The following excerpt is taken from Rees Howells Intercessor by Norman Grubb:
Vision of the Spirit
“There are times in God’s dealings with His servants when He sets apart for himself not just individuals but companies—baptized, as it were, by one Spirit into one body for one God-appointed purpose…”
If you would like to purchase this book, please contact Living Word Bookstore online or call (763) 315-7015.
Lord, we love Your glory!
We praise, magnify, and worship You!
Thank You for Your divine help and assistance!
If You did it before, we know You will do it again!
We repent for moving too much by our feelings and not by our faith
Lord, we will not doubt You!
We pray for the standard in the body of Christ to begin to rise up!
Lifting up ministries that have been on the downfall
We pray for restoration, wholeness, and wellness to come to them
Open up the right ways!
Shaking out of the old ways, days and plans, and moving into the new!
Not leaning on what we’ve seen and heard but building bridges and walking out into uncharted territory!
Bringing light to those who have never seen it!
New positions, companies, revelations, and experiences!
New assignments and conditions!
We expect the body of Christ to move out into the new!
Seeing new connections are being made between companies!
It will create a great harvest, and souls will come from every direction!
We will do what You have called us to do only with Your strength and power
Lord, we are so thankful!
We lean on You day by day
Thank You for Your endurance to go all the way
The remainder of Morning Prayer was spent in thanking and worshiping the Lord!