Wishing you and your family a very prosperous New Year, and may you experience all God has for you in 2014.
We will be celebrating the holidays and will resume GPAN on Monday, January 6, 2014.
Scripture Focus…
“Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God, this deep, deep wisdom? It’s way over our heads. We’ll never figure it out. Is there anyone around who can explain God? Anyone smart enough to tell him what to do? Anyone who has done him such a huge favor that God has to ask his advice? Everything comes from him; Everything happens through him; Everything ends up in him. Always glory! Always praise! Yes. Yes. Yes.”
(Romans 11:33–36 MSG.)
The following excerpt is taken from The Name of Jesus by Kenneth E. Hagin:
The Resources of Jesus
E.W. Kenyon makes these powerful statements, and then issues a thrilling challenge to the Church:
When Jesus gave us the legal right to use this Name, the Father knew all that that Name would imply when breathed in prayer by oppressed souls, and it is His joy to recognize that Name.
So the possibilities enfolded in that Name are beyond our understanding, and when He says to the Church, “Whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My Name,” He is giving us a signed check on the resources of heaven and asking us to fill it in.
It would pay the Church to begin an exhaustive study of the resources of Jesus in order to get a measurement of the wealth that Name holds for her today.
Christians are where they are in life because they have written their own ticket, or their own check, so to speak, to arrive there. Most have written small checks because they had a small vision of Jesus and that Name.
A few times, when it was necessary, I have signed my name on a check and let somebody else fill it in. Of course, I did instruct them as to how to fill it in. I did not want them writing in just anything. But what Jesus has done is this: He has signed a check and turned it over to us.
Too many people have filled it in for one dollar—thinking they were being humble—when they ought to have filled it in for one hundred thousand dollars. Therefore, they have lived on a low level of life.
Jesus has given pastors of local congregations, for instance, this check, saying, “You just fill it in.” So they filled it in for a few dollars, and for 25 years they’ve been located in a rundown building, which brings disgrace to the Name of Jesus. Is that all His Name could provide?
In individual lives, the same thing is true. Many born-again, Spirit-filled Christians live on a low level of life, overcome by the devil. In fact, they talk more about the devil than anything else. Every time they give a hard-luck story, they’re bragging on the devil. Every time they talk about how sick they are, they’re bragging on the devil. (He is the author of sickness and disease—not God.) Every time they say, “It doesn’t look like we’re going to make it,” they are bragging on the devil.
No, let’s talk about Jesus! Let’s talk about the Name of Jesus!
He gave us, individually, a signed check, saying, “Fill it in.” He gave us a signed check on the resources of Heaven.
It would change our lives to make an exhaustive study of the resources of Jesus in order to get a measurement of the wealth that Name holds for the Church and for every believer today.
If we have a low estimation and a low respect for the Name, we will not expect much, because we do not know what belongs to us.
If you would like to purchase this book, please contact Living Words Bookstore online or call (763) 315-7015.
We magnify Your name today, Lord Jesus
Thank You for all that You have done for us on the cross
Lifting and glorifying Your precious name, Jesus!
Your name is the name that is above every other name
We draw a line with the blood of Jesus, today
With and through that blood of Jesus, things will move in the right way
Calling for resources in abundance!
You, Lord, are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords; You, are the way maker
We will continually be stirred up in the Word of God
Lifting up these plans before You, declaring that they will be plans of abundance
Today is a new day, a new time, and a new hour
We will continue to do what You have called us to do!
Purposing in our hearts to stay on fire for You, Lord
2014 will be a year of greater!
Greater influence, greater knowledge, greater wisdom, greater health, and wealth of every kind
This will be a year of Your manifested love
You will manifest Yourself in a greater way than ever before
We lean not on our own understanding, but we lean on what we know in our hearts to be true
You have called each one of us to be overcomers
Thank You for victory in our lives in every way
Lifting up those positions of authority
You have positioned us together to carry out Your plan and purpose on this earth
We cannot do it in our own strength, so we call on You to walk us through
Shaking off the old and stepping into the new, and more of You, Lord
We will not hold back; we will continue to push ahead
Asking for understanding, wisdom, and strength from heaven, today
Holding the blood of Jesus against those situations, Father
Pleading the blood over each and every step
Greater days of influence are ahead—greater days are ahead, greater plans are ahead
Lifting up our expectation!
Praying for revelation and insight for every assembly and ministry
Resources of every kind are on the way!
Pleading the blood over ministries
Leaning not on our own understanding, but trusting in You and in Your Word
Supernatural adjustments in Jesus’ name!
Those things are being uncovered and revealed
We are above and not beneath, we are the head and not the tail
Bringing it from the spirit, into the realm of the natural
Limitations, be removed today in Jesus’ name!
Calling for that breaking through!
Bringing those things up to where they should be
Commanding those things in line—alignments in Jesus’ name!
No, we will not go in the wrong way, but we will go in the right way
Receiving all those promises that have been given
Up, up, up even further—above all of that doubt, above all of that lack
Abundance in the Church and in families, above all we could ask or think
It’s a spirit of expectancy
Praying over the laborers, that they would bring revelation and understanding
Eyes to be opened and hearts to be receptive to the things of God
Speaking over those situations, turn right now in Jesus’ name!
Not man’s plans, but Your plans—not man’s ways, but Your ways
We will not quit, we will not stop, but we will keep on contending for those things You have spoken
That is a lie! That battle has been finished!
Those lies of the enemy have been uncovered and revealed
Calling for greater cooperation in the body of Christ
Crossing over from the old into the new
Suddenly it’s new, suddenly it is finished!
We receive a spirit of seeing and a spirit of knowing
Revelation of and by Your Spirit, Lord
We will continually contend for the greater things ahead
Trusting in You to take us through
You are so faithful, Father
Thank You for the ministering spirits that are working on our behalf, today
Pleading the blood of Jesus over every believer as we step over into 2014
Giving You all glory, honor, and praise, today!