Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today
Pastor Ken…
Well, good morning, everyone. Happy Wednesday! Hope you’re doing well.
I want to quickly remind you, we will be hosting live prayer right here from the chapel through the end of this week. So today, tomorrow, and Friday. And then we will press pause from hosting live prayer from the chapel at Living Word. You, however, don’t have to press pause on prayer. Hopefully you won’t press pause in your own life. So keep praying. But we will not be hosting live prayer from next Monday through the new year. And then we will resume on Thursday, the 2nd of January.
Let your glory and your anointing be released into our government, Lord, that you would have your way in the halls of Congress and the Senate and in the Supreme Court and in the White House.
Father, we pray have your way. In these places of leadership, have your way in the hearts of your people, those called and who have a mandate on their lives to pray, to take up office to legislate, to decide to bring solutions forth to bring creative initiative forth.
Lord, have your way upon planet earth, in our generation. Let all that must now come through from heaven to earth… let it flow.
We declare, “It’s a new day in Jesus’ name.” Let the church step into that new day, even as we cross a threshold and step into new lands and new territories and a new cooperation between heaven and earth.
Let the church be receivers of glory and power and purpose for this hour in this time in season. Let the church be arrayed with new orders and new glory.
Father, we pray, let a new order be set in place, even in the House of Congress, in government.
Lord, we pray in particular over these next few weeks as we navigate the remaining part of 2024.
We plead the blood of Jesus over this nation, from sea to shining sea.
We pray, Father, have your way in America, have your way among the nations of the earth in the remaining weeks and days of 2024.
We stand today and we say “no” to tragedies, to destruction, to terrorist attacks, to ignition of new wars.
We stand against and we say “no” to earthly things like destructive weather patterns in the earth’s crust meant to create tragedy and death.
We stand against every enemy strategy to create death and destruction upon planet earth in our nation today.
We pray that there would come a shaking, but that that shaking would be due to the glory and the plan and the power of God.
Lord, may your hand be inserted, may your hand disrupt enemy activities now in Jesus’ name.
We loose ministering spirits, “Go in Jesus’ name and let the plan of God be facilitated in your hands. Let the work of God be overseen and assisted and supported in America here at Living Word in individual households and lives. Let the plan of God prosper and be prolific once again.
Cindy shared…
Something happened last week. God wanted me to share this with you. Last week I had kind of the bottom drop out for me. And I was finding myself so angry. I couldn’t believe what happened. I’d waited so long for this thing. It was the enemy.
Do you allow your circumstances to rule your emotions?
And in that moment of my emotional roller coaster ride, God spoke and said, “Will you allow circumstances to rule your emotions?” And in that moment, all of it like flushed out of me and I had this incredible peace. And I didn’t care anymore. And I said, “I don’t care! Take it. Just take it. I’m done.”
He can fix anything if we allow Him to…
Within two hours after I didn’t care, God gave me a vision of Him putting His hand into this person, this woman, who was the one that created this chaos. And He changed the situation. And He said, “When we are being ruled by our emotions, He is back here going, “I wish I could take it. I wish I could take your situation.” Because when we want to play God and we want to decide what we’re going to do and how to fix it, He’ll let you because He wants to teach us in this time. In this season, we have to follow Him. We have to know that He’s our everything and He can fix every problem that we have by breathing on it.
We have to be prepared for what’s coming…
He showed me that what’s coming for the church, some of you have situations, circumstances that are beyond you. And He said, for what’s coming, we have to fully follow Him and allow Him to take over, allow Him to do what He’s got to do. And He’ll move it. And we can continue to walk and to be who we’re supposed to be, to do the things that we’re supposed to do. But we have to allow Him. We can’t look at circumstances anymore. It’s just “What are we supposed to do, God.”
God wants to help you…
So He wanted me to share that because some of you have circumstances that you’re in right now. God wants to help you. He wants to come in and fix it. But when you play God and you allow the emotions of anger… because the Devil is using some person to alter your circumstances and trip you up and put you in some snare from the enemy, He’ll allow that if you don’t let God take over.
Allow Him to be your everything…
So that’s what He wanted me to share. Allow Him to be our everything. He has to be in this hour. We have to walk by faith. Doubt can come in and we’re not believing. Fear can come in. We’re not in faith. We have to walk by faith in full belief that God has us, He’ll protect us.
