Scripture focus…
A Life of Freedom
(1) Let me be clear, the Anointed One has set us free—not partially, but completely and wonderfully free! We must always cherish this truth and stubbornly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past.
(4) If you want to be made holy by fulfilling the obligations of the law, you have cut off more than your flesh—you have cut yourselves off from the Anointed One and have fallen away from the revelation of grace!
(5) But the Holy Spirit convinces us that we have received by faith the glorious righteousness of the Anointed One.
(6) When you’re placed into the Anointed One and joined to him, circumcision and religious obligations can benefit you nothing. All that matters now is living in the faith that is activated and brought to perfection by love. Galatians 5:1, 4-6 (TPT)
Pastor Ray…
Do you remember the lady I told you about before? I saw her crossing the street so I jumped out of my car to help her. She yelled at me and said “Get your hands off of me!” It was an older lady that was barely making it across a construction area. I was like “Ma’am, I only wanted to help you to get across.” She said again “I said get your hands off of me!” I was like “Thank you and have a blessed day.”
We are blessed. We are lovers. We love to love.
Ms. Cindy…
When you brought up that lady, this came up in my spirit “you are the answer.” And the spirit that was working through her was coming against that. When I see this happen in my own life, I don’t get upset or off balance. I stay in the love of God because I know that person has been given me. Because when the enemy uses people to come against us as a weapon, we have a right to claim them. It’s just like Stephen when he said “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.” That lady doesn’t know what she is doing. But because we forgive and stay in love and stand in our place of authority, we can claim her in the name of Jesus. And that lady doesn’t know what’s coming her way. We may not be the one minister it but there is an added blessing that is coming to her so that she will see good. We don’t know all that that woman has went through in her life to get her to that place where she is so hard and resistant. But we can bless her.
Ms. Jeani…
We declare this perfect love that casts out all fear over her even right now
That the love of God is shed abroad over her heart
And Father, we thank You that You bring more people into her path even right now
You meet her in her dreams, Your mercies are new ever morning just for her
Pastor Ray…
We do love God
We are receivers but we are givers
And when you keep giving, you keep on receiving
And we know there is more. We know there is more love that we must walk in especially in these days when the world and those that are in the world are not in the light but walking in darkness and do not know that they are walking in a complete opposite way of the love of God for they have not received it and many do not even know about it.
Father, we lift up and pray for the laborers that are out in the streets all over the globe
Those that are on the mission field, those that have said yes to God and gone to places that are so dark but that light shines through them and we lift them this morning
We cover them and plead the blood of Jesus over every single one
All of the darkness, you have to go—for the light is coming forth in Jesus’ name
We bless others this morning
We pray for those that do not, did not, have not known You YET!
But we pray that they will
We pray doors of opportunity be open, laborers to cross their paths in Jesus’ name
Praying over their eyes and over their hearts, over their ears in Jesus’ name
We pray that they get into the right place at the right time in Jesus’ name
Thank You Lord, thank You for it
Ms. Annie led us singing The of Love God
Ms. Jeani…
It’s not just the love of God, It’s God who is love
He is a noun, an adjective, He’s an adverb
He is the whole thing, He is love, He encompasses love – it’s who He is
It’s His entire character, His entire being – His love, He’s not loving, He’s LOVE
The love that never fails, the love that is the greatest of all things
Love that came and dwelt within us—that love that never fails dwells within us
It bubbles up and overflows, it takes over
The love of God is not just the love of God, it’s God
It’s fearless, it causes sickness to leave
It’s who He is, He seriously can’t help it, that’s who He is
He can’t be dark because He’s light
He can’t be fear because He’s love
Every time He looks at us, He looks at us completely and fully healed and completely and fully victorious because He is love
It’s who He is and He lives in us, beloved
He lives in us and when He lives in us we are the beloved
BE LOVED—we are of Him, we are perfect in Him
Anything He has called You to do, He sees it finished because His massive confidence is in His love for you
And right now today, we declare our confidence is in Your love for us Father
We love You because You first loved us and we rest in that
We lean into it, into the love of God, God’s love in us that never fails and is the greatest of all things
Moving forward, taking more territory, taking dominion with the power in us that has never failed and never will fail—the love of God
When we keep our eyes on You in us, the perfect love of God, the beloved, the beloved, the beloved
Father, I thank You for a love revolution in the body of Christ right now
We demonstrate, we execute Your love!
