Prayer Summary for Friday, January 30, 2015

Dave shared…

Everything we have, we rely on Him. That’s the way He designed it to be, that we would rely and trust in Him on a daily basis. Give us this day our daily bread. The Bible tells us that Jesus said when you pray, pray this way. And He said, “Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread…” And He gives us His daily bread in this day. Manna, sustenance—that which is necessary to keep us and maintain us and beyond that. Because He is a God who is more than enough. As a believer, this is where we want to live—in a place where day to day we trust and rely on Him and rest in His arms. I recall in the Old Testament when the children of Israel were in the wilderness… The exodus is a picture of salvation. It’s a type and shadow of being in darkness and bondage and coming out of bondage and into the light. The transition period that happens during that process when you are so reliant and trusting in the things around you and the things of the world that you’re secure with, these things are like the children of Israel and said we want to go back here to Egypt because they were having hard times. When you’re walking by faith and trusting the Lord, hard times are a relative reference. How many people here have ever been through a difficult experience where you experience something in life and later on looked to your past and realized it wasn’t that big of a deal. I have several times. It’s easy to look back to see where you missed it. And we can see how it was really not a big deal at the time. God wants us to see things differently. He wants us to see things through His eyes. He doesn’t see any challenge or difficulty that the body of Christ goes through as a big deal. It isn’t a big deal to Him. It’s important for us to see things the way He does. I said all that for this reason… if you look through the Old Testament and you see the exodus and the challenges they had, God had given them a plan and they were experiencing challenges because the Bible says they were stiff necked and refused to trust the Lord. I know we’re not of those people because if you’re here today, you’re here to seek the Lord and to pray. You’re seeking. Then it’s the responsibility of the Holy Spirit to allow you to see things, to help you pray, to help you in your life. When we pray, we shouldn’t pray from a natural position. We should pray from a spiritual position. That’s kind of hard to do sometimes when you’re so bombarded by the natural things. So when you get into prayer, the first thing you do is pray, “Lord where is that thing?” He knows that the thing is not that big of a deal. But it’s a big deal to you and He has compassion upon you. The Bible says we have a high priest who is able to be touched with our infirmities. That word infirmities means “limitation.” What is the limitation that we have when we can’t find that thing. We can’t zoom out and look at and say relative to everything this isn’t a big deal. That’s a limitation. As long as we live on this planet, we’re going to have limitations. But God has given us the Holy Spirit and that is a big deal. When you feel like you can’t control something, you feel helpless. No one likes to feel helpless. I’ve learned that everybody at some point is going to feel helpless, having no control over a situation. We feel if there is no change, well, we want to go back to Egypt. That is what a believer faces on a regular basis. This is what we’re going to pray about today. Creflo Dollar said, “If you feel like you are out of control and are in a weak position, then you are in a position to receive from God. You can’t have a miracle until you have a need for a miracle.” I like miracles. When God manifests Himself to you, you don’t forget those kinds of things. It keeps us in touch with Him when we remember those things He’s done for us. We’re not supposed to live on yesterdays’ manna. We’re supposed to live on today’s manna. We are to look for God’s manna every day. That is communion.


We love You, Father, and we ask for that today
Lord, bring revelation to us
Let us see it the way You see it so we can have it the way You have it
Father, we look to You for that
Thank You for Your grace
Thank You for being a high priest who is able to be touched with our infirmities
So we ask in the name of Jesus for revelation
The revelation will lead us out of a place of darkness and into Your marvelous light
Help us to step up into a new place and a newness of life, a new revelation
We lift our weaknesses to You

A word came forth…

You will always have need but My grace is sufficient for you. Grace is sufficient. It is in you, it is in your heart, it is in your mind. My grace that is sufficient to accomplish the purpose that is before you, that is in your heart that has been driving you even in times past, it is there. I meet the need. The need draws it. It draws the grace. The need pulls for the grace and draws it like a magnet. It pulls from My hand to yours, from Me to you.


Father, that our minds be lifted by Your Holy Spirit
New thoughts, new ideas, new ways of looking at it
Look at opportunity and not negativity
It’s not a problem
Die to that and live unto the Lord
We look to You, Father, for Your daily revelation
You are the one that can handle any situation or thing
You are good and faithful and just
You are the deliverer, the one that never fails
You bring light and peace
We are unlimited in You
You fill us with Your Holy Spirit and we are full to overflowing
Moving and flowing by Your anointing
We are full of Your power
There is no one like You in all the earth and in all the heavens
We honor and glorify Your name
Our eyes are set on You and we are not moved by the things of this earth
We have a constant diet of You
We change our diet today and refuse to consume the things of the world
We consume Your things
We have a steady diet of your peace, prosperity, and Your goodness
We are full of You and that fullness comes to bear and it comes into manifestation
It becomes easy; there’s a peace that comes
Abundance and anointing of Your Spirit
We walk in the light and that pathway
Thank You for that prepared place
We take it in Jesus’ name
We stand firm by the blood of Jesus Christ and we will not be moved out of this place
Our eyes are open to see the grace that surrounds us
As we walk forward, everything opens up because we’re walking in faith
You open the doors
Lord, have Your way
Here we are, Lord, use us, use this body, use this church
Dispatch them throughout this nation and the earth
Send them in the night, send them in their dreams, send them to those places that they would never reach by foot
You send them, translated by Your Spirit to preach to the peoples that are unreached
Yes, we open up ourselves to do even in the night, even as we sleep, Father
You are working and Your spirit is moving and we allow our spirits to be used by You
For Your rest comes upon us and we will not lack
Now is the time, no longer just to hear about those things, no longer just to reminisce
Now is the time to see it now in the earth, happening now
Are we not all ministers called by the Spirit of God?
You walk in that ministry in Jesus’ mighty name
Don’t you dare say, “Oh no, this one, that one, he is anointed, she is anointed”
No, you, you are anointed, you are the minister and you walk in it
Today is the day to take your place to see by the grace of God and to receive the grace to walk in it

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