Morning Prayer Summary for Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Ken…

Well, good morning, everyone. Happy Wednesday! Good to be with y’all. Welcome to prayer in the chapel at Living Word.

I just want to remind you…

Can I just share a few reflections with you this morning? I just want to remind you as we enter into worship and prayer today of the reality of our recreation and our repositioning in the family of God, being adopted into the family of God first and foremost through the redemptive work of Jesus. But then I want to draw your attention to the fact that you have been equipped and called for such a time as this—each and every one of us—for the purpose of the plan of God holistically, but for the purpose as well of prayer.

Pray-ers become an integral part of the fulfillment of God’s plan…

I read yesterday that those who yield themselves to the spirit of prayer, who enter into the ministry of intercession actually become an integral part of the fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose in the earth. I’d quoted also, it bears repeating John Wesley, who said long ago, “God does nothing but by prayer and everything with it.” And so I get really inspired and excited about God’s intentions… let’s just put it this way, really prolific in this hour, prolific in displaying His goodness, prolific in signs and wonders and miracles.

Either we believe what the Bible says or we don’t…

And the Bible says clearly that we’re called, that Jesus did what He did and endowed us, and recreated us, and adopted us into His Father’s family. One of the great purposes is so that we could do His works. Not just be a part of a particular church, but to do the works of Jesus. And yes, even greater works, be a part of God putting on a full display for the world of who He is and what He thinks toward humanity… which is that He gave His Son. That all who believe upon Him might be saved, that we might be embraced by His love and know personally even into the details of our daily life of His kindness and His mercy.

He’s a good, good Father, after all, as the song goes. And so I want to stir that up in your heart this morning and just know that God is looking for a people in His household called by His name, who will take Him at His Word. Who will fully embrace “possibility thinking.” Fully embrace the possibility of the bigness and the goodness that He wants to put on display in your life, but also through your life and my life. And through the church in this hour.

Captivated and drawn to the things of God…

This has been something that’s been a part of me since the very beginning. Even as a young person, I was captivated and drawn to the things of God and the things of the spirit because of just how it triggered in a good way, my imagination and my thought processes that “You mean, Lord, we’re not here just by accident? You mean I don’t have to just go through the drudgery of life and just be relegated to some small place and position of just mere existence on this planet? That in fact, I am here by divine design… that you planted me here… you called me here… you’ve endowed me… you’ve crowned me with certain rights and privileges that I would go and be a spark plug for the transaction of heaven in the earth!”

Let’s be a spark plug for God…

Oh, come on now. Somebody in the chat needs to like hashtag and post that somewhere in the chat or online. A spark plug! Right? A spark plug, the transaction of the goodness and the will of God in the earth.

So this is a spirit of faith…

God calls us to have the spirit not unlike Caleb and Joshua. The Bible recalls, if you go back and read it in the Old Testament, that they had a different kind of spirit. They had a spirit that without hesitation would declare, “Let us go up at once for we are well able to take this mountain, for we are well able to overcome our enemies.”

God has endowed us with rights and privileges…

And so I just want to stir that up in your consciousness and in your heart today that no matter how yesterday went or how today has even begun that if we go back to our Bible, we’ll find out that God has put us in position and endowed us with certain rights and privileges and power to rise up and carry on with the spirit of faith. To intentionally use our words to frame our worlds… to intentionally disrupt enemy activity with our faith decrees.

Make no mistake about it…

What you choose to speak today has a certain result; it can work for you or work against you. The thoughts you choose to take and think and the thoughts you choose to speak are very deliberate—whether you realize it or not—in their effect in what they do.

Our words can disrupt enemy activity…

And I believe that as we pray today and we enter into a season of prayer, our words are just going to flat out disrupt enemy activity. Our words are going to disrupt sickness and disease, disrupt like they did here last week. Negative operations of the enemy in our government, in nations, in atmospheres.

