Morning Prayer Summary for Monday, February 3, 2025

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Ken…

Good morning, everyone. Happy 3rd of February, 2025. Good to see y’all.

The Lord is waiting for us to stir up ourselves in Him…

The Lord that is up to some strategic things right now in the earth… strategic things in our lives. As we were worshiping, I was reminded that so often there’s this Christian mentality that in some way, I’ve seen it operating in my life at times, and others’ lives. But we have this idea that we’re kind of waiting on God to move and He might be a little slow and that we have to be very patient. And patience is an important spiritual virtue without a doubt. But more often than not, what I see in the Word and what I’ve experienced in my life is that God is waiting on us. He’s waiting on us to stir ourselves, as the Bible says, to take hold of Him. He’s waiting on us to recognize the opportunities that are in front of us, that are before us, that are all around us for that matter. Opportunities for ministry—practically but also spiritually—opportunities to pray, opportunities to engage with Him.

God made His move, now it’s out turn to move…

He has already made the first move like a chess game. He made the first move by what He did in and through Jesus, by what Jesus did for us through His death, burial, and resurrection.

Now it’s our move.

Every day we get up—and it’s our move. We have become recipients of the God kind and God quality of faith. In other words, the same faith that God utilized to create the universe and all that is in it, He deposited a measure of that in us, (according to Romans 12:3) where God has given each of us the measure of faith. And that should be a cue to us that we can get up on any given day and we can step forward. We can step out of our past and into our future. We can raise our voices and begin to proclaim the goodness of God, begin to prophesy and decree how things ought to be…

in our lives
in our nation
in the world

He’s daring us to step out of the boat in faith…

And you’ll find as you take a step of faith, as the story goes on the Sea of Galilee, Peter stepped out of a boat. He took a step of faith—a significant step of faith—and found that he could walk on water. And I sense that’s what one of the things the Spirit of God is saying. He’s daring us to step out of the boat of what’s comfortable and what’s convenient and what’s known and even the past that we’ve been through, to step out on faith into a new place so that He could reveal His goodness and His glory and the reality of His plan for your life.

Faith must be in our mouths and actions…

The Bible says that if we will believe, we will see… that’s with our eyeballs. We will see what? The glory of God. We will see the power of God show up. But belief isn’t just something that is latent within our hearts. Belief, yes, must be in our heart according to the Apostle Paul, but belief, or faith, also must be in our mouths and in our actions. Amen.

The enemy has no new tricks…

I jotted this down last night as I was reflecting and praying a little bit. I just sensed it in my heart. Well, first of all, I want to say I sense and of course, know it’s obvious that there is an enemy at work in this time and season. He’s been around for a long time, and he has no new tricks up his sleeves.

He’s a liar.
A deceiver.
He’s tricky.
He’s a conniver.
He wages a war of attrition…

to discourage and get us to wave the white flag and give up in some way. Maybe it’s to give up on the call of God. Maybe it’s to give up on your stand of faith that you might be healed. Maybe it’s to give up in some other way. Whatever the case might be, while the enemy wages a war to discourage and deceive and try to wear us down, yet I see in God’s Word a rallying cry. If you listen carefully, you can hear that rallying cry.

He proclaims, “You are the victor…”

Like the Bible says that there’s a great host in the heavenly realm looking over the banisters of the heavenly realm, cheering, especially the church—that’s you and me—in this hour on, as we see the day approaching of His return. The Lord Jesus and all those who’ve gone before us, including some of your loved ones that are in the ranks of those in the heavenly realm, the Bible says are cheering us on to run our race of faith, to not let up, to not give up, to take hold of the encouragement of the presence of God.

You’re not helpless.
You’re not a victim.

No! The Victor is in you! And He proclaims you are a victor. He proclaims, “I’m the one that’s able to cause you to triumph each and every day in every season, in every situation, in every relationship, in every financial deal.” With whatever’s going on, no matter what time or generation, He is able to cause us to triumph.

There is much hope before us…

So I sense in my heart, the Spirit of God endeavoring to speak and get across to His people—to me, to you—that there is much hope before us. While the days are uncertain and we are in an unprecedented time without a doubt, it’s no time to hunker down and just endeavor to survive. It is time for us to step forward and expect the glory of God, the goodness of God, the power of God to show up in situations. I don’t care how long you have prayed and stood and believed… it may be decades. Well, guess what? You’ve arrived at your appointed time!

Oh, come on now! Somebody hashtag and post that in the chat this morning on social media.

Your appointed time…

You have arrived at your appointed time. That is a word for us this morning. Take hold of that today. None of this… “Oh, I’m just going to sit back and Jesus is going to show up… and He just works in mysterious ways.”

No! He has made plain many of His ways in His Word. His Word is His ways. And He said if you would believe you would see the glory of God. You will see your answer. He said if you will pray and believe that you will receive, you will have.

He will bring it to a flourishing finish…

So there’s no uncertainty in the message of the Gospel. There’s no uncertainty in the Word that the Spirit of God is speaking to you and me right now. No. There is all uncertainty in what He’s saying. There’s no shadows of turning or doubt in the heart or intention of God. His intention is that you and your whole household would be saved. His intention is that you would come to a flourishing finish that while He is the God who started a good work in you, He will continue it and complete it. And one translation says He will bring it to a “flourishing finish.” Amen.

