Thank You, that You are drawing us closer to You, Father
Your love is drawing us deeper and deeper into Your presence
You are continually calling and drawing us closer to You, Lord
We are entering into a greater shift of responding to Your drawing
Yes, we are responding to Your call and to Your plan, Father
Responding unto Your Spirit and responding unto Your Word
We are recognizing, perceiving, hearing, and obeying what You have said in Your Word
No, You do not ever quit on us, You never give up on us, but You are so faithful, Father
Thank You that You have chosen us to live in these days and in these hours
You knew what we would need to overcome in this life
We enter into Your rest today, Lord
You who began a good work in us will see to it to the day of completion!
Thank You for Your holy, written Word, Your Word is truth and it is light to all who believe
Your Holy Spirit is revealing, unveiling, and discloses the things of the Spirit to us
You are such a wonderful Father, and You have such a great and mighty plan of redemption
Thank You that You have called us to be co-laborers with You in the great work of prayer
Father, You have given us a free will, and we do chose to worship and magnify You, Lord
We are so grateful that You have distributed gifts and callings to Your people, in Your body
There is more and more of an unwrapping going forth of and by Your Spirit, O God
We are stepping out of the old life, and we are putting on the new man!
You are clothing us with greater, greater, and greater spiritual clothing all for Your glory, Lord
That You would be seen and that You would be glorified, Father
Declaring that we would decrease and that You would increase
You would increase in visibility in every conception of the word
It is our desire and our prayer to enter into the fullness of Your will and Your plan, Father
You have given us that plan, in Your holy, written Word
Yes, Lord, You have given us the power of the Holy Ghost to accomplish Your will and Your plan
Father, You have said that signs would follow Your Word, so we are trusting You for that
Your Word is working through the church of the living God
No, we do not disregard any part of Your Word, but we esteem and reverence Your Word
We ask You for an intense hunger for Your Word and that we would walk in the light of it, Lord
Thank You for the precious blood of Jesus that was shed for us
It is keeping the destroyer back, and it is working in and through us today
That blood brings light and life to all who believe
We thank You and trust You for it, Father
Hallelujah, glory be to God
2018: Year of the Holy Ghost and Fire
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland, George Pearsons on November 6, 2017
On Friday, November 3, 2017, the Lord spoke the following words to Brother Copeland concerning the year 2018: “2018 is the Year of the Holy Ghost and fire. The Big 18 for 2018: 9 fruits of the Spirit; 9 gifts of the Spirit.” That time is not just coming, says Brother Copeland. “It’s already here.” But, as His sons and daughters, “we’re going to have spiritual explosions going on throughout 2018—particularly in the areas of holiness and cleansing.”
Watch the video above (or read the video transcript below) to hear Brother Copeland’s entire comments.
Video Transcript:
KENNETH: You know, a few days ago we were at home in the kitchen there, and the — you know, the — Cindy was showing us the new 2018 calendar and all the pretty pictures and everything, you know. We were looking at all these. It’s a beautiful calendar. And I stopped and I looked at that and the Lord said this. It wasn’t audible.
KENNETH: But it was close. He said, “2018 is the year of the Holy Ghost and fire.” Luke 3:16, “John answered saying unto them, All I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose; he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire.” Glory to God.
GEORGE: Praise God.
KENNETH: And then He said, “The big 18 for 2018; 9 fruit of the Spirit; 9 gifts of the Spirit.” Whoa!
GEORGE: Wow! Wow!
KENNETH: Hey, it ain’t coming. It’s already here. Glory to God.
GEORGE: It’s here.
KENNETH: But we’re going to have spiritual explosions going on throughout 2018 in the areas, particularly in the areas of holiness and cleansing. Because let me go back to that again.
KENNETH: And notice what he was talking about there in that scripture in Luke 3:16. “Whose fan” – talking about Jesus – “is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.”
GEORGE: There it is. There it is.
KENNETH: You can’t put His fire out. Now the chaff; what is chaff? Well, chaff is the sticks and the stubble and the hay and stuff. You know, you get through sifting the wheat and so forth, and you got nothing but that trash left. I want all the trash out of my life, George.
