The following excerpt is taken from John G. Lake – His Life, His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith by John G. Lake:
The Strong Man’s Way to God
All down through the ages, some have touched God and heard that ultimate note. I believe that as David sat on the mountainside as a boy, caring for his father’s sheep, God by the Spirit taught him the power and blessing of that ultimate note. I believe at times that his soul ascended into God so that many of the Psalms of David are the real soul note of that blessed expression of heavenly music and heaven consciousness which came into the soul of the shepherd boy.
There is a Christianity that has that high note in it, bless God. Indeed, Christianity in itself, real Christianity, is in that high note of God, that thing of heaven, that is not of earth and is not natural. Bless God, it is more than natural. It is the note of heaven. It comes to the earth. It fills the soul of man. Man’s soul rises into heaven to touch God, and in touching God receives that glorified expression and experience into his own soul, and it is reproduced in his own life and nature.
Beloved, there is a victory in God, the victory that characterizes the common walk of a high born Christian. It is the strong man’s salvation. It is the salvation that comes from God because of the fact that the spirit of man touches the Spirit of God and receives that experience that we commonly speak of as the blessing of salvation from God.
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Lord, we know You have called us to be a high-born Christian
We are wanting and praying for a revelation of that
Men and women walking in full stature
Let the wind of the Holy Ghost kick up in the churches
Walking and talking the truth of God
Ministries being changed
No longer tolerating sin or the Devil
Turning away from the world’s system and entering into the fullness of God
Declaring, “It is finished!”
We will not tolerate anything that is less than the will of God for health, wealth, and wellness
Father, there should be a full occupation of the Church of God
We receive an impartation from You
Thank You for reminding us that it is finished!
Now, we will go forth with You operating through us
By faith, we take our place
A Word of the Lord came forth:
“So say again! Say it again, and again, and again—it is finished! It is finished! The finished work is in Me, and you shall see it displayed through Me! It is finished!”
Continued Praying…
We will walk on the highway of our God
Going beyond the mundane things of this world and walking in the high places of God!
Holy Spirit, we are asking for You to speak to the body of Christ
Reveal to us the next step into the glory
Father, birth the high hymns and spiritual songs in our souls
We lift up every Christian and command the Devil to release them!
For desires to be changed
Coming up into a place that has been ordained from the days of old
Praise rising up like a two-edged sword piercing and cutting through the darkness
We pray that You would come and burn the chaff
Let Your people have eyes to see and turn away from the things that don’t have meaning
Help us to consecrate ourselves to you again!
Lord, we see You high and lifted up
Death and the grave have been put under Your feet
We magnify You!
Thank You for the finished work!
We send a supply of Your Spirit all across the earth
Seeing Your finished work being materialized in the body of Christ