My God supplies all my needs…
And I kept hearing that verse all day: “there is no lack for my God supplies all my needs.” There’s no lack. And it’s not just financial. It’s physical, it’s spiritual, it’s emotional. There’s no lack in hope. I have hope. There’s no lack in peace because I have the prince of peace living inside of me. There is no lack. It is every situation in your life. And speak it out because He said in this time, in this season, you speak the Word of God. You have to use it as a sword just to know it is no help to you. It’s speaking it! So get in the Word and find the sharp edge that you need to speak into your circumstances and watch what God will do. Watch what He will do.
Pastor Ken…
I’d like to share a couple of quick thoughts with you right along the lines of what I was thinking this morning myself. I think I said this recently that God gives us promises. He gives us His Word that enables us to go from here to there to your present not-so-good situation, to where He’s called you to be, where there’s blessing, where there’s breakthrough, where there’s answers, where there is what He promised you.
The Word of God is our sword…
But remember that His Word defines the Word as a sword. In other words, there’s going to be a confrontation, a battle from here to there. So use your words. Swing the sword of the spirit from your mouth.
I’ve often said “pull the last word that God spoke to you out of its sheath and start swinging it.”
Use it skillfully.
Use it wisely.
Use it daily to not sit and cower in the face of fear or the same problem or a repeated cycle of trauma or sickness.
But use the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, Ephesian declares, and run the enemy through.
Use it to run him out of your life.
This is the hour to go on the offensive…
There’s a word that I’m hearing now in my heart and from others, prophetically speaking. This is to be the hour, not where we get comfortable and just “Woo-hoo, isn’t God great? He’s doing some new things and we got a new president and all that in America.” This is to be the hour where we go on the offensive. And we take this opportunity and embrace it and take advantage of it by fighting a good fight of faith.
And as I prophesied earlier this year, take ground. God is saying, take ground, church. The door is open. The threshold is right there for you to step over into this new season for you individually, for us as a church, for the body of Christ to step in and take the ground.
Paul writing to Timothy said, “Take the promises and prophecies given to you and fight with them so that you come into your destiny.” Us individually, but also us collectively.
Here’s a couple of thoughts…
We must become exposed to what God says and thinks. We must embrace His Word. You won’t apprehend or take hold or realize what you need or the promise of God or what you want without a fight. To do that, you actually have to know what God has said. That’s why it’s important to curate the Word of God.
What do I mean by that?
Take notice of the Word that you’re reading in your time with Him during the day. Take note of maybe something somebody says to you who’s encouraging you or has a Word for you or something that just kind of is highlighted in your spirit. A word. A phrase. An impression.
Don’t slough that off and be so casual and familiar with God that you don’t even recognize He’s at work. He’s speaking to us when you open His Book, but He’s speaking to our hearts. He’s in contact with our spirits and He is revealing and unfolding His will and His way and His desires. And it always has on it, whatever he’s saying, a note of victory. Because we are on the victory side.
We are not to be easily distracted…
So you’re not going to apprehend what God has for you without a fight. We, as the church, as well. We have to know what God has said. Your attention must be fixed on His Word. And we must become a people not easily distracted. He’s given us His Word, whether it’s the rhema God breathed timely word that is for us personally and for our situation. Or His logos word. His written word we have in His Book.
We’ve been given it to steward it. I use the word “curate” it. In other words, treat it as a precious thing. Keep it before you. Put it on your lips. Pray it. Let your worship thank Him for the fulfillment of that word. So your role or your faith is necessary to see the fulfillment of His Word in your life.
You must subdue it…
There is a power outside of this garden—the garden of your life, you could say. That is at war with your destiny. So you must subdue it. You must exercise your authority. That’s the word I’m sensing in my heart that we’re to go on the offensive with our authority in this hour and…
Run him out of your garden.
Run him out of your heart.
Run him out of your home.
Run him out of your body, your situations, your finances.
You have the authority…
We’re not to just sit back and say, “Oh me, oh my. I guess I’m going to have to deal with this. I’m going to have to cope with this. I’m going to have to just get by.”
We are here to be an occupation army. Jesus already obtained the victory, obtained certain rights and privileges, and He gifted them to us. So that we can occupy. So that we can enforce that victory wherever we go. Wherever you go today, you have the opportunity to enforce His victory. Wherever sickness rears its ugly head in your life, you don’t have to take it. You don’t have to say, “Oh, I guess I’m going to be sick for the next week.” You could say…
“No, I’m not having this!”
“No, I’m not going to put up with this division in my home.”
“No, I’m not going to suffer lack in some way.”
Take up the Word of God like a sword and speak it and wield it wisely over your life in certain environments against the enemy and run him out of your garden. We were born into a war with a purpose to see the reality of God’s promises realized in every single part of our lives. Hallelujah.