GEORGE: Oh absolutely!
KENNETH: Glory to God.
GEORGE: Absolutely. Burn it up.
KENNETH: I’m on fire! You remember the scripture said, you know, He will judge with fire and so forth?
KENNETH: And I shouted out loud one day, “I don’t want to wait till judgment! Set it on fire now! I want to burn it now!”
GEORGE: Praise God! Praise God!
KENNETH: I want to burn all this hay and stubble. I don’t want none of it in my life.
GEORGE: Yeah. Yeah.
KENNETH: Praise God. I don’t want anything to get in the way of the anointing of God in my life.
GEORGE: That’s right.
KENNETH: Hallelujah.
GEORGE: That’s right.
KENNETH: I don’t — (Tongues) Thank you, Jesus. I don’t want anything impeding the fruit of the Spirit —
KENNETH: — or the—
TOGETHER: Gifts of the Spirit.
GEORGE: Oh that’s it. That’s it.
KENNETH: Because without love you ain’t nothing but noise, brother.
GEORGE: Yeah. That’s good.
KENNETH: But with love, whoa! Hallelujah! Come on January!
GEORGE: Father, in the name of Jesus we take hold of this word. 2018: The Year of the Holy Ghost and Fire.
KENNETH: Throughout the United States. Throughout the United States.
GEORGE: Yeah. Yeah.
KENNETH: Throughout Canada. Throughout all of North America.
GEORGE: Yeah. Yeah.
KENNETH: Hallelujah.
GEORGE: And the big 18.
KENNETH: Yes, yes, yes.
GEORGE: The 9 fruit of the Spirit and the 9 gifts of the Spirit flowing through the Church like never before.
KENNETH: Like never before.
GEORGE: Father, we receive it in Jesus’ name.
KENNETH: Yes, we do.
GEORGE: Thank you, Lord.
KENNETH: And we declare boldly without reservation that—
TOGETHER: Jesus is Lord!
Continued Sharing…
The following was taken out of the New Living Translation study Bible:
Galatians 5:19–21 Commentary
The works of the flesh may be categorized as sexual sins (v 19), sins connected with pagan religion (the first two of v. 20), sins of temper (the next nine), and sins of drunkenness (the last two).
Galatians 5:22–23 Commentary
These virtues are characterized as fruit in contrast to “works.” Only the Holy Spirit can produce them, and not our own efforts. Another contrast is that, whereas the works of the flesh are plural, the fruit of the Spirit is one and indivisible. When the Spirit fully controls the life of a believer, He produces all of these graces. The first three concern our attitude toward God, the second triad deals with social relationships, and the third group describes principles that guide a Christian’s conduct.
Kingdom Dynamics Galatians 5:16–26
A New Kind of Person
The goal for a follower of Jesus is to walk in both the power and the character of the kingdom. God made His power and authority available to produce a different kind of lifestyle in the believer – one that attracts others by its light in contrast to the darkness of the world. And like salt, the lives of believers are supposed to make a difference in the world around them (Matt 5:13–16).
Kingdom Dynamics Galatians 5:16–25
Lust of the Flesh
“Lust” (“desire” or “passion,” Greek epithumia), is the word from the Greek word thumos, from which “thermos” and “thermostat” are derived. These ideas combine to indicate a “temperature” that may rise unbridled, calling for some means to regulate and direct passion toward proper investments rather than carnal ones. Because the flesh desires to be ratified (sanctioned or confirmed), gratified (pleasured or pleased), and satisfied (satiated or filled full, maximized), believers must find the appropriate “means” of regulating and directing all of our passions. This text reveals that the Holy Spirit will 1) enable warfare against self –indulgent carnality (vv. 16–18); 2) give discernment regarding what is unworthy (vv. 19–21); and 3) bring growth in character (vv. 22, 23) and a readiness to live as ones dead to ourselves but alive to Christ through His cross and resurrection (vv. 24, 25).