I refer to atmospheres a lot because the Bible calls the Devil the god of this world. It literally means from the original Greek, the god of the atmosphere surrounding the lower atmospheres of the earth. You better believe in this final hour, he is moving. He and the devil’s cohorts are active. They know their time is short, the Bible reveals. So must we be active and alert and intentional with our words, words of prayer, words of faith, words just in the body of our language on a given day.

Pray words that will release heaven’s forces…

Your words can release you and disrupt the enemy, or your words can trigger you and snare you (the Bible says in proverbs) and trip you up. I choose to speak words that release the hand of God in my life. We choose to pray words today that we believe release heaven’s forces and the life of God to go to work and the power of God to go to work in certain situations, in certain hearts and lives to make the difference and to change the game for good. Come on now. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus.

“Well, Ken, I’ve been speaking life and healing over my body and nothing seems to change.”

I just encourage you to stay with it. Be open to how the Lord may want to tweak your faith and your thinking and your what you’re doing. Sometimes there needs to come tweaks and we need to grow and we need to become more accurate and skillful in our walk of faith. Because we’re all in a process of growth and growing up into the fullness of the stature of Christ. And so be open to the mentorship of the Holy Spirit. But stay in there. Stay believing. Stay expectant. Use your words intentionally. Keep speaking life. Keep speaking faith. Keep saying what the Word says about you. That’s what faith does. It sees what God has said and what God intends and it says the same thing. Amen.

The late Dr. Young Cho in his book, “Prayer That Brings Revival”

And Dr. Young Cho, who is in heaven now, was a pastor of the largest church in the earth, and probably still is the largest church in South Korea. He’s written many books, but one entitled “Prayer That Brings Revival: Interceding for God to Move in Your Family, Church, and Community.”

And I have found this really helpful. He definitely has a depth about him. And I had referenced yesterday how he points to prayer as perhaps the greatest key to what he and his church have been able to do, which I won’t go through the litany of things and fruitfulness and accomplishments their church has racked up over the years. But prayer certainly seems to be the thing that he points to for those results.

But he writes in a particular chapter on intercession, “As we’ve been sure as Christians, realize that being a Christian not only brings privilege, but also responsibility. As the main barrier, that’s us, to Satan’s influence in the world.” That’s why I referenced disruption. You are the primary disruptor. As long as we are in the earth, we’re called to be salt and light and a barrier to the enemy’s intentions. It would be a whole lot more. It would blow your mind how lawless it would become if the church was removed from the earth.

But as one author wrote recently, “As long as we’re in the earth, that is a clear indication that there is time for God’s people to work and to engage in kingdom initiative. And, of course, that starts with prayer.”

We’re the lit-up ones, the bright and shining ones…

We’re here for a purpose. Make no mistake about it. You’re not just passing time. You’re not just “holding on till Jesus comes.” No! You are the lit-up ones. We are the bright and shining ones. We are the ones that are to make a difference. And prayer makes a difference beyond what you can conceive right now, not only in your life, but in the lives of people all around us and lives that we will perhaps never meet.

The Bible admonishes us to pray at all times and for everything. Pray unceasingly because your prayer is producing a momentum for God and making a way for God to do what He has prophesied to do. Prayer not only is prophetic in nature, but prayer prepares a way for that prophetic to come into fullness and reality.

Pay no attention… Stay the course!

Grow not weary in well-doing for in due season, you will reap! Pay no attention. Was that the Wizard of Oz? “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain who’s pulling the buttons and pushing the knobs,” or whatever the line is exactly. Pay no attention to what the enemy’s trying to distract you with. Pay no attention to that minor step back. Only look onward and upward into the face of your Lord and faithful one. Only pay attention to those things that are above, not on those things on the earth, Colossians 3:2. One step at a time. Grow stronger. And know that God is following through on what He said He would do for you and yours and the church.