Who You are, the very embodiment of the Father to an orphan city, to an orphan state, to an orphan country, to an orphan world
The spirit of adoption crying out in the courtroom!
Father, let the love of God execute justice in the courtrooms of heaven to the courtrooms of America!
Justice and liberty for all!
I see that woman without fear, she is a type and shadow of the world even now
We cover the world—Father it is Your will that all would be saved
All things are possible with You
We declare them bankrupt, even the most impossible cases
We call for them the road to Damascus moment
We repent on behave of our impossibility thinking in the Church today
The One Who makes all things possible is alive and never sleeps in us
All things, all things possible
On behalf of France, right now, France—sanctified, whole, prosperous
The spirit of adoption—France cries out “Abba Father!”
The spirit of excellence in you, is now the perfect love of the excellent One
You magnify the perfect love of God
So, right now there is something we need to pray over about healing
Healing, absolute total wholeness, and health is in the love of God
And so as we just look up heavenward, from where all of our help, all of the answers come
And we see by faith this morning a fresh touch based on what Your Word
By the stripes that Jesus took on that cross, we receive complete and total wellness, wholeness, completeness, a turnaround, a stability in the physical body in Jesus’ name
We see symptoms, pain, whatever it might have been—we see it get up and leave
We see it move out! That we might be completely and totally restored and able to walk up and above and into the places that God has called us to walk unto
To contend with strength from heaven, declare with boldness that came through that blood that was shed on the cross at Calvary back those 2,000 years ago, to contend for what must be done in these days that we are living in right now
Ms. Annie led us singing Jesus is Lord
Pastor Ray…
These bodies are continually being restored and made new all the way
All the way through—miracles, miracles, a stopping of some things
Stop in Jesus’ name
Ms. Jeani…
I see an open door—the door opens and He crashes in on us
His love collides with sickness, His love collides with inflammation, His love collides with endometriosis
His love collides with fear, with pain, with anything cronic—it collides, crushes, and completely makes to no effect
The violent, gentle name of Jesus
Violent against evil, violent against lack and completely and fully gentle with His beloved
The massive goodness of God poured out, poured out on us
And we receive, we receive
Pastor Ray…
Wholeness, restoration
We know that one thing that will change America, it’s an awakening
Revivals that will break out all over the nation, from city to city, small towns to small towns, from state to state to state—all over the United States
Revived and lifted—the Church waking up, getting up, doing what it’s been called to do
We will vote, hallelujah
Okay, thank You Lord, we will vote, we will do what You have called us to do
We will be a part of moving this nation more in Your right ways in Jesus’ name
♪ That name that is above every other name—that beautiful name Jesus
So we plead the blood over this nation, over our leaders—we plead the blood of Jesus today
We are moving in the right way
One nation under God, indivisible—the Church is coming together
Streams are moving and lined up with one another—calling forth the truth of Your words ♪
Ms. Annie led us singing the blood over our political leaders, our spiritual leader, over all of the different streams, tributaries—There is Power in the Name Jesus
Continued praying…
Thank You for the precious, precious blood
Free, really, truly free—walking in victory
Free of all those hindrances, lack—in Jesus’ name
So, today we walk free, we are the blood washed church and we are free
And we shall walk free, call things that are not as though they were
See things that others don’t even see, know things that others do not know
For You said that You would reveal and show us the truth, the truth—reveal it unto us
That we would see the things and know the things that are to come
We see it, we believe it, we receive it, we thank You for the covering of the blood
That no weapon formed against us will prosper
We have been and we are and we will be protected and covered by that precious and holy blood
Thank You for it today
We look out over this day, believe to be where we should be
Walking around with Your love, a smile on our face, light in our eyes, words that lift, words that contend, words that call forth Your will, Your plan, Your purpose on this earth
We thank You for it, give You all the glory, all of the thanksgiving in Jesus’ name
Thank You for coming this morning