Prayer Summary for August 7


Thank You, Jesus
We worship and thank You for Your presence
Yes, we bless Your name, Lord
Bowing and surrendering our hearts to You today


The following excerpt is taken from The Book of Mysteries by Jonathan Cahn:


“Come,” said THE teacher.
“Where?” I asked.
“Up,” he answered. “Up a mountain.”
He then took me on a half-hour journey through the desert to a particularly high mountain.
“Let us go up,” he said.
So we did. There was nothing easy about it. I had to rest several times, just to catch my breath. Finally we made it to the top.
“Look at that,” he said, pointing to the majestic panorama before us. “It’s something you can only see from up here, from the heights. It was worth the climb. Do you know what it’s called in Hebrew, what we just did?”
“No,” he said, “it’s called Aliyah, it means the going up, the ascent. When you read in the Scriptures of Messiah going to Jerusalem, you’ll find the word up used over and over again. Why is that? Jerusalem is a city set on the mountains. So to get there, you have to go up. So the journey to Jerusalem is called Aliyah… the ascending. And it was not only because of the physical terrain but because Jerusalem is the Holy City. So to go to Jerusalem is to make Aliyah. In the modern age, when the Jewish people began to return to the land of Israel, the return was called Aliyah. Going to the Promised Land was known as ‘making Aliyah,’ ‘the upward journey.’ The children of Israel were commanded to make Aliyah. But those who are of Messiah are the spiritual children of Israel. So what would that mean?”
“They also have an Aliyah to make?”
“Yes,” said the teacher, “but a spiritual people must make a spiritual journey.”
“So what’s the journey?” I asked. “What’s the Aliyah?”
“Your life.” Said the teacher. “Your entire life is the Aliyah. Your life is a journey, but in God it is to be an upward journey…an ever-higher ascending.
How do you do that? The same way you ascended the mountain. Every day you will be given choices. Every choice will give you the chance to go lower, to stay the same, or go higher. Choose the higher path, even if it’s harder, take the higher step… let each of your steps be higher than the step before it, each of your days be higher than the day before it. And you will end up walking on mountain heights… and your life will be an Aliyah.”

The Mission: Today, choose the higher step, the higher act, the higher ground, the higher path in every decision. Start making your life an Aliyah.

Psalms 121; Mark 10:32

Scripture Focus…

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. 
(Matthew 16:24 NKJV)

Continued Praying…

Father, we thank You that we are going higher today
You have already granted our steps and You are leading us to something greater!
Show us Your steps, lead and guide us into Your perfect will and plan
We take hold of Your Word, and we pray for Your will to be done in our lives
Calling for impossibilities to be made possible in these days, Lord
Casting down all adversity, all hopelessness, and all lack and insufficiency
Praying that hope would arise in hearts and in lives
Stir those things up in our hearts today, Lord
Grant unto us a new perspective and a new vision
Give us eyes to see the way forward and all that You have set before us
Lifting up America, and we pray for the blood of Jesus to surround our borders today!
No this is not the end, but there is a higher place, there is a new road and path
We pray for supernatural infusion and grace
Thank You for a greater supply of Your Spirit and Your Word
Open up the way, we speak out over our future
The way is being opened up in the name of Jesus
Let the way be carved and be prepared
New steps are being granted!
Show us the way, let Your light shine bright upon our path, Father
Calling for an increase now, an increase of Your Spirit, Lord
No, we will not stay stuck but we will continually move ahead in the things You have for us
Speaking release and progress over each and every believer today!
We break open the way, every stronghold will be cast down in Jesus’ name!
Declaring a penetration and a breaking point so that Your will can be done in our lives
Calling for a release of Your Spirit, a release of Your Word, a release!
Lifting up America in these days and we declare that America will go in the right way
Yes, this nation has been called by You
Thank You, Father
Release it, release it, we call for a greater release of Your Spirit
You are steering the church and our leaders
Thank You for new assignments, new coordinates, new directives!
We are getting into place, and we are ready for all that You have for us, Lord
Yes, adjustments in hearts are taking place in these days
Thank You for greater alignments and synchronization with the heart of God
Every distraction is being broken up in Jesus’ name!
Casting down all obstacles of the enemy and we command those things to be broken up
Loosing the hand of God to bring order out of chaos!
Father, You have called us for such a time as this
Strongholds be broken now, sickness and disease be broken up in Jesus’ name!
Praying for a greater anointing to be over America
Loosing angels and ministering spirits all across this nation and over our leaders
There is a shifting now, a turning back to holiness in these days
We unite in the spirit and we ask that You would take us where we have never been before
Take us there, Lord
You have prepared a way for us and we will fulfill Your will and plan
It is time to be radical, it is time to rise and step into all that You have called us to
Yes, it has only just begun, there is a sound in the distance, it is a sound of abundance
We are being strengthened in these days and in this time!
Today is the day and it is the hour of change
Churches are breaking out, breaking out of limitations and bondages
We lift up the children of God, and we cover them with the blood of Jesus today!
Angels, go and protect them and watch over them as they walk with You
Praying for the presence of God to surround them
Calling for a God-ordained encounter with You
There is a new operation and a new operating!
Open up, open up lands, open up states and cities
We will receive the coming of glory of God
Obey, obey, obey!
Praying for an infusion of faith and strength
Lifting up this season of obedience and responsiveness
Lord, may there be a release of divine assistance and help into our leaders today!
Yes, we will get up and do all that the Spirit is calling for us to do
Thank You for a supernatural coordination of events and efforts
Mercy, we pray for Your mercy to flow and for Your kindness to flow
Calling for mercy to be over America and Israel today!
We repent, Lord, have mercy over us
Yes, thank You for the opportunities You have given to us
The will of God has no end!
Thank You that Your mercies are new every morning
We are quick now to obey, thank You for leading and guiding us
Show us the door, we will go where You call us to, Father
Yes, we will go through into the new
Today is the day of preparation
We will get up and respond in the name of Jesus
You have called us to obey, and we will trust the Holy Spirit within us
Yes, we will step out and trust in You, Lord
Thank You for abundance and breakthrough!
Your Spirit is sweeping, gathering, and influencing
Calling in a harvest of souls in these last days, Lord
No, we will not hesitate or be afraid, but we know that everything is going to be alright
There is a new perspective of things that are to come
Thank You for a greater assembly and a new way of operating in Your Spirit
You are so beautiful and we thank You for Your presence, Father
We yield to You and to Your Spirit, may Your blessing flow in and through us

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