Morning Prayer Summary for Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Morning Chapel Prayer Playlist
Morning Chapel Prayer Today

Pastor Folu…

Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Tuesday morning prayer. So good to come together and worship God, to pray and seek His face.

Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.
The Lord upholdeth all that fall and risen up all those that be bowed down.
The eyes of all that wait upon thee and thou givest them their meat in due season.
Thou open thine hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.
The Lord is righteous in all His ways and holy in all His works.
The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him to all that call upon Him in truth.
He will fulfill the desire of them that fear Him.
He also will hear their cry and will save them.
The Lord preserved all them that love Him, but all the wicked will He destroy.
My mouth shall sing the praise of the Lord.
And let all flesh bless His holy name forever and ever.
My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord.
And let all flesh, all flesh, all flesh, all flesh… bless His holy name forever and ever.
O King of Kings, O Lord of Lords, we worship you.

The Bible says, we will rejoice and be glad in it. The Bible says in your presence is fullness of joy. So thank you right now, Father, for fullness of joy.

Whatever the distractions are, we just banish them right now. We center in into the presence of almighty God.

And, Father, we thank you for this beautiful worship. It’s a sweet-smelling saver as it comes up before you, that we have come to worship. And because of the worship that we have tapped into right now, there’s something we’re going to take a quick minute and do. Because in His presence, He wants there to be life and life forever more. He doesn’t want there to be pain of any kind. He’s such a good God.

So if you are here and you’re dealing with any kind of maybe a headache, any kind of pain whatsoever, back pain, knee pain, head or a joint pain of any sort, we’re going to agree with you right now and we’re going to believe for instantaneous delivery right now.

I’m reminded of one of our camera ladies about three weeks ago in the main sanctuary during the service. And this dear lady was serving the Lord, operating the cameras. And right there she was dealing with a shoulder pain that had been going on for years. I asked her, “How long have you been dealing with this stuff?” She said, “years.” I said, “Right now on a scale of zero to 10, how bad is it?” She said, “Right now, it’s about a seven or eight.”

And she had been dealing with this for years. To God be the glory, within five minutes it went down to a one. That was on a Wednesday. I saw her that weekend. I said, “How are you doing, sister?” She said, “I’m just fine.” And then she said this, which was quite insightful. She said, “You know what? I have to make sure that I work in health. I have to do my exercises. I have to do the things that I need to do to stay fluid.”

So if you’re here today and what I just said applies to you or maybe somebody that you know in any form, in any shape, I just want you to just center. I mean, you’re already centering on the Lord. Just whatever that pain is, just that thinking that Jesus is right there touching that situation. And it doesn’t matter how long it’s been because He is the King. And everything bows to the King of Kings.

So like I said, it’s very specific this morning. Any kind of pain whatsoever—knee pain, headache, joint pain of any kind, back pain. Just let that balm of Gilead come upon you right now. And what we are believing for is whatever that pain level is, it goes down that is so significant because sometimes it’s progressive. But I’m believing God for a significant down payment for you right now.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, those online too, especially if it’s been longstanding, even years, and especially if you would say on a scale of zero to 10, if the situation is at least a five for you or for your loved ones.

Thank you, Lord, right now. Let that presence just come upon your people, Father. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord.

In His presence is fullness of joy.

That thing right now just dissipates…
That thing right now just disappears…
That thing right now, it’s nothing in the presence of almighty God. Hallelujah!

The Lord will interrupt the service for one. Ha ha. That’s how much He cares. He will interrupt the whole service for one person.

Those of you online, enter in. This is for you too. Father, we thank you for deliverance. Thank you for freedom. I know some of the people here are standing for others. They get some too. Hallelujah.

The Hiding Place…

There’s a hiding place and you heard it said of old “Come saith the Lord and let us reason together.” That was in a time gone by. You and I don’t reason together. We just need to visit one another. Of course, there is a day of visitation, but I’m not referring to that. I’m referring to moments and times in a hiding place where you just come see Me, just come visit with Me. And I’ll just visit with you. I will sit and listen to you, and then you sit and listen to Me. Because if you will allow Me to be, I will be your very best friend. I’ll be the one with whom you can visit when you can’t even share things with other people. Because I love you and I care very deeply for you.

And these are My days. And there are those who would like to take our relationship away from us. But that can never happen unless you allow it. Because I won’t put up with it. I’m your Father.

Saints, let’s just have a “selah” there. I’m your Father.

And this one, I’m your blood brother. And you have to remember, I’ve been there. I’ve been in that earth. I’ve been in that place. And I rose up early in the morning and visited with My Father. That’s the only way.

Listen, that’s the only way I could make it. I had to have My visitation with Him. I had to have those moments because things were hard and were working hard against My mind. I understand. I know because I’ve been there.

And these lightweight politicians today, some of them think they’re really somebody. They’ve never seen some big guys or they’ve never had to deal with some of the folks. They’ve never had to deal with the Pharaohs. But I was there. I was there. And Daniel would pull aside and visit with Me, and I spoke to him through My mighty Archangels. They’re still around. They’re still here.

So rejoice and be glad for I am here. I am your secret place. Come hide away with Me. Come spend time with Me. Climb into those high places like Moses went on top of Mount Nebo. Climb Mount Nebo in the spirit. Climb up here where you can see, and we’ll visit together. And we’ll talk with one another. And I’ll share My dreams with you. And you’ll know Me better than you know anyone.

You’ll even have a place with Me that just never goes away. And you’ll come to that place where you just shut everything off and listen and listen and listen and listen.

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