(Rom 12:2/2 Cor. 12:9) J.W.H., ed.
Scripture Focus…
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (2) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
(Romans 12:1–2 KJV)
Continued Praying…
Thank You for Your Word that is so definitive and so clear
You wrote down everything that we would need to follow Your will and plan
Give us a new approach to Your Word, Father
Open our eyes to see things we have not seen before!
Your Word is so valuable and so applicable and we cannot live without it
Grant unto us a greater desire and a greater hunger for Your Word, Your will and Your plan
By Your mercy and by Your grace, we will stand up and take our place in the body of Christ today!
You are the King of Kings and the Lord of all Lords, thank You, Jesus!
Transform us more and more and more to Your likeness, Lord
We believe for this year to be a year of Holy Ghost and fire!
Yes, Father, we are looking for the manifestation of Your Spirit in the church of the living God
Thank You for that fruit that it would abound and multiply, Father
Your love has given us everything we need, and we trust You for it, Lord
Doors of opportunity are being opened to every believer
Thank You that there is greater healing in the church in these last days
Your love is breaking every bondage of shame!
There is no shame or condemnation in the kingdom of God!
Calling for freedom and liberty in the body of Christ today!
We are being set free from every demonic influence of the enemy in the name of Jesus!
No weapon formed against us shall or will prosper!
Casting down every limitation and hindrance in the body of Christ
Open our eyes to see the gifts and anointing’s You have given us, Father
You have anointed us for such a time as this!
Calling for every member to stand up and take their place in the body of Christ
Your body is coming and working together for Your glory, Lord
We pray and believe for a greater transformation in the Church
Yes, Father, every one that names the name of Jesus would come together in these last days
Give us a greater understanding and revelation in the knowledge of God
Enlighten our hearts that we would know the hope to a greater degree to which we are called
We continually will rest in You, Lord
The tangible manifested love of God is operating in and through the church of the living God
You said faith worketh by love, so we need greater faith in this day and in this hour
Faith to overcome and faith to walk through very difficult circumstances, Lord
We receive more and more of Your love, Father
Thank You for freedom and deliverance for every believer!
Transformation of and by Your Spirit, O God
Transformation in our character, transformation in our bodies, and transformation in our spirit
We believe for a greater expansion in our spirit, soul, and body!
Yes, our souls are prospering in the name of Jesus!
Give us a greater revelation of who we are and whose we are, Father
Strengthen us, O God, to stand up for that which we believe
No, we will not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Calling for a restoration in those relationships, Lord
Thank You for supernatural changes in the body of Christ today!
We lift up President Donald Trump, his family, his staff and cabinet members before You, Father
Strengthen them with mighty power by your Spirit to stand against wickedness, lies and deception
We plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump, Vice President Pence and their families
No weapon formed against them will prosper in the name of Jesus
Let Your Word cling to them and let them not depart from your plan
Continually surround him with godly men and women who impart wise counsel to him
Thank You for the anointing that is over Vice President Pence
We pray for the blood of Jesus to surround and protect him
Open his eyes and cause him to see that he is anointed for such a time as this
You have called him to this day and to this hour!
It was ordained and ordered by You, Father
We plead the blood of Jesus over our Supreme Court and our intelligence agencies
Increase our boldness in Jesus’ name; give us boldness and courage in these last days
Calling for supernatural aid and assistance all along the way, Father
Praying for a change and a transformation in the school systems, Lord
Grant unto us boldness and courage to stand up and speak the truth in love
Lifting up Christian schools that they would not compromise!
Give them strength to stand up and declare the truth of Your Word, O God
Thank You that there is a stirring in the church, there is momentum taking place in the body today
There is a breaking forth and a breaking through now in the name of Jesus!
Calling for an expansion of souls coming into Your kingdom, Lord
This is one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!
There is an unfolding and a revealing of the God ordained plan for this nation!
Your Spirit is working; Your Word is working in conjunction with You
Thank You for the days ahead, these are days of glory, of light and of life!
We give You all the glory, honor, and praise today, Lord