God has bound Himself to His Word…

Oh, I sense the Spirit of Jesus in this place this morning. There’s fire in His eyes yet today. The Bible reveals that He is the lion of the tribe of Judah. And there is no shadow of turning in Him. And He is the embodiment and very definition of truth. So what He says must be so. If He failed to follow through on His Word and His promise, the world itself would cease to exist. He’s bound Himself to His Word to you. He’s bound Himself to His Word for the church and for this generation. He’s got you! And He’s got whatever that is that you’re concerned about this morning. Whatever that is, we’ve been interceding and supplicating for. He will follow through. Amen.

Breakthrough has been sent!

The answer is on its way. It was released the moment you prayed, the Bible reveals. In fact, I would one up you and say He already knew what you were going to pray and already had a plan in place and provision prepared and a comeback in mind before you even experienced or messed up or had a setback. He’s factored in failure, as I like to say. And guess what? It’s going to turn out all right. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who tries to manipulate and deceive the nations.

After all, the Bible says, one day we’ll stand in the great host of heaven and we’ll say “This is the one! This pathetic, nasty, I can’t even look, he’s so ugly one that deceived the nations? He’s the one that we were deceived by? He’s the one that we so often relented to because of his work and lies?”

No! The enemy does not want you to know this. He’s afraid of you. He is subject to you. Now, the Bible says, we’re not to talk about and celebrate that, but we must “know” that. That the devils are subject to us. That’s what the early disciples said when Jesus sent them out and they came back to report all that was done. They said, “Even the devils were subject to us and they left people.”

For that is what I have called you to do…

So I know that God is just saying “Church, it is time for you to be really aware of My presence, not just for the sake of knowing My presence is near and that you’re inhabiting My presence, but really aware that you are on a very specific and definite assignment now. In prayer and in the earth and in your neighborhoods and in your church, in your homes, and wherever you go, you are sent there… if you’re yielded and purposeful for Me, He would say. And that I desire to transact My work through you. I desire to cast out devils through you. I desire to lay hands on the hurting, the halt, and the maimed, the broken and downtrodden, and those infested with cancer cells. And to drive out every work of darkness. For that is what I have called you to do.

Make no mistake about it…

Whether in the marketplace or in the worship place, you are here on purpose, intentionally by the divine providence of God. So be aware and know that your words make a difference and your outstretched hand to heal and drive out entities of darkness that using My name will work and change will come, and answers will show up even today as you abide in Me and deny a place for fear and anxiety in your heart. And know that I am at work. I neither sleep, nor slumber. But will truly follow through on what I said I would do for you in your financial life… in that relationship… in your marriage… with your child… in your church… in that business dealing that’s going on today and meeting that you know you have on your calendar.

Expect for Me to be in partnership with you and to “show up” and to “blow up” all that the enemy planned so that I might show off the fullness of My plan and My goodness and My greatness for you. Because of My love and My purpose and My design that I intend to reveal in your life in this time in Jesus’ name.

Dr. Young Cho writes…

“As the main barrier to Satan’s influence in the world (that’s us), we must see the importance of intercessional prayer. We must catch the vision of our role as salt and light in the earth. And we lazily allow evil to gain control of natural circumstances that prevail in our respective countries, then the salt would have lost its savor. At that time, Jesus said, “It is henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out.” (That would be the salt that’s lost its savor or us that has lost our spiritual edge, you could say.) And to be trodden underfoot of men. (Matthew 5:13). We have been called by God as a kingdom of priests.”

Remember, I wanted to draw your attention to who you are and what you’ve received as a child of God in His kingdom and household.

“As kingly priesthood, we have been given authority. The job of the Old Testament priests was to intercede for people before the mercy seat of God. So also in our prayers of intercession, we function in our role as New Testament priests standing in the gap for the needs of God’s people. God has determined that He will bring His children into co-rulership with Jesus Christ. He does not rule over us, not giving us any responsibility. He has delegated His authority to us to assist in His dominion over the earth and have put all things the Bible says in Ephesians 1:22 and 23. “He has put all things under his feet,” Jesus that is, “and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all.’

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