we please Him!
We thank You for making all things whole!