Don’t get it mixed up…

The plan of God for your life… the situation that you’re in. Don’t get it mixed up. It doesn’t matter what it looks like or how much the enemy has been pointing out what’s not working and where you’ve been discouraged and what didn’t work out for you.

Shrug that off.

Faith shrugs off the contrariness of the world’s insinuations. Faith shrugs off the lies and the harassing, deceptive comments of the enemy in the back of your head. Faith takes action and chooses to walk by the Word. That’s what Pastor Marie Helene said yesterday. We’re to walk by the Word, not by our incessant processing and analyzation.

God has already worked things out for you…

I don’t know about you, but there have been times in my life where I get caught up and discouraged because I’ve been analyzing and trying to work something out in my own thinking and my own limited thinking… only to realize and be reminded by God the Holy Spirit or by His Word that He’s already worked things out… that He’s already set me… He’s already set you… He’s already set us up as a church to succeed and not fail—to win and not lose! Because…

He already pronounced us winners.
He’s already pronounced us victorious.
He’s already pronounced you healed.
He’s already pronounced over you—“You’re strong!”

There’s no shadow of turning in what God has said to you…

So you’ve arrived at your appointed time. And so just know that this morning. You may have been kind of beat up or the enemy may have had his way with you in recent days in your mind, or in your soul, or your emotions maybe, and you’re like, “Well, I guess it’s not going to work out,” or, “Well, I guess it’s not going to happen for me.”

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

There’s no shadow of turning in what God has said to you or said to you in His Word. What He said will be so. Just take hold. TAKE! Don’t sit back and wait for it to drive by. Take hold of His encouragement.

Attach yourself to the uncertain terms of His promise…

Discouragement literally means you’re disconnected from your courage. Encouragement means you’re reconnecting. You’re attached to your courage. So take hold and attach yourself, connect yourself to the no uncertain terms of His promise. Grab hold of the fortification of God the Holy Spirit on the inside of you by praying in the Holy Ghost today. And this week, as you go throughout your day, it may not be a solid hour, but even as you’re just thinking about it, just say, “Lord, I just lift you up,” and begin to praise Him. Begin to worship Him. Begin to pray in your heavenly language.

For he or she who prays in an unknown tongue edifies… literally means to build or charges him or herself up you. In fact, the Amplified Bible says you rise higher and higher, like an edifice or a skyscraper into the sky as you pray in other tongues.

Heaven is not just a place, it is a flow…

I suppose that’s why Paul seemed to boast in the writings to the early church that “I pray in tongues more than you all.” Well, it was part of his calling too because he had more revelation than just about anybody apart from Jesus, I think. But remember, heaven is a flow. It’s not just a place, it’s a flow. Well, there’s a flow of resource and a flow of encouragement and a flow of what you need today to fortify, to strengthen and propel you forward into 2025 into victory. And that flow comes from taking up your place in the spirit—through prayer, through meditation, through His Word.

It’s time to pray big, bold, audacious prayers…

So last night as I was praying, I sensed in my heart God saying, “It’s time to pray big, bold, audacious prayers. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had moments where it’s almost like the Holy Spirit’s saying, “I dare you. I dare you to ask for that. I dare you to lay hands on that person. I dare you to run the enemy out.”

Jesus said, “Tag! You’re it!”

Jesus came to defeat the Devil and the forces of darkness. However, He handed the baton to the church—that would be you and me—and said, “Tag, you’re it.” Jesus said, “My assignment was to defeat the enemy and forces of darkness.” Your assignment is to displace them. You want to know why there is a war in the spiritual realm against the church, against us and us continuing our course and our race of faith? It’s because we’re here to displace him. I’m not here—you’re not here—to pray about the Devil. You’re here to rebuke and to cast out the Devil.

Prayer in our heavenly language is a supernatural technology…

Your prayers in the spirit have a supernatural effect. I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again. Praying in a heavenly language is a supernatural technology. And like the blast of a nuclear weapon that sends out an invisible shockwave along the ground, displacing and rearranging the landscape 360 degrees out and out and out as it explodes and goes, so too when you begin to [speaks in tongues]… When you begin to yield by faith to the utterance of the spirit, it detonates the power of God. It releases the glory of God to change and rearrange and reorder and bring about His glory. It prepares a way where you don’t see a way.

You make a way in the spirit realm with your prayers…

Prayer is far more impactful, far more powerful than we realize. There are demonic entities hanging out all around in the parallel universe around us. The place called “In the Spirit.” Both of light and of darkness. And it’s your utterance, it’s your stance of faith, it’s your action or step of faith, it’s your prayers and decrees that make a way in that spirit realm so that God’s will can come through… so that people can respond to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and give their lives fully to God. So the answers can penetrate the arena of the spirit and come and show up in your bank account, in your family members’ lives.

Prayer pushes back the forces of darkness…

Pastor Lynne has taught us through the years that prayer pushes back the forces of darkness. We are here to prevent spiritual activity from happening that God has not authorized, whether it be in our lives individually, in our households, in our cities, in our nation, or the world. Hallelujah.

So it’s time to pray big, bold, and audacious prayers, to use our will to choose to pray, to force ourselves in fact to pray. Why is that? Well, after all, we are being distracted and actively resisted by the enemy to not pray, to not take our place in the spirit. The forces of darkness are all around us in the unseen realm seeking to discourage, wear us down, and get us to give up.

Yet God’s Word says we can yield to the strength and encouragement of God’s presence, and we can walk by the light of His word.

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